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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Profile Photo

Dr. David Igoe

Assistant Professor (Civil Struct & Env. Eng.)

  Constitutive modelling in geotechnical engineering   geotechnical   GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING   Geotechnics   Offshore engineering   Offshore foundations   OFFSHORE STRUCTURES
 EPSRC-SFI: ROBOCONE: intelligent robotics for next generation ground investigation and design
 Development of damping parameters for Irish Offshore Wind Farms
 Optimisation of XL Monopiles supporting offshore wind turbines through advanced numerical modelling of cyclic loading effects
 Pile Ageing study for offshore wind applications
 Towards the development of new analysis methods to improve the safety and resilience of Ireland's flood defence infrastructure in the face of climate change

Details Date
Secretary and Vice Chair of the Engineers Ireland Geotechnical Society April 2021
Committee member of the Engineers Ireland Geotechnical Society 01/09/2017
SC7 - Eurocode 7 Committee member for the National Standards Authority of Ireland. Leader of sub-committee BG2 on design examples. 01/09/2017
PhD Extenternal Examiner for the University of Western Australia 22nd August 2022
Details Date From Date To
Engineers Ireland Geotechnical Society - Secretary and vice chair August 2017 Present
Chartered Member of Engineers Ireland, CEng 01/01/2016
Lapastoure, L. and Igoe, D, A comparison of soil lateral reaction models for monopile design in clay, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney, edited by ISSMGE , 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Lapastoure, L. and Igoe, D., 3DFE derivation of CPT based soil reaction curves for monopile lateral static design in sand, 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT22), Bologna, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Igoe, D. and Barzan, M., Application of CPT based 3DFE approach for estimating monopile damping in sand, 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT22), Bologna, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Diambra, A., White, D., Creasey, J., Cerfontaine, B., Gourvenec, S., Leonet, J., Conn, A., Igoe, D., Ibraim, E., Mylonakis, G., A new module for direct in-situ measurement of p-y response, 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT22), Bologna, Italy, 8-10 June, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Lehane, B., Igoe, D., Gavin, K., & Marin, E. B. , Keynote: Application of the Unified CPT method to assess the driving resistance of pipe piles in sand, Stress Wave 2022, Delft, Netherlands, Sep 2022, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Lapastoure, L. and Igoe, D. , Implementation of PISA numerical framework for offshore wind foundation design, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI) conference, Dublin, Aug 2022, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Lapastoure, L. and Jalilvand, S., Diambra, A. and Igoe, D. , Review of cyclic models for the design of monopiles supporting offshore wind turbines, Geotechnical Society of Ireland Conference, Port Laois, 2022, pp43-52 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Varghese, R., Pakrashi, V. and Igoe, D. , A review of anchoring solutions for offshore wind turbines, Geotechnical Society of Ireland Conference, Port Laois, 2022, pp79 - 84, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Igoe, D., Lapastoure, L. and Jalilvand, S. , Comparison of geotechnical design criteria for offshore monopiles, Geotechnical Society of Ireland Conference, Port Laois, Ireland, 2022, pp37-42 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Luke Prendergast and David Igoe, Examination of the reduction in natural frequency of laterally loaded piles due to strain-dependence of soil shear modulus, Ocean Engineering, 258, (Article 111614), 2022, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text

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Award Date
Best Paper Award at the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI) conference August 2022
British Geotechnical Association - Gold Medal for best paper of 2020 2020
Fleming Award -Excellence in the application of geotechnics in a project, Awarded to the PISA project, British Geotechnical Association Oct 2017
Science Foundation Ireland EPSRC-SFI Grant - Principal Investigator Dec 2021
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland - Research, Development and Demonstration Funding Programme Grant - Principal Investigator 2019
Marine Industry Awards - Award for Best Professional Services - accepted award as head of offshore engineering on behalf of GDG (prior to joining TCD) June 2017
Marine Industry Awards - Overall Award for Marine Excellence - accepted award as head of offshore engineering on behalf of GDG (prior to joining TCD) June 2017
MCOS (RPS) Postgraduate Scholarship, MCOS (RPS) Sep 2006
Geotechnical Trust Fund Award, Engineers Ireland July 2008
International Young Geotechnical Engineer Conference Award, Engineers Ireland Aug 2009
My research interests are mainly focused on Geotechnical and Offshore Engineering where I lead the offshore geotechnics research group which is focused on solving the technical challenges in offshore wind energy (aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 13). I am actively involved in driving innovation within the geotechnical engineering community through advancements in fundamental understanding of soil behaviour, numerical modelling and experimental testing. My research has had a significant impact on the offshore wind industry, helping to reduce the costs and increase economic viability. I was a key contributor to the UK Carbon Trust Pile Soil Analysis (PISA) project, which developed new design methods for offshore wind foundations. The PISA design model is now the de-facto design approach used by engineers designing offshore wind foundations worldwide. This new approach is estimated to save ~30% of steel weight compared to the previous industry standard approach. The PISA project won the prestigious BGA Fleming Award and was recognised by the Carbon Trust as one of the 10 most high impact projects undertaken in the last 10 years by the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) program (which estimates its projects have resulted in £34 Billion cost savings for the offshore wind industry by 2030). I am currently collaborating with the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Southampton, Western Australia, Imperial College London, TU Delft. Geotechnical Engineering is historically poorly funded. Prior to my joining TCD, there had been no large grants (>€150k) won in this area in the previous 10 years. By harnessing my expertise in offshore geotechnics and targeting research funding supporting the Renewable Energy transition, I have managed to bring in significant research funding of €1.14 million to TCD in the past 3 years (with total consortium funding >€3 million), funded by SFI, SEAI, IRC and Geological Survey Ireland. In 2021 I joined the SFI ICRAG research centre as a funded Investigator where I was recently awarded funding of €170k. The program for government (2020) has targeted 5GW of offshore wind to be developed by 2030 which will require an investment of ~10 Billion. I have made this area one of the hot topics within the department and I will continue to grow my research group to position Trinity as Irelands leading University supporting Offshore Wind Geotechnics.