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Dr. Alan Moore

Fellow Emeritus (Electronic & Elect. Engineering)

 Low-loss microfibres on Si for photonic applications
 Low-k dielectric films from metallorganic precursors by pulsed injection MOCVD
 Design, fabrication and investigation of Si based composite photonic materials
 Chemical bonding of metallorganics to the silicon surface
 Nanoporous Semiconductors

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J.F. Donegan, Y.P. Rakovich, Y. Gun'ko, R. A. Moore, Confined modes in photonic microtube structures., Proceedings of SPIE 2007 Laser Resonators and Beam Control IX, SPIE 2007, edited by A.V. Kudryashov, A.H. Paxton, and V.S. Ilchenko , 6452, SPIE , 2007, pp64520Y , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
S.A.Grudinkin, R.A. Moore, Y.P. Rakovich, V.G.Golubev and N.A. Feoktistov, Whispering gallery modes from CVD diamond spherical-like particles, Optical Materials, 29, (8), 2007, p983-986 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
V.A. Tolmachev, T.S. Perova, E.V. Astrova, J.A. Pilyugina, R.A. Moore, Experimental evidence of photonic band gap extension for disordered 1D photonic crystals based on Si , Optics Communications, 259, (1), 2006, p104 - 106, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Arunas Teiserskis, Anna Zukova, Yurii K. Gun'ko, T.S. Perova, Sergei Grudinkin, and Robert A. Moore, Investigation of Alumina-Silica Films Deposited by Pulsed Injection Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition, Thin Solid Films, 515, (4), 2006, p1830 - 1834, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
S. Balakrishnan, Y. Gun'ko, Yu. P. Rakovich, T.S. Perova, J.F. Donegan, and R.A. Moore, Microtube cavities from templated filtering: confined optical modes and amplified spontaneous emission, Applied Physics Letters, 89, 2006, p143113/1 - 143113/3, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Y.K. Gun'ko, S. Balakrishnan, T.S. Perova, R.A. Moore, M. Venkatesan, and A.P. Douvalis , Dendrite-like" self-assembly of magnetite nanoparticles on porous silicon, Small, 2, (7), 2006, p864 - 869 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
A.V. Baranov, A.V. Fedorov, T.S. Perova and R.A. Moore, V. Yam, D. Bouchier, V. Le Thanh, K. Berwick, , Analysis of Strain and Intermixing in a Single Layer Ge/Si dots using polarized Raman Spectroscopy, Physical Review B, 73, (7), 2006, p075322/1 - 075322/6, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
K. Lyutovich, E. Kasper, A. Waldron, T.S. Perova, M. Oehme, and R.A. Moore, Stress determination in strained-Si grown on ultra-thin, SiGe virtual substrates, Materials Science and Engineering B, 135, (3), 2006, p192 - 194, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
P.W. Leech, R.A. Moore, G.K. Reeves, T.S. Perova, A.S. Holland and M. Ridgway, Enhancement of the etch rate of CVD diamond by prior C and Ge implantation, Diamond and Related Materials, 15, (9), 2006, p1266 - 1270, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
A.V. Baranov, A.V. Fedorov, T.S. Perova and R.A. Moore, V. Yam, D. Bouchier, V. Le Thanh, K. Berwick, Analysis of Strain and Intermixing in a Single Layer Ge/Si dots using polarized Raman Spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B , 73, 2006, p075322/1 - 075322/6 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Award Date
Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin 2005
Integrated-CircuitTechnology Semiconductor Materials