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Dr. Matthias Moebius

Assistant Professor (Physics)

Details Date
External examiner for a PhD thesis at the University of Aberystwyth, Wales, UK. 28/5/2020
Honorary Treasurer, and TCD representative for the Institute of Physics Ireland (IOPI). I was part of the IOPI committee and gave input towards policy documents for the government and IOPI funded outreach activities throughout Ireland. 2011-2016
Proposal reviewer for NWO (Dutch research council) 2023
Proposal reviewer for ERC StG (European Research Council Starting Grant) 2024
Proposal reviewer for STW (Dutch Technology Foundation), Netherlands 2014
Referee for Physical Review Letter, Nature Scientific Reports, Nature Catalyst, Physical Review E, Soft Matter, Langmuir, Philosophical Magazine, European Physics J. E, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2001-present
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Dutch Medium Basic Basic
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Spanish Basic Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Member of American Physical Society (APS) 2000 present
Institute of Physics (IOP) member, Honorary Treasurer of the Ireland branch (2011-2016) 2011 present
Aljarid A.K.A., Winder J., Wei C., Venkatraman A., Tomes O., Soul A., Papageorgiou D.G., Mobius M.E., Boland C.S., Hometronics " accessible production of graphene suspensions for health sensing applications using only household items, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 8, (1), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Wenyou Zhang, Rocco Lupoi, Development of a novel powder sheets printing process towards the next generation of additive manufacturing: the role of laser defocusing, Virtual and Physical Prototyping (NVPP), 19, (1), 2024, p1 - 20, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Poulose, S., Venkatesan, M., Möbius, M., Coey, J.M.D., Evaporation of water and urea solution in a magnetic field; the role of nuclear isomers, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 629, 2023, p814 - 824, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Fan LC, McConn K, Plataki M, Kenny S, Williams NC, Kim K, Quirke JA, Chen Y, Sauler M, Möbius ME, Chung KP, Area Gomez E, Choi AM, Xu JF, Cloonan SM., Alveolar type II epithelial cell FASN maintains lipid homeostasis in experimental COPD., JCI insight, 8, (16), 2023, pe163403 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Aaron D. Sinnott, Adam Kelly, Cian Gabbett, Matthias Mobius, Jonathan Coleman, Graham L.W. Cross, Pressure Dependent Mechanical Properties of Thin Films under Uniaxial Strain via the Layer Compression Test, Journal of Materials Research, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Sinnott, A.D. and Kelly, A. and Gabbett, C. and Munuera, J. and Doolan, L. and Möbius, M. and Ippolito, S. and Samorì, P. and Coleman, J.N. and Cross, G.L.W., Mechanical Properties of Conducting Printed Nanosheet Network Thin Films Under Uniaxial Compression, Advanced Materials, 2023, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Sruthy Poulose, Jennifer A Quirke, Plamen Stamenov, Matthias E. Möbius, J. M. D. Coey, Deformation and necking of liquid droplets in a magnetic field., Physics of Fluids, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Liu, J., Mckeon, L., Garcia, J., Pinilla, S., Barwich, S., Möbius, M., Stamenov, P., Coleman, J.N., Nicolosi, V., Additive Manufacturing of Ti3C2-MXene-Functionalized Conductive Polymer Hydrogels for Electromagnetic-Interference Shielding, Advanced Materials, 34, (5), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kotova, O. and O'Reilly, C. and Barwich, S.T. and Mackenzie, L.E. and Lynes, A.D. and Savyasachi, A.J. and Ruether, M. and Pal, R. and Möbius, M.E. and Gunnlaugsson, T., Lanthanide luminescence from supramolecular hydrogels consisting of bio-conjugated picolinic-acid-based guanosine quadruplexes, Chem, 8, (5), 2022, p1395-1414 , Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Yunhong Shi, Dunzhu Li, Liwen Xiao*, Daragh Mullarkey, Daniel K. Kehoe, Emmet D. Sheerin, Sebastian Barwich, Luming Yang, Yurii K. Gun'ko, Igor V. Shvets, Matthias E. Möbius, John J. Boland*, Jing Jing Wang* , Real-world natural passivation phenomena can limit microplastic generation in water, Chemical Engineering Journal, 425, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL

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S Hutzler, F Elias, M Moebius, S Tcholakova, Foreword, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 534, 2017, p1 - 1, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Trinity College Fellowship 2023
Visiting Professorship at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen 8.11.2021-3.12.2021
Burroughs Wellcome Fellowship. 2003
Sachs Fellowship from the University of Chicago 2000
Summer studentship at CERN (CHORUS neutrino oscillation experiment) 1998
Tessella Prize for Software 1996
My research is on experimental soft condensed matter physics which deals with materials that exhibit both liquid and solid-like behaviour with a particular focus on the relationship between microstructure and viscoelastic flow properties. Predicting and tuning these properties is crucial in many industries such as additive manufacturing and pharmaceutics. Furthermore I study fluid dynamic problems that involve bubbles and droplets such as bubble formation during electrolysis. Currently we are investigating the flow of nanosheet (e.g. graphene) suspensions in microchannels and droplet impacts in the context of printed electronics. I have made significant contributions in understanding the flow phenomena of a wide range of materials - from granular media to nanoparticle gels. This has led to high impact publications in Nature, Science and Physical Review Letters. 9 of my publications have been cited more than 100 times. I discovered a new mechanism for granular size separation that is relevant for powder mixing in pharmaceutics and more recently elucidated the physical origin of the elastic response of nanosheet gels which is crucial for predicting and tuning the flow properties in printed electronics applications. I have also made key contributions to highly cited papers of my colleagues such as the shear exfoliation of nanosheets which enables the mass production of these particles. In our lab we use rheometry, tensiometry, high speed imaging and optical coherence tomography to study the properties and dynamics of the complex fluids. These combined capabilities are unique in Ireland and led to many fruitful local collaborations with colleagues from physics (Hutzler, Coleman, Coey), chemistry (Gunnlaugsson, Nicolosi, Boland), bioengineering (Kelly) and medicine (Cloonan) as well as international ones in Europe and the USA. I have also engaged with industry and was an official academic partner with an Irish SME (LIOS) in the commercialisation of acoustic metamaterials in the successfully funded H2020 SME instrument project TANDEM. I have attracted >1.3million euro in funding since I became a lecturer in 2009. My research program has been awarded the highest A-Rating by the European Research Council (CoG 2018) and I was on the reserve list of the IRC Laureate fund which demonstrates the quality and international recognition of my research program.