Susan P. Murphy, Invited Review, Review of Engendering Democracy in Africa:Women, Politics and Development, by Niamh Gaynor , Oxford University Press and Community Development Journal, (1), 2024, p1-4 ,
Notes: [],
Susan P. Murphy, Enida Friel, Catherine Devine, Mariana Roberts, Innovative solutions to address the humanitarian-development nexus : Review of the pilot introduction of the Blended Approach at GOAL , Ireland,, 2020,
Notes: [Findings suggest that the 'blended approach' offers a strong possibility to enhance and deepen the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the organisation's programming over time. Most specifically, the areas of joint programming and flexible funding allow for significantly increased adaptability in responding to context-specific needs. Thus, the approach is well-suited to fragile contexts, areas of acute crises and conflict, as well as areas with high number of both Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees. The time-saving potential of unified reporting, monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems was also noted as a key benefit of this shift, enabling greater efficiency in the design, planning, and management of programmes. However, the review finds that further efforts are required to embed this way of working and thinking into project design, monitoring, evaluating, reporting and learning structures to reap the full benefits offered by this approach. Also, organisational ethos and approach to practice are important determinants of effectiveness.],
Christopher Chevallier, Susan Murphy, Conor Buggy, Understanding the Lived Experiences of Gender Minority Students in Irish Third-Level Education: Steps Towards Achieving Safety and Inclusion, Dublin, National LGBTQI Federation (NXF), January , 2020,
Notes: [The document contains important statistics on Ireland's gender minority population, as well as policy recommendations for higher education, LGBTQI+ medical care, hate crime legislation, and legal reform. Outside of this, it also provides a list of considerations for tutors and supervisors of gender minority students. ],
Susan P. Murphy, What is the relationship between poverty and prosperity?, DBEI ILO NUI Conference Marking the Centenary of th ILO, Dublin Castle, 17 September 2019, 2019, National University of Ireland,
Invited Talk,
Susan P. Murphy, Knowledge sharing and transfer for global solidarity , International Women's Day, Aras an Uachtarain, 8 March 2019, 2019,
Invited Talk,
Susan P. Murphy, Whole of Society Approach to Africa-Europe Development Cooperation in the HEI sector, Whole of Society Approach to Development Cooperation , Brussels, April, 2019, European Commission Political Strategy Unit,
Invited Talk,
Susan P. Murphy, The Gender-Climate-Conflict Nexus, exploring intersections within research, Bridging Theory and Practice. Intersections of Climate Change, Conflict and Gender, Georgetown University Institute for Women Peace and Security, March 2019, 2019, GU IWPS,
Invited Talk,
Benn Finlay Hogan, ML Rhodes, Susan P Murphy, Mary Lawlor, IRISH BUSINESS & HUMAN RIGHTS: Benchmarking compliance with the UN Guiding Principles, Dublin, IRL, Centre for Social Innovation, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2019,
Susan P. Murphy, Reflections on Ireland's performance on the Sustainable Development Goals, Launch of the Coalition 2030 shadow report on Ireland and the Sustainable Development Goals, Royal College of Physicans Ireland, November 2018, 2018, Coalition 2030,
Notes: [Additional speakers included the Minster for State for Natural Resources with responsibility for implement the SGD agenda in Ireland],
Invited Talk,
Susan P. Murphy, Women and Conflict Discsssion following a performance of Joanne O'Connor's short play, Women Alone. Other panelists included Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Irish Aid Director Gender Ruairi De Burcea and Misean Cara's Collette Nkunda, Woman Alone, Dublin, November 2018, 2018, Oxfam Ireland,
Invited Talk,