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Professor John Corish

Fellow Emeritus (Chemistry)

B.Sc., M.A., Ph. D., F.I.C.I., Eur. Chem., M.R.I.A., F.T.C.D.
Details Date
Member of HETAC research Degree Programme Committee 2002-Present
Member of European Chemistry Thematic Network and Secretary of Working Party on the 'Image of Chemistry' 1998-Present
Member of European Network on Dermal Exposure 1997-2001
Member of Board of Governors, Michael Collins Memorial Foundation, Chairman 1997-present 1989-Present
Trustee and Member of Management Committee Dublin University Football Club (the oldest Rugby club in the world continuously playing since 1854): President 1995-1996 1994-Present
Vice-President Royal Irish Academy 1999-2000
Member of Council of the Royal Irish Academy 1998-2002
Member Royal Dublin Society, Science Committee 1993-1996
Member Committee of Heads of Irish Universities - Eolas/ Forbairt Liaison Committee 1990-1997
Chair, Chemical and Allied Products Industrial Training Committee, FÁS (Irish Industrial Training Authority) 1985-1998
Member Innovation and Technology Policy Committee IBEC 1992-1995
Member Trades Council Irish Business and Employers Confederation 1993-Present
Chief Gas Examiner (Irish Department of Industry and Energy) 1974-1982
Served on Civil Service Commission for Appointments in the Public Service 1979-Present
President, Institute of Chemistry of Ireland 1990-1992
Member of Council of Institute of Chemistry of Ireland 1988-1994
Examiner in Chemistry- The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland 1972-1974
Member of Council of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland, Treasurer 1973-1978, and also member of Membership and Pollution Control Committees. 1972-1979
Member of Finance Committee [IUPAC Commission on High Temperature and Solid State Chemistry] 2003 -present
Chairman, Materials Chemistry Sub-Committee [IUPAC] 2001-present
Member of Interdivisional Committee on Terminology Nomenclature and Symbols [IUPAC] 2001-present
Leader/Member Irish Delegation to Council for some General Assemblies [IUPAC] 1985-present
Member of IUPAC Evaluation Committee 1999-2001
Member PAC Editorial Advisory Board 2000-2001
Acting Secretary, Inorganic Division [IUPAC] 2001-2003
Member of Bureau, as Division President [IUPAC] 1997-2001
Organised (with Prof R.G.Gilbert) IUPAC contribution to World Scientific Conference, Budapest. 1999
Responsible for IUPAC process for naming new elements 1999-present
President, Inorganic Division IUPAC 1997-2001
Vice-President, Inorganic Division IUPAC 1995-1997
Member IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols 1987-1993
Member of IUPAC Commission on High Temperature and Solid State Chemistry; Secretary 1987-1991; Chair 1991-1995 1983-1995
Chairman Local Committee for Royal Society of Chemistry FourthInternational Materials Chemistry Conference, Dublin 1999. 1998-Present
Member of International Advisory Committee for Conferences in High Temperature Materials Chemistry at Santa Fe 1984, Rome 1987, Gaithershurg 1989, Orleans 1991, Vienna 1994, Penn. State 1997, Julich 2000, Tokyo (2003) and Vienna(2006). 1984-Present
Member of International Advisory Committees for Conferences on Defects in Insulating Crystals, Riga 1981, Salt Lake City 1974, Parma 1985, Nordkirchen 1992, Wake Forest 1996 , South Africa 2000, Riga (2003) and Milan (2006). 1981-Present
Secretary 'Fourth Europhysical Topical Conference on Lattice Defects in Ionic Crystals, Dublin, 1982. Served on International Advisory and Programme Committees for later Conferences in the series at Madrid 1986, Gröningen 1990, Lyon 1994, Keele 1998 and Riga 2002. 1982-Present
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Royal Irish Academy
Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland
Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin
European Chemist
Krüse, J. , Golden, D. , Wilkinson, S. , Williams, F. , Kezic, S. , Corish, J. , Analysis, interpretation, and extrapolation of dermal permeation data using diffusion-based mathematical models, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , 96, (3), 2007, p682-703 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
J. Krüse, D. Golden, S. Wilkinson, F. Williams and J. Corish, Analysis, Interpretation, and Extrapolation of Dermal Permeation Data Using Diffusion-Based Mathematical Models, J. Pharm Sci, 96, (3), 2007, p682-703 , Notes: [ ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
L. M. A. Nolan, J. Corish, O. I. Corrigan and D. Fitzpatrick., Combined effects of iontophoretic and chemical enhancement on drug delivery II. Transport across human and murine skin , Int. J. Pharm, 341, (1-2), 2007, p114-124. , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Fitzpatrick, Dara and Corish, John , Release characteristics of anionic drug compounds from liquid crystalline gels: Part II. The effects of ion pairing and buffering on the passive delivery of anionic drugs across non-rate-limiting membranes, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 311, (1-2), 2006, p139-146 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Fitzpatrick, Dara and Corish, John, Release characteristics of anionic drug compounds from liquid crystalline gels: III. Chemical and iontophoretic enhancement of delivery across non-rate-limiting membranes, International Journal of Pharmaceutics , 325, (1-2), 2006, 90-98 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Dara Fitzpatrick and John Corish, Release Characteristics of Anionic Drug Compounds from Liquid Crystalline Gels II: The effects of Ion- pairing and Buffering on the Passive Delivery of Anionic Drugs across non rate-limiting membranes., Int. J Pharm, 311, (1-2), 2006, p139-146. , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
D. Fitzpatrick and J. Corish, Release Characteristics of Anionic Drug Compounds from Liquid Crystalline Gels III: Chemical and Iontophoretic Transport across non rate-limiting membranes, Int. J. Pharm, 325, (1-2), 2006, p90-98 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Point defects in simple ionic solids in, editor(s)S. Yip , Handbook of Materials Modelling, Vol I: Methods and Models, The Netherlands, Springer, 2005, pp1889 - 1899, [Corish, J.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
J. Corish and D. A. Morton-Blake, The migration of ions through poly(3-octylthiophene), Synthetic Metals, 151, (1), 2005, p49 - 59, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
D. Fitzpatrick and J.Corish, Release Characteristics of Anionic Drug Compounds from Liquid Crystalline Gels for Transdermal Delivery I: Passive release across non-rate limiting membranes, Int. J. Pharm., 301, (1-2), 2005, p226 - 236, Notes: [PMID: 16084043 ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL

Page 1 of 11
John Corish, International Advisory Committee of Third IUPAC Workshop on Advanced Materials (WAM III), 2005, Stellenbosch, Notes: [John Corish], Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
J. Corish, J. Jortner, C.N.R.Rao and M.A.El-Sayed, Second IUPAC Workshop on Advanced Materials (WAM II), 2002, Bangalore, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
J. Corish, R.G.Gilbert, New Materials at World Scientific Conference sponsored by UNESCO and ICSU, June, 1999, Budapest, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
John Corish, Euroanalysis III Conference, 1978, Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Fellowship at the University of Western Ontario 1969-1971
Research interests are wide and embrace both fundamental scientific and applied technological areas. The major connecting theme has been matter transport through solid materials with application to solid state electrochemistry, ionic crystals, electroactive polymers and advanced battery systems, transdermal transport of drugs and other molecules and the low and very high temperature corrosion of metals, alloys and ceramics. Both experimental measurements and computational atomistic simulation techniques have been applied, where possible in complementary studies, to increase understanding of the fundamental transport processes in these systems. Research currently in progress includes atomistic simulation studies of polymeric materials where the intention is use MD to extend studies of drug delivery systems to determine the molecular processes that control the release of the active constituents. Another project, in response to the Science and Technology against drugs initiative of the Irish Government, was in collaboration with the Toxicology Department of the Irish State Laboratory. The objectives were to develop new automated techniques to extract and quantify a range of drugs of abuse from biological samples. Also in the general area of analysis a joint project has been recently completed with Institut National d'Environement Industriel et des Risques (France) is evaluating solid adsorbents for sampling applications for a range of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the ppmv concentration range.