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Dr. Giorgos Papantoniou

Assistant Professor (Classics)
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Dr. Giorgos Papantoniou

Assistant Professor (Classics)


I studied History and Archaeology at the University of Cyprus (B.A., 2003) and Classics at Trinity College Dublin (M.Litt. transferred to Ph.D., 2008) where I also held an Irish Research Council (IRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009-1010), as well as an IRC/Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (2011-2015). I have worked as an archaeologist at the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, and as a researcher and visiting lecturer at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Cyprus, and as an Adjunct Lecturer in the Open University of Cyprus. From 2015-2018 I held a Postdoctoral Fellowship within the context of the Research Training Group 'Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies' of the Universities of Bonn and Cologne (funded by the German Research Foundation - DFG). I am currently co-directing (with Athanasios K. Vionis) the 'Unlocking Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus' (UnSaLa-CY) project, funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RESTART 2016-2020, Excellence Hubs), based at the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus. In addition, I am coordinating the international scientific network 'Unlocking Sacred Landscapes' (UnSaLa) based on a formal agreement of collaboration between Trinity College Dublin, the University of Cyprus, and the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas. I re-joined Trinity College Dublin for my current position in 2020.
Project Title
 Study of the material from the Peyia-Maa Sanctuary, Paphos (with D. Michaelides)
Funding Agency
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, Republic of Cyprus and The Cyprus Academy of Scien
Project Title
 Unlocking the Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus (UnSaLa-CY)
Funding Agency
Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation
Project Title
 Fostering Cypriot and Greek Studies in Ireland
Funding Agency
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, Republic of Cyprus
Project Title
 Linking Community Archaeology and Wellbeing in the Mediterranean (LOGGIA)
Funding Agency
European Union"s Horizon Europe, Marie Sk"odowska-Curie
Project Title
 Aphrodite"s Sisters, part of the Creating Diasporic Worlds
Funding Agency
Centre for Greek Diaspora Studies and the Centre for the GeoHumanities at Royal Holloway, University

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Details Date
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, external referee for Professorship promotion 2014
University of Cyprus, PhD external examiner 2022
Newton Foundation, evaluator of Fellowship proposals 2022
Wentworth Institute of Technology, external referee for Professorship promotion 2022
University of Glasgow, PhD external examiner 2023
Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology - SIMA (Astrom Editions), Member of the Editorial Advisory Board 2020-present
National Science Center, Poland (evaluating the research grant proposals submitted under the "OPUS 20" call for proposals, HS3 panel - "The study of the human past": history, archaeology, cultural anthropology and ethnography, Member of Expert Panel 2020
Head for the Steering Committee of Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA) annual conference 2019 - present
The Journal of the Association for Coroplastic Studies - Les Carnets de l'ACoSt 2015 - present
Journal of Greek Archaeology (Archaeopress), Member of the Editorial Advisory Board 2015-present
Member of the European Huntington's Disease Association Board 2020-present
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Medium Medium
German Medium Medium Medium
Greek Fluent Fluent Fluent
Latin Fluent Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
The Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens 2021 present
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2018 present
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology-Greek Chapter (CAA-GR) 2016 present
Marie Curie Alumni Association 2014 present
Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies, Canada (research associate) 2011 present
Association of Cypriot Archaeologists 2011 present
Association for Coroplastic Studies (ACoST), under the auspices of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) 2009 present
Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) 2006 2008
The Terracotta Figurines in, editor(s)M. Given, S. Gabrieli, and C. Mavromatis , Kourion Amathous Gate Cemetery, Boston, American School of Oriental Research, 2024, [Papantoniou, G.], Notes: [forthcoming], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS
Marion Arsinoe and the Ptolemaic Queens: Ruler Cult and Political economy in Hellenistic Cyprus in, editor(s)C. Ballandier, D. Michaelides, and E. Raptou , Paphos and Western Cyprus, Bordeaux: Ausonius Editions, 2024, [Papantoniou, G.], Notes: [forthcoming], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS
Cypriot Aphrodite, Archaeological Representation, and British Colonial Discourse: A Reappraisal in, editor(s)T. Kiely, A. Rieve, and L. Crewe , Empire and Excavation: Critical Perspectives on Archaeology in British-period Cyprus, 1878-1960, 2024, [Morris, C.E., and G. Papantoniou], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS
Lasting Impressions: Archaeology and Community Engagement in the Xeros River Valley (Cyprus). in, editor(s)S.C. Higgins, and C.A.M. Gardner , Ancient Pasts for Modern Audiences: Public Scholarship and the Mediterranean World, London, Routledge, 2024, [Ripanti, F., G. Papantoniou, A.K. Vionis, and A. Lanitis.], Book Chapter, SUBMITTED
Aphrodite's Sisters in, editor(s)G.S. Bonaci and N. Petroni , Aps Mdina Cathedral. Contemporary Art Biennale: Mediterranean Goddesses, Mdina, Mdina Biennale, 2023, pp53-73 , [Stylianou-Lambert, T., C.E. Morris, G. Papantoniou, and A. Heraclidou], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Vionis, A.K., G. Papantoniou, and N. Savvides, Landscape Archaeology in a Contested Space: Public Engagement and Outreach in the Xeros River Valley in Cyprus, Journal of Greek Archaeology, 8, 2023, p299-324 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Papantoniou, G., Vionis, A.K., and C.E. Morris, eds, Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Religious and Insular Identities in Context. , Bassel, MPDI, 2022, Book, PUBLISHED
The Urban Centers of Antiquity: From Enkomi to Salamis/Constantia (1700/1600 BC-649 AD) in, editor(s)S. Neocleous , Famagusta: Urbs Clarissima. Most Glorious City, Athens, Ecumenical Hellenism Foundation, 2022, pp34 - 61, [Papantoniou, G.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Archaia Iera kai Latreia stin Eparchia Lemesou. Apo tin Proimi Epochi tou Sidirou stin Ysteri Archaeotita in, editor(s)E. Prokopiou , H Lemesos sta Vathi ton Aionon: Archaies Pro-Christianikes Latreies, Doxasies kai Tafika Ethima, Limassol, 2022, pp175 - 211, [Papantoniou, G. ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Júlio, F., Arnesen, A., De Schepper, B., De Sousa, D., Lis, D., Oblitsova, J., Olsen, S.O., Papantoniou, G., Ristolainen-Kotimäki, S., Tretyakova, M., and Umakhanova, Z. on behalf of the European Huntington Association , Assessing the Impact of a Communication Skills Training Experience on Healthcare Professionals working with Huntington"s Disease. Proceedings of the Huntington Study Group 2022 Annual Meeting, Tampa, USA in Journal of Huntington"s Disease, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED

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Michaelides, D. and G. Papantoniou, Terracottas from an Archaic to Classical Bothros East of Coral Bay (Peyia), To Ergon 2023, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 24 February, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Júlio, F., Arnesen, A., Blanco, R., De Sousa, D., Didier, C., Gaté, G., Graff, O., Haselberg, R., Lis, D., Olsen, S.O., Papantoniou, G., Ristolainen-Kotimäki, S., Skarberg, J., Umakhanova, Z., and Zerzeri, I., HD research participation across Europe: lessons learned from the European Huntington Association surveys., CHDI"s 19th Annual HD Therapeutics Conference. Palm Springs, USA, 26-29 February, 2024, Poster, PRESENTED
Júlio, F., Aguilera Vega, C., Arnesen, A., Blanco, R., De Sousa, D., Haselberg, R., Iruela, F., Lis, D., Olsen, S.O., Papantoniou, G., Ristolainen-Kotimäki, S., and Rodríguez, M., The impact of a short-term online psychological support service for people at risk of HD and people with premanifest HD., CHDI"s 19th Annual HD Therapeutics Conference. Palm Springs, USA, 26-29 February, 2024, Poster, PRESENTED
Papantoniou, G., A.K. Vionis, and D, Nicolaou, 1. "Settlement History in the Xeros River Valley from Prehistory to Today: The Results of the SeSaLaC Archaeological Project", 39th Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) Annual Workshop, Nicosia, 17 June 2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Papantoniou, G., "Reconsidering the Cypriot `Extra-urban" sanctuary in the context of Central Place Theory: The case of Kakopetria-Agilades", Distant Deities, Central Places. Reconsidering the "Extra-urban" sanctuary, Swedish Institute at Athens, Athens, 6-8 April 2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Stylianou-Lambert, T., A. Heraclidou, and C.E. Morris, Aphrodite"s Sisters, Contemporary Art Biennale: Mediterranean Goddesses, Aps Mdina Cathedral, 28 November, 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Papantoniou, G., Reconsidering the Cypriot `Extra-urban" Sanctuary in the Context of Central Place Theory: Methodological Attempts from Earlier Periods, From Name to Space, and to Myth: Toponyms, Topographies, Representations, and How places Become Mythical in the Pre-modern Mediterranean Space and Beyond (7th"14th centuries), University of Lausanne, 17 November, 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Papantoniou, G., Hellenisation" of an Island: Migration and Movement in Ancient Cyprus, School of Histories and Humanities Evening Lecture Series: A World on the Move: Migration and Colonisation from Prehistory to the Present, Trinity College Dublijn, 2 October, 2023, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Júlio, F., Arnesen, A., Azañedo Vázquez, C., De Schepper, B., De Sousa, D., Haselberg, R., Lis, D., Olsen, S.O., Papantoniou, G., and Ristolainen-Kotimäki, S., Access to Health Care and Social Support Services for Families Impacted by Huntington"s Disease in Europe: Where Are We Now?, CHDI"s 18th Annual HD Therapeutics Conference. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24-27 April, 2023, Poster, PRESENTED
Papantoniou, G., Lätzer-Lasar, and C.E. Morris, Cultural Heritage and the Archaeology of Religion: The Emancipation of Ancient Religions in the Digital Age, European Association for the Study of Religions, University College Cork, 27 June " 1 July 2022 , 2022, Conference Paper, PRESENTED


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Award Date
The A.G. Leventis Foundation - Award of Excellence, via the University of Cyprus Research Committee (with D. Michaelides & M. Dikomitou-Eliadou) 2017
University of Sassari - Visiting Professor/Scientist Fellowship, Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell'Uomo e della Formazione, University of Sassari, Sardinia 2016
The A.G. Leventis Foundation - Postgraduate Scholarship 2003 - 2006
University of Cyprus Pancyprian Cooperative Confederation Ltd Award for the student of the Department of History and Archaeology with the best academic record 2003
University of Cyprus Avgi Michaelidou Award for the student of the Department of History and Archaeology with the best academic record in the field of archaeology 2003
University of Cyprus - Elli-Panayiotis Malli Award 2003
University of Cyprus - Barbara Wilks Award 2001
Agios Antonios Lyceum, Limassol Medal of Merit for Excellent Academic Success, Conduct and Character 1997
Agios Antonios Lyceum, Limassol Ancient Greek Award 1997
Agios Antonios Lyceum, Limassol Modern Greek Language and Literature Award 1997
Cyprus in Eastern Mediterranean is seen as a `melting pot of cultures", offering an ideal laboratory for a sophisticated and interdisciplinary approach to interregional contact and the creation of various cultural forms influenced from Anatolia, Egypt and the Levant, Greece and Rome. Thus, focusing on Mediterranean archaeology with the island as a case-study, my agenda is based on interdisciplinary and diachronic approaches bridging the Greek and the Roman worlds: bringing together landscape, archaeological, textual, iconographic evidence and deploying anthropological models, I work on the visual and material culture of the island from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. I am currently developing new interests in cultural heritage and historical archaeology, especially archaeology and wellbeing, reception studies and use of ethnography. More specifically, I focus and publish consistently on four diverse yet interconnected themes: 1.Landscape archaeology In collaboration with the University of Cyprus, I co-direct the Settled and Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus (SeSaLaC) field project in the Xeros River Valley. This is a systematic archaeological surface survey, offering new data and possibilities for new interpretations of the island"s material culture from early prehistory to early modern times. Landscape archaeology is an area of study that overcomes the conventional boundaries between disciplines and provides a fresh perspective and a powerful investigative tool to address questions related to changing settlement patterns and behaviours. We have completed the collection of primary data and we are currently working towards the final publication, while continuing with collection of new material relating to oral histories and the more recent past. 2.Hellenistic society and image-making In the context of a landscape approach, I have focused on the transition from the Classical to the Hellenistic period in Cyprus, incorporating visual and material culture. I explore social power (considering both elite and non-elite cultures) and structures of symbolism in Hellenistic Cyprus, connecting the island more emphatically with its longue durée. A particular focus has been Ptolemaic image-making and sculpture, and their emulation on the island. I am currently preparing a substantive journal article on the cult of Ptolemaic queen Arsinoe II in Cyprus. 3.Archaeology of ritual and religion A strand of the Mediterranean Unlocking Sacred Landscapes (UnSaLa) which I coordinate focuses on Cypriot ritual and cult diachronically, through several approaches, including Geographical Information Systems (GIS), art, iconography, artefact studies and ethnographic analogies. This research theme has moved into different directions to develop: a. collaboration with SeSaLaC, acquiring new data and approaches; b. database of all Cypriot sanctuaries and their material assemblages, currently updated through a Trinity Research Doctorate Award (end-product will be a monograph); c. a new research-teaching synergy: a museum project in collaboration with the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts, studying terracotta figurines from the Pegeia-Maa sanctuary. 4.Cultural heritage studies This theme has evolved into three directions: a. SeSaLaC"s team is in dialogue with new stakeholders: e.g. local communities, the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics and members of the Huntington"s disease families, focusing on the concept of abandonment (from landscapes to mindscapes) offering new perspectives relating to sharing experience and transformation and encouraging active and interactive participation; b. Christian and Islamic monuments of the more recent past are currently under study through a mixed method, including digital humanities and ethnographic research; c. expanding from research theme 3, the image of the Cypriot Aphrodite, its reception and connection to modern national and popular identities forms a collaborative, interdisciplinary study.