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Bhatnagar S., Gill L.W., Regan S., Waldren S., Ghosh B., A nested drone-satellite approach to monitoring the ecological conditions of wetlands, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing , 174, 2021, p151 - 165,
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Bhatnagar S., Gill L.W., Waldren S., Sharkey N., Naughton O., Johnston P., Coxon C., Morrissey P., Ghosh B., Ecohydrological metrics for vegetation communities in turloughs (ephemeral karstic wetlands), Ecohydrology, 14, 2021, pe2316 ,
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Perrin, P.M. & Waldren, S. , Vegetation richness and rarity in habitats of European conservation value in Ireland., Ecological Indicators, 117, 2020, ,
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Penk, M. R., Perrin, P. M., & Waldren, S., Above- to below-ground vegetation biomass ratio in temperate north-east Atlantic salt- marshes increases strongly with soil nitrogen gradient., Ecosystems, 23, 2020, p648 - 661,
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Penk, M.R., Perrin, P.M., Kelly, R., O'Neill, F. & Waldren, S., Plant diversity and community composition in temperate northeast Atlantic salt marshes are linked to nutrient concentrations., Applied Vegetation Science, 23, 2020, p3 - 13,
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Bhatnagar S., Gill L.W., Regan S., Naughton O., Johnston P.M., Waldren S., Ghosh B., Mapping vegetation communities inside wetlands using Sentinel-2 imagery in Ireland, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 88, 2020, p10283 ,
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Walsh, A., Sullivan, C., Waldren, S. & Finn, J., Development of a scoring method to identify important areas of plant diversity in Ireland., Journal for Nature Conservation, 47, 2019, p1 - 11,
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Penk, M.R., Wilkes, R., Perrin, P.M. & Waldren, S., Nutrients in saltmarsh soils are weakly related to those in adjacent coastal waters., Estuaries and Coasts, 42, 2019, p675 - 687,
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Roche, J.R., Mitchell, F.J.G., Waldren, S. & Stefanini, B., Palaeoecological evidence for survival of Scots Pine through the late Holocene in Western Ireland: Implications for ecological management., Forests, 2018, p ,
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