Morten Deleuran Terkildsen, Harry G Kennedy, Christian Jentz, Lisbeth Uhrskov Sørensen, Online video games and patient"staff power relations. A qualitative study of care and custody in forensic psychiatry, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 29, (3), 2022, p493--503 ,
Journal Article,
Harry G. Kennedy, Models of care in forensic psychiatry, BJPsych Advances, 2022, p1--14 ,
Journal Article,
Inge Jeandarme, Petra Habets, Ken O"Reilly, Harry G. Kennedy, Is non"completion of treatment related to security need?, Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 2021,
Journal Article,
L. McLoughlin, C. Carey, S. Dooley, H. Kennedy, I. McLoughlin, An observational study of a cross platform risk assessment mobile application in a forensic inpatient setting, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 138, 2021, p388--392 ,
Journal Article,
Harry G Kennedy, Ronan Mullaney, Paul McKenna, John Thompson, David Timmons, Pauline Gill, Owen P O'Sullivan, Paul Braham, Dearbhla Duffy, Anthony Kearns, Sally Linehan, Damian Mohan, Stephen Monks, Lisa McLoughlin, Paul O'Connell, Conor O'Neill, Brenda Wright, Ken O'Reilly, Mary Davoren, A tool to evaluate proportionality and necessity in the use of restrictive practices in forensic mental health settings: The DRILL tool (Dundrum Restriction, Intrusion and Liberty Ladders)., 2020,
Journal Article,
Petra Habets, Inge Jeandarme, Harry G. Kennedy, Determining security level in forensic psychiatry: a tug of war between the DUNDRUM toolkit and the HoNOS-Secure, Psychology, Crime & Law, 2020, p1--19 ,
Journal Article,
Tomlin J, Lega I, Braun P, Kennedy HG, Herrando VT, Barroso R, Castelletti L, Mirabella F, Scarpa F, Völlm B, experts of COST Action IS1302, Forensic mental health in Europe: some key figures., Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 2020,
Journal Article,
Harry G. Kennedy, Ronan Mullaney, Paul McKenna, John Thompson, David Timmons, Pauline Gill, Owen P. O"Sullivan, Paul Braham, Dearbhla Duffy, Anthony Kearns, Sally Linehan, Damian Mohan, Stephen Monks, Lisa McLoughlin, Paul O"Connell, Conor O"Neill, Brenda Wright, Ken O"Reilly, Mary Davoren, A tool to evaluate proportionality and necessity in the use of restrictive practices in forensic mental health settings: the DRILL tool (Dundrum restriction, intrusion and liberty ladders), BMC Psychiatry, 20, (1), 2020,
Journal Article,
Ken O'Reilly, Paul O'Connell, Aisling Ryan, Daniellla Ambrosch, Eoin Walshe, Mary Davoren, Aiden Corvin, Harry G. Kennedy, Deficit not bias: A quantifiable neuropsychological model of delusions, Schizophrenia Research, 222, 2020, p496--498 ,
Journal Article,
H. G. Kennedy, D. Mohan, M. Davoren, Forensic psychiatry and Covid-19: accelerating transformation in forensic psychiatry, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, p1--26 ,
Journal Article,