Afridi A.A, Weng H, Liu J, Li J, McKenna R, McDermott M, Lu Q, Guo W, Donegan J.F, Ultra-wide soliton access window in an AlN microresonator, Conf. Lasers Electro-Opt., CLEO - Proc., 2022, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022,
Conference Paper,
Sun W, Wei S, Lu Q, Donegan J.F, Guo W, Regrowth-Free 1.3ÎŒm Directly Modulated DBR Lasers Based on Inverted Trapezoid High-Order Surface-Gratings, Opt. InfoBase Conf. Pap, 2022, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), 2022,
Conference Paper,
Weng H, Afridi A, Li J, McDermott M, Tu H, Lu Q, Guo W, Donegan J.F, Octave-spanning Kerr solitons with repetition rates of 1, 2, and 3 THz in a Si3N4 microresonator, Opt. InfoBase Conf. Pap, 2022, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), 2022,
Conference Paper,
Weng H, Afridi A, Li J, McDermott M, Tu H, Lu Q, Guo W, Donegan J.F, Steady-state dissipative Kerr soliton with a 30 GHz existence window in a microresonator pumped by a step-tuned laser, Conf. Lasers Electro-Opt., CLEO - Proc., 2022, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022,
Conference Paper,
Mickus D, Murphy C, McKenna R, Donegan J, A New Method to Measure Thermal Impedance for All-Active Semiconductor Lasers using the Athermalisation Condition, Opt. InfoBase Conf. Pap, 2022, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), 2022,
Conference Paper,
Zhang P, Liu C, Xiang M, Li N, Lu Q, Donegan J.F, Guo W, Ultra-Low Threshold Single Mode Surface-Grating DFB Lasers for Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks, Opt. InfoBase Conf. Pap, 2022, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), 2022,
Conference Paper,
Bello F.D, Clarke D.D.A, Tarasenko I, Donegan J.F, Hess O, Nanoheating and Nanoconduction with Near-Field Plasmonics: Prospects for Harnessing the Moiré and Seebeck Effects in Ultrathin Films, Advanced Optical Materials, 10, (23), 2022,
Journal Article,
Xiang M., Zhang Y., Li G., Liu C., Chen Q., Lu Q., Huang L., Lu M., Donegan J., Guo W., Wide-waveguide high-power low-RIN single-mode distributed feedback laser diodes for optical communication, Optics Express, 30, (17), 2022, p30187 - 30197, p30187-30197 ,
Journal Article,
Afridi A.A., Weng H., Li J., McKenna R., McDermott M., Tu H., Lu Q., Guo W., Donegan J.F., Effect of Thermal Tuning and Mode Coupling On Soliton Microcombs in AlN Microresonators, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2022,
Journal Article,
Weng H., Afridi A.A., Li J., McDermott M., Tu H., Barry L.P., Lu Q., Guo W., Donegan J.F., Dual-mode microresonators as straightforward access to octave-spanning dissipative Kerr solitons, APL Photonics, 7, (6), 2022,
Journal Article,