Justice and mercy as a paradoxical task? The perspectives of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Paul Ricoeur on evil, accountability and the question of reconciliation in, editor(s)Klaus von Stosch and Lukas Wiesenhütter , Describing God? Christian and Muslim Approaches to the Divine Attributes in Dialogue, Leiden, Brill/Schöningh, 2025, pp69 - 86, [Junker-Kenny],
Book Chapter,
Religious experience as inescapably particular or as a general feature of human consciousness? A critical analysis of Schleiermacher"s argumentation in paragraphs 3 and 4 of The Christian Faith (1830/31 in, editor(s)Lang, Stefan, und Viertbauer, Klaus , Friedrich Schleiermacher's Philosophy of Religion: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, London, Routledge, 2025, [Junker-Kenny],
Book Chapter,
Subjektivität und Einbildungskraft, Sollen als Filter und Hoffnung an den Grenzen des Handelns: Zur Bedeutung Kants in Ricoeurs philosophischer Anthropologie in, editor(s)Andreas Hofer, Christian Rößner, Jakub Sirovátka , Freiheit, Moral, Religion, Hamburg, Meiner, 2025, [Junker-Kenny],
Book Chapter,
Junker-Kenny, Rezeptivität und Einbildungskraft. Ein Vergleich der Subjektivitätsanalysen Schleiermachers und Ricoeurs, Internationaler Schleiermacher-Kongress: Rezeption Transformation Imagination, University of Kiel, Germany, Sept 14 - 18, 2025, 2025,
Invited Talk,
Junker-Kenny, Human Genome Editing and Theological Anthropology, The Ethics of Human Genome Editing, University of Bonn, Germany, February 18/19, 2025, Seminar für Moraltheologie, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät,
Invited Talk,
"Die Macht des Wortes" in, editor(s)Brigitte Buchhammer, Bettina Zehetner , What Does it Mean to Be Human? Was heisst es, Mensch zu sein? Festschrift Herta Nagl-Docekal, Vienna, LIT Verlag, 2024, pp291 - 317, [Junker-Kenny],
Book Chapter,
Losing `reason' as a counterpart to `religion'? Stances on the specificity of faith in God in, editor(s)Ethna Regan and Alan J. Kearns , Critical Questions in Contemporary Theology: Essays in Honour of Dermot A. Lane, Oxford - Berlin - Lausanne - New York, Peter Lang, 2024, pp93 - 102, [Junker-Kenny],
Book Chapter,
Junker-Kenny, Paul Ricoeur's Philosophy of Religion, International Seminar, University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic, January 30/31, 2024, Faculty of Theology,
Invited Talk,
Junker-Kenny, Religiöse Erfahrung als historisch partikular oder als allgemeiner Vollzug?, World Congress of Philosophy, Round Table, Rome, Italy, August 1-8, 2024, FISP,
Invited Talk,
Junker-Kenny, Handlungsfähig durch Erinnerung, Hoffnung, Erzählung. Response zu Jürgen Kroth, ERINNERUNG, HOFFNUNG, COMPASSION. Zur aktuellen Bedeutung der Theologie von Johann Baptist Metz, Münster, Germany, December 7 and 8, 2024, Franz-Hitze-Haus,
Invited Talk,