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Dr. Michael O'Sullivan

Associate Professor/Consultant (Professo (Dental Science)

Michael O'Sullivan qualified in dentistry from Trinity College Dublin in 1990. After a time in general dental practice he completed a MSc in Conservative Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Institute and University of London and fellowships from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Edinburgh (FFD RCSI and FDS RCS(Ed)). He then undertook specialist training in Restorative Dentistry at the Dublin Dental School and Hospital, completing training in 1998 and his Intercollegiate Specialist Fellowship Examination from the RCSI. He also completed a PhD in Biochemistry at Trinity College with Professor Keith Tipton entitled "Semicarbazide-sensitive Amine Oxidase in Human and Porcine Dental Pulp" graduating in 2001. From 1999-2001 he completed a Research Fellowship with Dr Mary McDougall and a Clinical Fellowship with Dr Robert Cronin, both at the University of Texas Health Science Centre at San Antonio, Texas. He returned to Ireland in 2001 and was appointed a Senior Lecturer /Consultant in Restorative Dentistry (Special Dental Needs) in the Division of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology at the Dublin Dental School and Hospital, Trinity College Dublin. He was the Clinical Director of the DDUH from 2009-2015. He is currently The Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) for the School of Dentistry and The Director of Graduate Prosthodontics. He is also the Chairperson of the Irish Committee for Specialist Training in Dentistry and sits on the Education and Training Committee of the Dental Council.
 Database Establishment, Psychological Impact and Quality of Life in a Developmental Dental Anomalies Population
 Investigating the effect of skeletal pattern in determining articulator settings for prosthodontic rehabilitation: An In-vivo study.
 Disinfection procedures: Their efficacy and effect on dimensional accuracy and surface quality of an irreversible hydrocolloid impression material
 Maxillary anterior tooth dimensions and proportions in an Irish young adult population

Details Date
Chairperson of the Irish Committee for Specialist Training in Dentistry from 2016
Member of the Education & Training Committee of the Dental Council 2016
Chairperson Of Intercollegiate Specialist Fellowship Board in Restorative Dentistry 2010-2013
Details Date From Date To
International Association for Dental Research 1993 Present
American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics 2001 Present
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 1995 Present
Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh 1994 Present
Reviewer for the Journal of the Irish Dental Association 2007 present
Reviewer for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015 present
External reviewer for the Italian Ministry for Education University and Research. 2008 2010
Sadhbh O'Rourke, Alison Dougall, Michael O'Sullivan, Does education in special care dentistry increase people's confidence to manage the care of a more diverse population?, Special Care in Dentistry, 2023, p1 - 8, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Vinay Sharma, Michael Crowe, Oscar Cassetti, Lewis Winning, Aifric O'Sullivan, Michael O'Sullivan, Dental caries in children in Ireland: A systematic review, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 2023, p1 - 15, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Crowe, M., O' Sullivan, M., Winning, L., Cassetti, O., O' Connell, B., O' Sullivan, A., Gibney, E., Doyle, S.L., Bennett, A.E., Moynihan, P., Implementation of a food science and nutrition module in a dental undergraduate curriculum, European Journal of Dental Education, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
D Merrick, M. O'Sullivan and M. Clark., The Opioid Crisis: Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Opioid Analgesia in the Management of Acute Post-operative Dental Pain, Dental Update, 48, 2021, p859 - 864, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
B Barrett and M O'Sullivan, Management of the deep carious lesion: a literature review, Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 67, (1), 2021, p36 - 42, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
D Canavan, M O'Sullivan, P Hardy & G Clark, Persistent post-surgical orofacial pain, Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 67, (6), 2021, p346 - 350, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
M. Crowe, M O'Sullivan, O. Cassetti & A. O'Sullivan., Estimation and consumption pattern of free sugar intake in 3-year-old Irish preschool children, European Journal of Nutrition, 59, (5), 2020, p2065 - 2074, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McReynolds D, O'Sullivan M., Pushing the Envelope of Digital Dentistry., 65, 6, Journal of the Irish Dental Association., 2019, p333 - 338, Report, PUBLISHED  URL
Michael Crowe, Michael O'Sullivan, Breige A McNulty, Oscar Cassetti, Aifric O'Sullivan , Data Mapping From Food Diaries to Augment the Amount and Frequency of Foods Measured Using Short Food Questionnaires, Frontiers in Nutrition, 5, (82), 2018, p1 - 9, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  Other

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Michael O'Sullivan, The Relevance of Occlusion in Fixed Prosthodontics in 2017, British Society for Restorative Dentistry, London, 9th November , 2017, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Michael O'Sullivan, Evidence Based Use of Composite Resin in Dentistry, Irish Dental Association -HSE Dental Surgeons Group, Athlone, 7th October, 2016, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Michael O'Sullivan, The Role of Occlusion in TMD, RCSI Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, 24th October , 2013, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


Award Date
President of the Irish Division of the International Association for Dental Research 2006
Nominated as a Fellow of American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics 2001
Winner of Texas Division of the International Association for Dental Research Postgraduate Research Award. 2000
Awarded Overall Postgraduate Prize for 1994, Eastman Dental Institute, University of London. 1994
Awarded MSc with Distinction, University of London 1994
Gold medal winner for highest result in Final Dental Examinations in Oral Surgery 1990
(1) Special Dental Needs The Restorative Special Needs Clinic is a tertiary referral centre for the treatment of patients with developmental craniofacial and dental anomalies. These are hereditary /developmental disorders that may affect the number, size or quality of teeth. The most common condition is hypodontia, where a person's teeth fail to develop. There is currently no data available for Ireland, but based on other European figures the number of patients in Ireland missing five or more teeth is likely to be 12,000. The general incidence of hypodontia in European population is 2.3-10.1%. The second most common condition is amelogenesis imperfecta. This term covers a range of conditions where all the enamel is defective. It may present merely as marked pitting of the surface of the tooth to severe cases where the enamel disintegrates upon eruption of the tooth. No data is available on its incidence but studies from other populations put its incidence at 1-2% of the total population. Other dental conditions occur less frequently, such as dentinogenesis imperfecta (the layer under the enamel is poorly formed leading to tooth fracture) and conditions that also affect hair, skin and nails such as ectodermal dysplasia. Research interest in this area includes the clinical management of this population, establishment of a National Database of developmental dental disorders and investigation of the Quality of Life issues associated with these disorders (2) Food Science & Nutrition (with Dr Michael Crowe, Division of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology) This group, with external collaborators, was established in 2014 with one doctoral student in order to promote teaching and research in the area of Food Science & Nutrition. The Undergraduate Dental Science Programme did not provide teaching in the area until 2019 when this group introduced a module into the curriculum. Our research plan will add to the evidence-based knowledge on improving population oral health and healthcare and translate it into teaching to improve the information delivered in everyday practice. Research to date has focussed on: . Data analysis of National cohorts to investigate dental aspects of child health. . Using data science techniques such as predictive modelling and decision tree techniques to illustrate the importance of these determinants. . Investigating the links between dietary intake and both dental and weight problems in children. . Using association analysis to determine the consumption pattern of cariogenic food and drink in 3 year-old children. . Developing algorithms and data mapping techniques to determine the dietary intake of free sugar in preschool children Outputs achieved to date: 1. Four peer reviewed papers in international dental and nutrition journals, 8 oral and 3 poster presentations (2 international and 9 national conferences), PhD completed, 5th paper at submission stage. 2. Novel aspects of research- using data science techniques (classification trees) to highlight the links between dietary intake and oral health of children and advanced mapping techniques to link different national cohort datasets. 3. Promoted the profile of DDUH in the area of food-related research, including "sugar tax", within a number of institutions including the ESRI, The Food and Health Institute UCD, The Nutrition Society of Ireland, The International Association of Dental Research, The Society of Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies and The Irish Dental Association. 4. Invited to and participated in the stakeholders consultation workshops (2015) regarding the development of an Obesity Policy and Action Plan 2015-2025. 5. Highlighted the importance of adopting the common risk factor approach to deal with overweight/obesity and dental caries. This approach can generate interdisciplinary research interest and policy options for the DDUH to pursue.