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Professor John Scattergood

Fellow Emeritus (English)
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Professor John Scattergood

Fellow Emeritus (English)


John Scattergood was born in 1940. He was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School, Nuneaton (Warwidks.)from 1951-58, the University of Birmingham (1958-62) and King's College London (1962-64). He taught in the University of Bristol from 1964 to 1980 after which he became Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English at Trinity College Dublin. He holds degrees of BA, MA and Litt.D and was elected FTCD in 1981. He has been at various times Senior Lecturer (1984-87, 1990-91), Dean of Arts (Lerrers) (1996-2001), Senior Proctor (2002-2005). He retired in 2006. He was Pro-Chancellor of the University of Dublin from 2008 to 2015. He was elected a Member of the Royal Irish Academy in 1991.
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Italian Medium Basic Basic
Spanish Medium Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Royal Irish Academy 1991
John Scattergood, Time's Subjects: Horology and Literature in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance, First, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2022, 1 - 205pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Corinna Salvadori Lonergan and John Scattergood (editors), Liber Amicorum: Medieval Studies, Translation, Creativity, First, Turin, Nueva Trauben, 2022, 1 - 391pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Power Games in the English Poetry off Charles of Orleans in, editor(s)Richard Firth Green and R.F. Yeager , 'Of latine and of othire lare':Essays in Honour of David R. Carlson, Toronto, PIMS Pontifical Instute of Medieval Studies, 2022, pp192 - 209, [John Scattergood], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Storytelling, Memory and 'Trouthe' in, editor(s)Roman Bleier, Brian Coleman and Clare Fletcher , Memory and Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern World, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New york, Wien, Peter Lang, 2022, pp3 - 28, [John Scattergood], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
John Scattergood with Niamh Pattwell and Emma Williams, Trinity College Library Dublin:: A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Middle English and Some Old English, First, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2021, i -- xxxvi - 1-- 366pp, Book, PUBLISHED
John Scattergood, Trinity College Dublin MS 661 and the Attribution of 'On Time' to John Skelton, Notes and Queries, 68, (ii), 2021, p169 - 172, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
John Scattergood, 'On the Eve: Politics and the Copying of Trinity College Dublin MS 73', Journal of the Early Book Society, 23, 2021, p61 - 79, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
John Scattergood, Trinity College Dublin MS 347 and a Possible Source for Chaucer's Shipman's Tale, VII 11-19, The Chaucer Review, 55, (2), 2020, p237 - 244, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Trinity College Dublin MS 73: A Lollard Bible in the Age of Print in, editor(s)Paul Arblaster, Ingrid Bertrand, Veronique Bragard and Dirk Delabastita , Sparks anSparkss and Lustrous Words: Essays in Honour of Guido Latre, Louvain, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2019, pp41 - 51, [John Scattergood], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Sebastian Sobecki and John Scattergood (eds), A Critical Companion to John Skelton, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, viii 1 - 233pp, Book, PUBLISHED

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Ezra Pound, Cantos I. 1-2 in, editor(s)Paul Corcoran , Line of Enquiry, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin Press, 2017, pp108 - 109, [John Scattergood], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


Medieval English Literature mainly from 1300 to 1550. Palaeography and codicology.