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Dr. Philip Mc Evansoneya

Assistant Professor (History Of Art)
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Dr. Philip Mc Evansoneya

Assistant Professor (History Of Art)

Philip McEvansoneya, Albert Way and the Law Farm hoard of gold torcs [no research funding], Antiquaries Journal, 105, 2025, Notes: [Documentary evidence shows how some of the gold torcs in the Law Farm hoard, found in 1857, were distributed among collectors, and reveals the previously unremarked role of Albert Way. The discovery is set in the context of the renewed interest in the 1850s in the reform of treasure trove procedures. An appendix sets out new provenance information for some of the torcs. The article is intended to be a supplement to the pioneering account of the hoard by John M. Coles published in 1968.], Journal Article, ACCEPTED
Philip McEvansoneya, [No research funding] A.W. Franks, William Ridgeway and collections of Irish antiquities, Journal of the History of Collections, 35, (2), 2023, p321 - 332, Notes: [This research was entirely self-funded. ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Gabriela Lojewska and Philip McEvansoneya, ''Propaganda of Polishness by art': cultural diplomacy in Ireland in 1937', History Ireland, 31, (6), 2023, p46 - 49, Notes: [Research costs were partly paid by the Tutors' Fund.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Philip McEvansoneya, [No research funding] 'A "school of Irish letters": Samuel Ferguson's "fountain" series', Irish Studies Review, 29, (1), 2021, p31 - 50, Notes: [The research and publication costs were entirely self-funded.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
P. McEvansoneya, Myth Maker [This is the first publication ever to consider John Currie (1883-1914), artist and murderer, from an Irish perspective. It begins the overdue process of demolishing some of the myths - often self-created - that surround his life.], Irish Arts Review, 39, (3), 2022, p118 - 123, Notes: [This is the first publication ever to consider John Currie (1883-1914), artist and murderer, from an Irish perspective. It begins the overdue process of demolishing some of the myths - often self-created - that surround his life.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
[No research funding] 'The interest in Murillo in Ireland' in, editor(s)Isabelle Kent , Collecting Murillo in Britain and Ireland, Madrid, Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica, 2020, pp251 - 275, [Philip McEvansoneya], Notes: [This research was entirely self-funded.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Elizabeth Boyle and Philip McEvansoneya, [No research funding] 'Whitley Stokes and the composition of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's 'In my father's close'', Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, 28, (Fall), 2019, p11 - 15, Notes: [This research was entirely self-funded.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Philip McEvansoneya, [No research funding] 'The published work of Margaret Stokes: part 1, introduction and a new bibliography', Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 148, 2018, p54 - 69, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Philip McEvansoneya, 'From Drogheda to Jerusalem and a riot: the travels of Thomas Brodigan of Piltown, 1845-6' in, editor(s)Will J. Murphy and Leeann Lane , Leisure and the Irish in the Nineteenth Century, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2015, pp169 - 186, [Philip McEvansoneya], Notes: [Summarises and discusses the travel journal and correspondence of Thomas Brodigan, a Drogheda merchant, and contextualises his journey with reference to other Irish travellers in the mid-nineteenth century.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ellen Duncan and the Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Dublin in, editor(s)Rachel Elsner Laia Anguix-Vilches , THE MUSEUM IS ME! EARLY WOMEN CURATORS AND THE MAKING OF INSTITUTIONAL COLLECTIONS (1890s-1970s), London, Routledge, 2026, [Philip McEvansoneya], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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P. McEvansoneya, [ No research funding ] 'More light on George Sharp (1802-1877)', Irish Architectural and Decorative Studies, 16, 2013, p50 - 69, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
P McEvansoneya, Quiet conservative: Stanhope Forbes's early years in Ireland, Irish Arts Review, 41, (1), 2024, p96 - 101, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Philip McEvansoneya, Benefactor and watercolourist: Joseph Stafford Gibson, Irish Arts Review, 41, (4), 2024, p90 - 97, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


British and Irish art 1600-1800 Patronage and collecting in Britain and Ireland 1600-1900 Institutions of art in Britain and Ireland Art in France especially 1800-1900 Irish antiquarianism in the nineteenth century