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Dr. Cathal Cadogan

Associate Professor (Pharmacy)
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Dr. Cathal Cadogan

Associate Professor (Pharmacy)


Cathal Cadogan is an Associate Professor in Pharmacy Practice at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trinity College Dublin (TCD). Cathal completed both his BSc. (Pharm.) and PhD in TCD. He then worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the School of Pharmacy, Queen's University Belfast before being appointed as Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice in the School of Pharmacy, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Cathal took up his current post in TCD in 2021. Cathal's main research interest focuses on developing supports to help people make informed decisions about starting and stopping/tapering psychotropic medication. Cathal sits on the Board of Directors of the Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices ( He is also an Associate Editor with the Cochrane Collaboration's EPOC Group and a member of the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy's Research Committee. Cathal welcomes queries from prospective Masters and Ph.D. students. For more information on tapering projects that Cathal is currently supervising, go to
  ADDICTION   Addiction and substance abuse   ADHERENCE   ADHERENCE TO THERAPY   BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION   Behavioural change interventions   BENZODIAZEPINE   BENZODIAZEPINES   Cancer Screening   Cancer Survivorship   Clinical Pharmacy   community pharmacy   Health interventions and innovations   health services research   Intervention Design   Intervention Development   mixed methods   OLDER ADULTS   Pharmacy   PHARMACY PRACTICE   Pharmacy Research   pharmacy services   POLYPHARMACY   PRESCRIBING   PRESCRIBING BEHAVIOUR INFLUENCES   Prescribing patterns   PRIMARY CARE   QUALITATIVE RESEARCH   RATIONAL PRESCRIBING   Substance Use, Addiction   SYSTEMATIC REVIEW   Systematic reviews and meta analyses
Project Title
 A mixed methods study of the community pharmacy workforce's preparedness for, and response to, the COVID-19 pandemic
October 2020
September 2021
Funding Agency
HSC R&D Division Northern Ireland
Project Title
 Development of a model of care for osteoarthritis in primary care in Ireland - A mixed methods study
Funding Agency
Health Research Board
Project Title
 Improving healthcare students' competencies for behaviour change to effectively support self-management in chronic diseases (Train4Health)
Funding Agency
European Commission's Erasmus+ Funding Programme
Project Title
 A randomised pilot study of a theory-based intervention to improve appropriate polypharmacy in older people in primary care (PolyPrime).
Funding Agency
Cross-border Healthcare Intervention Trials in Ireland Network (CHITIN)
Project Title
 Medicines optimisation for patients living with cancer and receiving palliative care
Funding Agency
Irish Cancer Society and All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care

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Details Date
Board of Directors: Alliance for Benzodiazepines Best Practices 2021
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland 2009 Present
Member of the Cochrane Collaboration 2014 Present
Member of the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy 2017 Present
Member of the Palliative Care Research Network 2019 Present
Member of the European Association for Palliative Care 2020 Present
Member of the Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices 2021
Cunningham, Joice, Doyle, Frank, Cadogan, Cathal, Clyne, Barbara, Ryan, Jennifer, Smith, Susan M, French, Helen P, Barriers and enablers to the management of osteoarthritis in primary care in Ireland from the perspective of healthcare professionals and individuals with osteoarthritis: a qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework, BMJ Open, 14, (12), 2024, pe087054 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
French H.P., Cunningham J., Bennett K., Cadogan C.A., Clyne B., Doyle F., Moriarty F., Ryan J.M., Smith S.M., Passos V.L., Patterns of pain medication usage and self-reported pain in older Irish adults with osteoarthritis: A latent class analysis of data from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 25, (1), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lynch T., Ryan C., Huff C., Foster D.E., Cadogan C., `We need more support and doctors that understand the process of tapering "": A content analysis of free-text responses to a questionnaire on discontinuing long-term benzodiazepine receptor agonist use, Health Expectations, 27, (1), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Joseph O'Shea, Carmel Hughes, Gerard Molloy, Cathal Cadogan, Akke Vellinga, Tom Fahey, Gail Hayward, Paul Ryan, Aoife Fleming, Eimear Morrissey, Laura Cooke, Cristin Ryan, Protocol for the development of an intervention to improve the use of Point-of-caRE DiagnostICs in the management of respiraTOry tRact infectionS in primary care (the PREDICTORS study), HRB Open Research, 7, 2024, p73 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Kristien Coteur, Cristín Ryan, Susan M Smith, Greg Sheaf, Marjorie DeWert, David Gardner, Cathal Cadogan, Interventions targeting the reduction or discontinuation of long-term use of benzodiazepine receptor agonists: protocol for an overview of systematic reviews, HRB Open Research, 7, 2024, p71 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Lynch T., Ryan C., Presseau J., Foster D.E., Huff C., Bennett K., Cadogan C., Development and validation of a theory-based questionnaire examining barriers and facilitators to discontinuing long-term benzodiazepine receptor agonist use, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 20, (2), 2024, p163 - 171, p163-171 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Boland M, Higgins A, Beecher C, .... Cadogan C, Identifying priorities for future research on reducing and stopping psychiatric medication: results of a James Lind alliance priority setting partnership, BMJ Open, 14, (11), 2024, pe088266 - p14 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Brandt J., Bressi J., Le M.-L., Neal D., Cadogan C., Witt-Doerring J., Witt-Doerring M., Wright S., Prescribing and deprescribing guidance for benzodiazepine and benzodiazepine receptor agonist use in adults with depression, anxiety, and insomnia: an international scoping review, eClinicalMedicine, 70, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Wirth F, Cadogan CA, Fialová D, Hazen A, Lutters M, Paudyal V, Weidmann AE, Okuyan B, Henman MC., Writing a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal: Guidance from the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy., International journal of clinical pharmacy, 46, (2), 2024, p548-554 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Weidmann AE, Cadogan CA, Fialová D, Hazen A, Henman M, Lutters M, Okuyan B, Paudyal V, Wirth F., How to write a successful grant application: guidance provided by the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy., Intrenational Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 45, (3), 2023, p781 - 786, Notes: [Epub 2023 Mar 6.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  Other  Other

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Award Date
Royal Irish Academy Charlemont Scholar 2018 2018
RCSI StAR International Academic Engagement Fellowship 2018 2018