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Dr. Katerina Garcia

Assistant Professor (Hispanic Studies)

Details Date
Judeo-Spanish proficiency assessment in Ireland (Spanish Nationality for Sephardim under Law 12/2015) 2016
Review board member : Romanistica Pragensia (Journal in Romance Philology), Charles University Press. 2015 - present
"A Musical Tapestry" Curation and performance for Mother Tongues Festival 2022. (Repertoire selected and commented with emphasis on multilingualism.) 26 February 2022
"Live from Marlay House: Video performance with Liam Ó Maonlaí" EFACIS 2021 Conference 4 September 2021
Performance at Insituto Cervantes, Culture Night 20 September 2019
A Musical Voyage. LexIcon Dún Laoghaire. Recital. 16 May 2017
"Variación diatópica y functional del judeoespañol". Master Universitario Internacional de Lengua Española y Lingüística, Universidad de Oviedo. Postgraduate seminar in Judeo-Spanish Linguistics. 13-15 March 2017
Ireland and the Spanish Republic Conference. Performance as part of public lecture by Dr Soledad Fox Maura 19 October 2016
Judeo-Spanish, Jewish Languages Exhibition Launch. Discussion Round Table 4 September 2016
Sephardic song recital. Department of Hispanic Studies, University College Cork 5 March 2016
Launch of Cyphers 78: A Celebration of Poetry from the Hispanic World. Instituto Cervantes, Dublin 17 November 2014
Lingua + Musica: A Celebration of Linguistic and Cultural Diversity. European Day of Languages 2013 17 October 2013
Judeo-Spanish, the language of the Sephardim in the Balkans. The Jewish Museum in Prague, Public Lecture. 14 April 2012
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Catalan Fluent Fluent Fluent
Czech Fluent Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Medium Medium
Irish Basic Basic Basic
Spanish Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland 2008 present
International Council for Traditional Music Ireland 30 November 2022 present
Katerina Garcia, Performance as Journey to Knowledge: The 'Cantiga I' by Martín Codax, From Folklore to World Music: New Ways to Old Music, 2023, p133 - 146, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Katerina García, Cantiga I : Tonnta Farraigí Vigo. A visual poem by Jaro Waldeck, IV North American Symposium on Galician Studies, Lubbock, TX, (USA), 19-22 October 2023, 2023, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Katerina Garcia, Review of Iberian Moorings: Al-Andalus and Sepharad and the The Tropes of Exceptionalism, by Ross Brann , Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2022, Review, IN_PRESS
Katerina García, "On the willows there we hung up our lyres: Reflections on the role of geography and existential space in the songs of the Irish and Sephardic diaspora", Proceedings of the International Colloquy in Ethnomusicology, From Folklore to World Music: Music and Space, Namest nad Oslavou, Czech Republic, 28-29 July 2020, edited by Krekovicova, E. and Uhlikova, L. , Municipal Culture Centre, Namest nad Oslavou, Czech Republic, 2020, pp117 - 146, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Al tyempo del kuechko dulse: History, Language and Identity in Enrique Saporta y Beja's account of Jewish life in Salonika in, editor(s)Bayó Belenguer S., Rooney N. , Pulling Together or Pulling Apart? Perspectives on Nationhood, Identity and Belonging in Europe, Peter Lang, 2019, pp119 - 146, [Katerina Garcia], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Katerina García, "Between the waves and the sea strand: Sacred and profane themes in a Sephardic wedding song" , Proceedings of the International Colloquy in Ethnomusicology, From Folklore to World Music: Music and Spirituality, Namest nad Oslavou, Czech Republic, 30-31 July 2019, edited by Pribylova, L. and Uhlikova, L. , 13, Municipal Culture Centre, Namest nad Oslavou, Czech Republic, 2019, pp117 - 138, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Katerina Garcia, Katerina Garcia, Salamander: Como la Rosa , Review of Como la Rosa, by Salamander , Yearbook for Traditional Music, 51, 2019, p294-295 , Review, PUBLISHED
Katerina Garcia, Singing the Memory of Sepharad: Traditional Sephardic Song and its Interpretation, Ethnomusicology Ireland , (5), 2017, p172 - 191, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Katerina Garcia, La alegría de Jako: A Judeo-Spanish song as reflection of linguistic and cultural syncretism, Studies in Arts and Humanities, 3, (2), 2017, p29 - 38, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Kon Sira, 'Kon Sira: Songs from the Sephardic Tradition', Katerina Garcia, Prague, Czech Republic, Good Day Records, 2013, -, Music Production, RELEASED

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Jaro Waldeck, Katerina García, Liam Ó Maonlaí, 'Cantiga I : Tonnta Farraigí Vigo', 2023, -, Film production, RELEASED
Katerina Garcia, Presentation of the project "Cantiga I : Tonnta Farraigí Vigo", irish Itinerary 2023 (EFACIS): Elements of Aesthetics in Constructing Form and Identity, University of La Rioja, Logroño, Spain, 14th-15th March 2023, 2023, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Katerina García, "Sephardic Song and the Middle Ages", "Atelier Franco-Irlandais", Trinity Long Room Hub, 29 March 2022, 2022, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Katerina García, Liam Ó Maonlaí, '"Live from Marlay House"', EFACIS Conference, Prague 2021, Dublin, EFACIS, 2021, -, Music Production, PUBLISHED
Katerina García, Izabella Goldstein, 'On the Fringes of Disapora: The Songs of the Unwanted', Players Theatre, TCD, Trinity College Dublin, 2019, -, Music Production, PERFORMED
Katerina García, '"From Toledo to Salonika: A Mediterranean Journey"', Pearse Museum, Dublin 16, Office of Public Works, 2019, -, Music Production, PERFORMED
Katerina Garcia, Sefarad a jeho odrazy v současné interpretaci tradiční sefardské písně [Reflections of Sepharad in the contemporary interpretation of traditional Sephardic song] , Mezinárodní kolokvium zaměřené na lidovou, folkovou, entnickou hudbu a world music [International colloquium on traditional, folk, ethnic and world music], Namest nad Oslavou, Czech Republic, 25-26 July 2017, 2017, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Katerina Garcia, Singing the Memory of Sepharad: Traditional Sephardic Song and its Interpretation, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin., 27-28th Feb 2016, 2016, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Katerina Garcia, 'No ay en lashon a-kodesh estas palavras': Language and Memory in two Judeo-Spanish novels , Hispanic Studies Research Seminar , University College Cork, 5 March , 2016, Department of Hispanic Studies, UCC, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Katerina Garcia, The language of the Sephardic Diaspora through a fictional lens: Enrique Saporta y Beja's novelistic account of Jewish life in Salonika , Annual AGHBI Conference, University of Oxford, 25-27 March 2013, 2013, Conference Paper, PRESENTED


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Award Date
Katerina Krausova Prize for best M.A. Dissertation in Hispanic Studies 2002
PhD Studentship, Charles University, Prague 2002
JUDEO-SPANISH LINGUISTICS: My principal area of academic expertise is Linguistics of Judeo-Spanish, the linguistic variety spoken within (mainly) the Sephardic diaspora of the Balkan Peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean. Judeo-Spanish is a fascinating area of Hispanic Linguistics: it provides linguists with invaluable insight into the mechanics of language change and the effects of intense language contact, while representing a noteworthy case study for sociolinguistics and the pragmatics of language use. To date I have focused mainly on various linguistic aspects of Judeo-Spanish and published articles on the subject in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as presenting papers at international conferences. THE JUDEO-SPANISH LANGUAGE IN ITS HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-CULTURAL CONTEXT: In the course of the past several years, I have expanded my original field of expertise, to incorporate the broader historical and socio-cultural realities inherent to Judeo-Spanish language use, with particular attention to the novel En torno de la Torre blanca by Sephardic author Enrique Saporta y Beja. This text, written integrally in Judeo-Spanish and published in Paris in 1982, reflects the usages and customs of various sectors of the Sephardic population of Salonika (Thessaloniki, Greece), until 1917 the city's largest ethnic and religious group, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In its nostalgic portrayal of a mostly disappeared urban landscape and its vibrant multi-ethnic culture, the novel stands out as a remarkable example of Sephardic memory narratives. I have presented several conference papers on this subject and a book chapter, which was published in 2018. My work on this text is ongoing, currently taking the shape of an analysis of the musical texts included by the author (himself a folklore collector) to represent the life-cycle celebrations of the Jewish Community of Salonika. To this effect, I intend to analyse the song repertoire used by the author in his narrative as a stand-alone song cycle. I aim to compile and compare diverse textual and musical variants of the main pieces featured in the text, providing a study of their role not only as cultural artefacts of celebration and commemoration, but ultimately as places of memory and vectors for the expression of the community's diasporic identity. TRANSMISSION AND INTERPRETATION OF SEPHARDIC SONG: The transmission and interpretation of Sephardic songs is inextricably linked to Sephardic culture, and to this day represents a powerful marker of identity. I have been conducting research in the areas of traditional secular Sephardic song and its textual and musical genres. I am particularly interested in representations of Sepharad as a cultural and historical construct in contemporary modes of interpretation. To date, I have presented several papers at specialised international conferences, and published articles and conference papers on the subject. LANGUAGE AND MUSIC AS SPACES FOR IDENTITY EXPRESSION: I am interested in exploring the roles of language and music as fundamental spaces for the expression of identity, both individual and collective level. To this effect, I am developing a musical collaboration with renowned Irish singer and musician Liam Ó Maonlaí, and I am in the initial stages of preparing a collaboration with a Dublin-based Croatian theatre director.