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Ms. Sinead Fitzgerald

Director of Clinical Co-ordination (Psychology)


After completing a qualification in clinical psychology through the British Psychological Society and the Eastern Health Board, I worked as a full time clinical psychologist in an adult mental health service North Dublin. Following this I combined clinical work and work as a clinical coordinator / trainer in TCD and St.Brendan's Hospital. As part of my post as Principal Psychologist in the HSE I continue to work on a range of organisational projects involving psychology in the Health Service Executive. I am an active member of PSI and the Clinical Division ,and have been chair of the External Validation Committee of PSI on behalf of the Department of Health and Children. My clinical interests include the recovery model of mental health wellbeing, clinical risk and teamworking.
  Adult Development   Clinical Psychology   Clinical supervision   DEPRESSION   Developmental competencies in clinical training   Developmental Psychopathology   EATING DISORDERS   Leadership   Personal Professional development   Risk and resilience   Service user involvement in mental health   Teamworking
Details Date From Date To
Psychological Society of Ireland 2000 Present
Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology British Psychological Society 2001
Clinical Division PSI 2000
External Validation Committee PSI 2009
Eating disorders. Developmental Psychopathology, Depression.