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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Professor James Wickham

Fellow Emeritus (Fellows Emeritii)


My PhD in sociology from the University of Sussex (UK) was a social history of working class politics in Weimar Germany. My early research in Ireland was on Irish industrialisation and labour market issues, especially the electronics industry. Through the Employment Research Centre within TCD Department of Sociology I have led EU-funded research projects on employment and work in contemporary Europe. My research on mobility and environmental sustainability has included studies of business air travel in Ireland and of urban transport in European cities. I have published Gridlock: Dublin's transport crisis and the future of the city (Dublin, 2006) as well as articles on European social research policy. I chaired the Trinity Immigration Initiative and after directing a project on Polish migrants in Dublin am now leading a project which compares Polish emigration in the 2000's with Irish emigration today.
  Air Transportation   Employment   EU Politics   European Union Social Policy   Gender and work   Human Resource Management   Immigration   Industrial relations   Labour market institutions   labour migration   Migration   Migration and Employment   Public Transport   Traffic Congestion   Transport   Transportation   Unemployment   Worker Attitudes and Technology
 Careers, Conjunctures and Consequences. The implications of Polish migration to Ireland for contemporary Irish emigration
 Cars, debts and public transport: urban mobility in the crisis
 Migrant Careers and Aspirations
 Mobile Lives

Details Date
Member, Scientific Advisory Council, Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund (Germany) 2006
Member, Consultative Committee on the Local Government Reform Green Paper 2007
Member, Dublin Transportation Office Consultative Panel 2007
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
French Fluent Basic Medium
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Italian Medium Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Sociological Association of Ireland
European Sociological Association
British Sociological Association
James Wickham, European Societies Today: Inequality, Diversity, Divergence, London, Routledge, 2020, Book, PUBLISHED
Alicja Bobek, Sinead Pembroke, James Wickham, Living in precarious housing: non-standard employment and housing careers of young professionals in Ireland, Housing Studies, 2020, p24 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Alicja Bobek, James Wickham, Elaine Moriarty and Justyna Salamonska , Is money always the most important thing? Polish construction workers in Ireland , Irish Journal of Sociology, 26, (2), 2018, p162 - 182, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Alicja Bobek, James Wickham, Blurring boundaries: informal practices in formal employment in Ireland, Industrial Relations Journal, 49, (4), 2018, p336 - 351, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
International Skill Flows and Migration in, editor(s)J. Buchanan, D. Finegold, K. Mayhew and C. Warhurst , Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training, Oxford, Oxford UP, 2017, pp576 - 593, [James Wickham], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Alicja Bobek, James Wickham, The ownership of time: work in the Irish hospitality sector, Irish Journal of Anthropology, 20, (2), 2017, p17 - 25, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
James Wickham, Unequal Europe: Social divisions and social cohesion in an old continent, London, Routledge, 2016, Book, PUBLISHED
Nach dem Ende der Party: Irlands Beschäftigungsmodell und das merkwürdige Überleben des Sozialstaaats in, editor(s)Steffen Lehndorff , Spaltende Integration, Hamburg, VSA, 2014, pp109 - 130, [James Wickham], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Torben Krings, Elaine Moriarty, James Wickham, Alicja Bobek, Justyna Salamoñska, New Mobilities in Europe: Polish migration to Ireland post-2004, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2013, 1 - 176pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Learning from Poland? What Recent Mass Immigration to Ireland Tells Us about Contemporary Irish Migration in, editor(s)Louis Brennan , Enacting Globalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on International Integration, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp146 - 155, [Wickham James, Bobek Alicja, Daly Sally, Krings Torben, Moriatry Elaine and Justnya Salamonska ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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James Wickham, 'Ireland in the Crisis: Survival without transformation, Work(ing) in Europe, Jena (Germany), 27 June, 2013, University of Jena, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
James Wickham, Alla radice della crisi europea: la sostituzionie dei legami sociali con il mercato, Economia & Lavoro , 47, (1), 2013, p55 - 74, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
James Wickham, Europe's Crisis: Market competition instead of social bonds, 2013, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
James Wickham, 'Europe's Crisis: Market Competition Instead of Social Bonds, IG Metall Kurswechsel Conference, Berlin, 6 December, 2012, IG Metall Trade Union, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
James Wickham, Multiculturalism in a Europe des patries?, Migration and the City, Berlin, 29 November, 2012, Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
James Wickham, Copying the American Nightmare? European universities and global higher education, Sustainable growth in the European Union - the role of education and training, Brussels, 13 November, 2012, Jean Monnet Conference, 61 - 64pp, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
The Ryanair model of development? in, editor(s)Alex Klemm , Progressive-Economy@TASC 2009 Review, Dublin, TASC, 2010, pp12 - 13, [James Wickham], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Torben Krings, Alicja Bobek, Elaine Moriarty, Justyna Salamoska, James Wickham, Les migrants polonais dans l'Irlande en crise, Les Mondes du Travail, (7), 2009, p43 - 52, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
James Wickham, From high skill migration to cosmopolitan service class? Irish migration policy in a European context, International Migration and Diaspora Studies Project (New Delhi) IMDS Working Papers, (15), 2009, p45 - 64, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
James Wickham, 'Nur zu Gast bei Freunden: Europa läuft Gefahr, sich aus dem Markt der Hochqualifizierten abzuschliessen', Internationale Politik, 63, (9), 2008, p76 - 80, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Provost's Teaching Award: Lifetime Achievement 2012
Jean Monnet ad personam professorship 1998
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2005
I currently research the relationship between employment and different forms of mobility, ranging from migration to business air travel. I recently completed a study of Polish migrants in the Dublin labour market; my current research project 'Learning from Poland' compares Irish graduate emigration to that from Poland in the last decade. Separately I am working on the impact of the European financial crisis, especially personal debt, on people's ability to travel for work and pleasure. I also work and publish on European social structure and the demise of the European Social Model.