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Professor Jagdish Vij

Fellow Emeritus (Electronic & Elect. Engineering)

Jagdish K Vij was educated in Panjab University Chandigarh. This was one of the top best public universities in North India at the time. He spent 8 years from 1961 to 1969 at the campus of Panjab University Chandigarh and during this time he earned degrees of B.Sc.(Hons. School), M.Sc. (Hons. School) and Ph.D. from Panjab University. He was a post-doctoral research Fellow in Trinity College Dublin (TCD) from 1971-74 and researched in the dielectric properties of materials at high pressures with Prof. Garrett Scaife and Prof. Brendan Scaife. His work was published in high impact factor Journals of the time. They were one of the first groups to be able to measure together both complex permittivity and density of fluids under high hydrostatic pressures. He lectured in a number of universities before being appointed to a Lectureship in Electronic and Electrical Engineering in TCD in 1979. He was elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 1983 as one of 4 from all Faculties in that year. He lectured on Electro-Technology (basic course on Electrical Engineering) for all Engineers, Analog Electronics for third years and Electronic Materials for second and the specialist fourth years. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science of the University of Dublin on his published work in 1990. He was promoted Professor in Engineering Science in the same year. He was subsequently appointed to the chair of Electronic Materials in Department of Electronic/Electrical Engineering in 1999. He was elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy again as one out of the four in All Sciences elected that year. He supervised 18 PhD's of the University of Dublin, Trinity College. He mentored 30 post docs from different Countries. He had a number of very distinguished Professors and Researchers working and visiting him. He has published some 347 papers on Electronic Materials, liquid crystals and related instrumentation in high impact factor International Journals. These include papers in Nature Communications, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials and four in the IEEE Transactions. More than 50% of the papers are published in the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics Journals. In addition, he and his group have presented some 250 papers at the various international conferences. He made a number of seminal contributions to millimeter and submillimeter (THz) wave electrical measurements, to glass science in terms of the slow and the fast molecular dynamics and science of glass transition. He moved on to the field of liquid crystals in the early 1990s where he and his group made many seminal contributions in almost all areas of liquid crystals science and technology. Recently they discovered a twist-bend nematic phase as well as discovered a number of new dynamic modes and a also discovered a large number subphases in antiferroelectric liquid crystals. He is an invited speaker at a number of international conferences. At end of December 2020, he had Google h-index of 42, and Web of Science h-index of 39. He holds two patents on the applications of liquid crystals with two members of his research group. He chaired the 25th International Liquid Crystal Conference in TCD in 2014 and the 9th International Ferroelectric liquid crystals Conference in TCD 2003. He was a member of the Editorial Board of Liquid Crystals for 10 years 1998-2008, and a member of the Editorial Board of Molecular Materials from 1995-2005. He is currently an Associate Editor of Journal of Information Displays (Taylor and Francis). He edited 5 Volumes of Ferroelectrics, 5 Volumes of MCLC (Taylor and Francis), one Volume of Journal of Molecular Structure and 3 Volumes of Molecular Liquids. He is the author and Editor of the Advances in Liquid Crystals 2000, published by Wiley. This was translated to Chinese and sold widely.
 Strategic project on nanofoam morphology
 Applied Research on low k
 INTEL postgraduate studentship for 3 years
 Basic Research Program on ferroelectric liquid crystals
 Liquid Crystalline Dendrimers

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Details Date
Associate Editor of 'Journal Crystals' in the section of Liquid Crystals 1st Jan 2019 to date
Associate Editor Journal of Information Displays, published by Taylor and Francis 2016 -
Member of Editorial Board: Liquid Crystals (the International Journal on anisotropic fluids) published by Francis and Taylor, UK. 1998-2008
Guest Editor of Volumes: 610 to 613 (2015) of Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, published by Taylor and Francis Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings of ILCC 2014
Guest editor of 4 Volumes of Ferroelectrics (Volumes 309-312) published by Taylor and Francis in 2004. 2004
Reviewer: For papers on liquid crystals, liquids and solids for various international journals including Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, International Journal of Liquid Crystals, Ferroelectrics, Liquid crystals, Journal of Molecular Liquids and the Journals of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, American Chemical Society and external examiners for Ph.D.'s in Canada, UK, Poland and India. Reviewer of NSF, Canadian Research Council, Science Foundation of Greece and INTAS projects on liquid crystals
Member Editorial Board: Molecular Materials published by Gordon and Breach, USA. 1994-2004
Member Editorial Board, Ceylon Journal of Science published by Peradeniya, University, Sri Lanka 2016 -
Details Date From Date To
Member American Physical Society
C. Phys.
F. Inst. P. 1995 life time
C. Eng.
F.I.E.E. 1995
Gabbett, Cian and Kelly, Adam G. and Coleman, Emmet and Doolan, Luke and Carey, Tian and Synnatschke, Kevin and Liu, Shixin and Dawson, Anthony and O†Suilleabhain, Domhnall and Munuera, Jose and Caffrey, Eoin and Boland, John B. and Sofer, ZdenÄ k and Ghosh, Goutam and Kinge, Sachin and Siebbeles, Laurens D. A. and Yadav, Neelam and Vij, Jagdish K. and Aslam, Muhammad Awais and Matkovic, Aleksandar and Coleman, Jonathan N., Understanding how junction resistances impact the conduction mechanism in nano-networks, Nature Communications, 15, (1), 2024, Notes: [Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Gold Open Access], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Vij, Jagdish K., Gyan Prakash Johari (1940"2024), Current Science, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
K. Shirota, A. Fukuda, N. Yadav, V. P. Panov, Jagdish K. Vij, Y. Yamagata, and K. Ishikawa, Response to an applied electric field in an antiferroelectric 1/2 subphase: The role of thermal fluctuations, Physical Review E, 107, (6), 2023, p064701-1 - 064701-11, p11 , Notes: [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.107.064701], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Neelam Yadav, Yuri P. Panarin, G. H. Mehl and Jagdish K. Vij, Spontaneous Mirror Symmetry breaking and chiral segregation in the achiral ferronematic compound DIO, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 2023, p9083 - 9091, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Neelam Yadav, Yuri P. Panarin, Jagdish K. Vij, wanhe jiang, Georg H. Mehl, Two mechanisms for the formation of the ferronematic phase studied by dielectric spectroscopy, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 378, 2023, p121570 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Yadav, N. and Panarin, Y.P. and Jiang, W. and Mehl, G.H. and Vij, J.K., Collective Relaxation Processes in Nonchiral Nematics, Crystals, 13, (6), 2023, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Yadav, N. and Panarin, Y.P. and Vij, J.K. and Jiang, W. and Mehl, G.H., Optical activity and linear electrooptic response in the paraelectric subphase of an achiral ferroelectric nematic compound, Liquid Crystals, 50, (7-10), 2023, p1375-1382 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Y. Takanishi, A. Iida, I. Nishiyama, Jagdish K. Vij, Atsuo Fukuda , Various liquid crystalline phases structural analysis using resonant x-ray scattering, EKISHO", 26, (4), 2022, p242 - 253, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
S.P. Sreenilayam, Neelam Yadav, Y. P. Panarin, G. Shanker and Jagdish K Vij, Electrooptic, pyroelectric, dielectric spectroscopic studies of nematic and twist-bend nematic phases of achiral hockey-shaped bent-core liquid crystal, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 351, 2022, p1-11 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Titov, A.S. and Titov, S.V. and Vij, J.K., Anomalous diffusion, gigahertz, and terahertz spectroscopy of aliphatic ketones, Physical Review E, 106, (6), 2022, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Advances in microwave and submillimetre wave dielectric spectroscopic techniques and their applications in, editor(s)M.W. Evans , Dynamical Processes in Condensed Matter, Wiley Interscience, 1985, pp775 - 837, [F. Hufnagel], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The macroscopic properties of dielectrics and their interpretation in terms of correlation functions in, editor(s)W.T. Coffey, M.W. Evans and P. Grigolini , Molecular Diffusion and Spectra, NY, John Wiley & Sons, 1984, pp197 - 213, [W.T. Coffey], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
On the origin of nonlinear equations for the potential and current density in a semiconductor in, editor(s)J.J.H. Miller , NASCODE III Lecture Notes, Boole Press, 1983, pp24 - 40, [W.T. Coffey, J. K. Vij], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Fellow Trinity College Dublin 1983
Senior Fulbright Fellow 1990
Member of the Royal Irish Academy (MRIA) 1999
Distinguished Guest Chair Professor, SKK University, Suwon, Korea 1 October 2012 to August 31 2013
Associate Editor Journal of Information Displays (Taylor and Francis) Jan 1 2017
Conference Ambassador award by the Minister Tourism Ireland 2017
Public Lecture "Professor B. M. Anand 4th memorial lecture" at Panjab University Chandigarh 2018 April 12
Visiting Professor, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, SKK University,Suwon, Korea August 1 to September 1 2018
Invited talk: Recent Discoveries of Twist bend Nematic phase and heliconial (Twist bend Smectic) phase in achiralbent-core systems at Indian National Liquid Crystals Conference 22 October 2019
Invited talk on IOP Dielectrics Symposium held at Manchester: Dielectric Spectroscopy of Liquid Crystals 12 April 2019
I specialize in the field of electro-optical and spectroscopic properties of liquid crystals for applications in photonics and displays. Our current interest is focused on investigating de Vries smectics which should exhibit almost zero layer shrinkage in going from SmA to SmC* phase. Our secondary interest is in discovering new temperature induced and field induced subphases in antiferroelectric liquid crystals other than the standard 2, 3 and 4 layers. We discovered a number of field induced suphases. We discovered 5 layer, 7 layer and 8 layer temperature induced subphases. These have now been verified by resonant X-rays. In the recent past we discovered the twist-bend nematic phase in bimesogens/dimers based on cyanobiphenyls and difuoroterphenyls. I have been the Project Co-ordinator and the Principal Investigator of two large EU projects on Liquid Crystals, Science Programme (1990-93) and the Human Capital and mobility programme (1994-97). Both of these projects were approved by the Science/Physics Committee of the EU. Under the 5th programme, I was a partner in two projects (i) Liquid Crystalline dendrimers and (ii) Synclinic and Anticlinic (SAMPA) Liquid Crystals. These were successfully completed. I was granted a two year project by the American Chemical Society on glass science in 1999. In 2000, I was also awarded a basic research grant to work on the dynamic pyroelectric effect, strategic project on low k, and 2 Science Foundation of Ireland grants. I was awarded 2 major projects of ~1.35 M Euro by the Science Foundation of Ireland, under one of which Professor A. Fukuda was appointed for two years as a SFI Research Professor. Under FP7 I was one of the 7 PI's in a BIND project. The project started in Feb. 2008. Trinity share of the total budget was over Euro 400,000. This project was completed in Feb 2012.As a result of these projects, important discoveries were made by my research group. The notable one is twist-bend nematic phase. I had two TIDA projects in 2010 and 2012. Funding in each of these was of the order of Euro 95,000. These were successfully completed too. The other Research Professors appointed were Professor Antoni Kocot [2008-2009] (University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland) and Professor S. Kumar (2012-2013) RRI, Bangalore, India. These collaborative grants were awarded on the basis of the throughput of my research group. I have currently SFI PI project under Ireland -US collaborative project 2014-2017 on de Vries smectics. We have published extensively in top ranking Journals.