Wuytack F, Moran P, Daly D, Panda S, Hannon K, Cusack C, Donovan M, A systematic review of utility-based and disease-specific quality of life measurement instruments for women with urinary incontinence, Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2021, p1 - 29,
Journal Article,
Doyle C., Sheerin F., Eustace Cook J., Wuytack F. , A Systematic Review of Medication Management in Intellectual Disability Settings , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 , Trinity College, Dublin, 5th March, 2020,
Notes: [https://nursing-midwifery.tcd.ie/events-conferences/THEconference2020/conference-programme.php ],
Oral Presentation,
Daly D., Wuytack F., Moran P., Begley. C. , Co-producing maternal health research with women - the MAMMI study processes. , SPHeRE (Structured Population and Health services Research Education) conference, Dublin, Ireland, January 2018, 2018,
Conference Paper,
Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E, Begley C, Prognostic factors for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, a systematic review, Midwifery, 66, 2018, p70 - 78,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
, Sexual transmission of Hepatitis C Virus infection in a heterosexual population: A systematic review [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review] , HRB Open Research, 2018,
Journal Article,
Daly D, Wuytack F, Moran P, Begley C, Co-conducting maternal health research with women - developing the MAMMI study processes, Thinking Participatively Research Conference, Edmonton, Canada, 21 June, 2018,
Oral Presentation,
Wuytack F., Daly D., Curtis E., Begley C. , Prognostic factors for Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain in first-time mothers in Ireland, Eurospine conference, Dublin, October 2017, 2017,
Conference Paper,
Wuytack F., Daly D., Curtis E., Begley C. , Risk factors for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, a systematic review. , World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress , July 2017, 2017,
Conference Paper,
Wuytack F., Daly D., Curtis E., Begley C. , The impact of Body Mass Index on Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain in nulliparous women in Ireland. , World Federation of Chiropractic Conference , Washington, March 2017, 2017,
Conference Paper,
Wuytack F, Meskell P, Conway A, McDaid F, Santesso N, Hickey FG, Gillespie P, Raymakers AJN, Smith V, Devane D. , The effectiveness of physiologically based early warning or track and trigger systems after triage in adult patients presenting to emergency departments: a systematic review, BMC Emergency Medicine, 17, (38), 2017, p1 - 11,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text