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Professor Orla Franklin

Clinical Associate Professor (Paediatrics)

 A Randomised Controlled Trial of Early Targeted Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment Using a Risk Based Severity Score
 Assessment of Cardiac Function in Preterm and Term Infants with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Using Novel Echocardiography Techniques
 Longitudinal Assessment of Cardiac Function in Infants with Downs Syndrome Using Novel Echocardiography Techniques
 Post-Operative Myocardial Performance and Pulmonary Hypertension in Infants with Down Syndrome: The Role of Inflammation.
 A Randomised Controlled Trial of Early Targeted Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment Using a Risk Based Severity Score

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Details Date
Irish Representative on the National Fetal Cardiology Group UK & Ireland 2016
Irish Representative on the British Paediatric Surveillance (BPSU) Kawasaki Group. This resulted in a comprehensive assessment of the clinical course, treatment and long-term outcomes of Kawasaki Disease in children in the UK and Ireland. The results were published in Archives of Disease in Childhood in 2019 under the title 'Kawasaki disease: a prospective population survey in the UK and Ireland from 2013 to 2015. Tulloh et al 2019 Jul;104(7):640-646 January 2014
External Professional Advisor for the Parlimentary and Health Service Ombudman of the United Kingdom 2008
External Professional Advisor for the Parlimentary and Health Service Ombudman of the United Kingdom 2018
Neonatal and Paediatric Specialist Retrieval Expert Group - This group agreed the workforce model for transport and retrieval of neonates and children, created the Job Descriptions for the National Leads in Neonatal and Paediatric retrieval and defined the training requirements and competencies for all staff involved in neontatal and paediatric retrieval. April 2018
Vice-president of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association 2017- 2019 2017-2019
Board Member of the Irish Hospital Consultants Associaition 2016-2019 February 2016-June 2019
I was the medical lead/senior author of the nationally protocol detailing the dosage and IV smart pump administration of Prostin to neonates with cyanotic congenital heart disease. The Prostin administration document is now used nationally in all paediatric centres and for all retrivals of infants with congenital heart disease. This policy has been co-opted by the Irish Paediatric Critical Care Network March 2011
I was the medical lead on the Standard Operating Procedure for the Prescribing and Administration of Amiodarone by IV infusion outside of the PICU in Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin 2011 April 2011
I am the medical lead on the Standard Operating Procedure for the use of portable T60 pumps in Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin, these pumps allow children who are chronically dependent of the administration of IV infusions to maintain cardiovascular health while awaiting heart transplant to spend some time outside and offsite. The use of these pumps is a novel development in the management of such children in the British Isles . This national policy was established in 2018 September 2018
I was the medical lead and senior author of the Standard Operating Procedure for the IV administration of Heparin outside of the PICU in Children's Health Ireland@ Crumlin in 2014 June 2014
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Fellowship of the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health. I was a founding member of the College in 1996 1996 Present
Fellowship of the Royal College of Paediatricans of Ireland- I became a member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1995 and a fellow of the College in May 2020 June 1995 Present
British Congenital Cardiac Association January 2000 Present
Association of European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology January 2021 Present
Irish Representative on the National Fetal Cardiology Group UK and Ireland 2016 Present
Neonatal ECHO functional Assessment Imaging Group Founder member in collaboration with Prof Afif ElKhuffash Rotunda One MD and two PhD student to the successful completion of their theses. A further student has submitted an MD theses currently undergoing revisions and an additional PhD student is writing up their thesis. This groups currently has a output of peer reviewed publications January 2013 Present
DISCO - Down Syndrome -Down Syndrome Inflammation and Clinical Uutcomes Research Group Affiliated to Trinity Research in Childhood 2018 Present
Bussmann N, Smith A, Breatnach CR, McCallion N, Cleary B, Franklin O, McNamara PJ, El-Khuffash A, Patent ductus arteriosus shunt elimination results in a reduction in adverse outcomes: a post hoc analysis of the PDA RCT cohort., Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, 2021, Notes: [This paper generated following an Irish RCT on medical therapy for management of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants is the first paper showing clearly the benefit for therapy of PDA actually administered. As such it is the first paper to clearly show the benefits of medical therapy in reducing morbidity and mortality from this common complication of prematurity. It represents a significant step forward in evidence based therapy preterm PDA], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Breatnach CR, McGuinness J, Ng LY, Franklin O, Redmond M, Nölke L, McMahon C, Oslizlok P, Walsh K, Kenny D, Procedural technique for hybrid pulmonary valve replacement in infants and small children., European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Smith A, Franklin O, McCallion N, Breatnach F, El-Khuffash A, Effect of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Neonatal Myocardial Function., Neonatology, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Smith A, Bussmann N, Levy P, Franklin O, McCallion N, El-Khuffash A, Comparison of left ventricular rotational mechanics between term and extremely premature infants over the first week of age., Open heart, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
El-Khuffash A, Bussmann N, Breatnach CR, Smith A, Tully E, Griffin J, McCallion N, Corcoran JD, Fernandez E, Looi C, Cleary B, Franklin O, McNamara PJ, 'Early targeted patent ductus arteriosus treatment in premature neonates using a risk based severity score: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (PDA RCT). ', HRB Open Res 2020, HRB Open Res 2020, 2020, -, Protocol or guideline, PUBLISHED
McHugh A, Franklin O, El-Khuffash A, Breathnach F. , 'Can sonographic assessment of pulmonary vascular reactivity following maternal hyperoxygenation predict neonatal pulmonary hypertension? (HOTPOT study protocol). ', Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2020;19:100610., 2020, -, Protocol or guideline, PUBLISHED
Smith A, Molloy E, Miletin J, Curley A, Balfe J, Orla F, EL-Khuffash A, 'Longitudinal assessment of cardiac function in infants with Down's syndrome using novel echocardiography techniques-project protocol. ', HRB Open Res 2020, 3:77, 2020, -, Protocol or guideline, PUBLISHED
El-Khuffash A, Bussmann N, Breatnach CR, Smith A, Tully E, Griffin J, McCallion N, Corcoran JD, Fernandez E, Looi C, Cleary B, Franklin O, McNamara PJ, A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Early Targeted Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment Using a Risk Based Severity Score (The PDA RCT)., The Journal of pediatrics, 2020, Notes: [This paper was the first single centre interventional trial on extremely premature infants run in Ireland. Its focus of interest was a common complication of preterm delivery, patency of the arterial duct. This pathology has very significant implications for the cardiovascular status of this population,however even thought this is a ubiquitous health issue in centres for preterm cardiovascular medicine there is no consensus about the timing or efficacy of medical therapies. This was an independent, single centre, investigator led study that has addressed and published on some of the controversies. It benefited from international collaboration in relation to study design from the University of Toronto ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
McHugh A, El-Khuffash A, Franklin O, Breathnach FM, Calling into question the future of hyperoxygenation in pregnancy., European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Bussmann N, Franklin O, McCallion N, McNamara PJ, El-Khuffash A, The impact preload on left ventricular three-plane deformation measurements in extremely premature infants., Early human development, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Orla Franklin, Interventions for the Borderline Ventricles Echo Assessment, PICS- AICS 2020, Istanbul, January 2oth, 2020, Paediatric Interventional Cardiology Society, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Challanging outflow tract imaging in fetuses with Congenital Heart Disease, British \medical Ultrasound Annual Summer School, UCD, Dublin, 2017, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Challanging outflow tract imaging in fetuses with Congenital Heart Disease, British \medical Ultrasound Annual Summer School, UCD, Dublin, 2017, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Imaging Challenges in Complex Left Heart Obstruction, Inaugural All Ireland CHD Network Meeting , Ballymacscallion, 2016, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Challenges and Innovations in Prenatal Cardiac Imaging, Irish Perinatal Society Annual Meeting, Royal College of Physicians, 2016, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Dieticians Contribution in the management of Children with Congenital Heart Disease, CHI@Crumlin, Dublin Ireland, 2016, Irish Dieticians Network, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Prenatal Therapies for Congenital Heart Disease, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Annual Meeting October 2015, Royal College of Physicians, 2015, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Diagnosis and Management : Presentation of Children with Congenital Heart Disease, Paediatric Intensive Care Society - World Congress Meeting, Dublin - National Conference Centre, November, 2014, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Diagnosis and Management of Infants with Congenital Heart Disease, Inherited Birth Defects - National Genetic Meetng, Mater Education Centre, 2014, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Orla Franklin, Congenital Heart Disease and Extracardiac Life Support, National ECLS Meeting, Mater Education Centre, 2013, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Irish Paediatrcian of the Year. Proposed and Supported by Parents of Patients Maternity and Infant Awards 2012 November 2012
Undergraduate Scholarship UCC , Academic Achievement June 1991
Undergraduate Scholarship UCC , Academic Achievement June 1987
Awards - Service Development - Finalist Irish Healthcare Centre Awards Specialist Care Centre of the Year - Children's Heart Centre 7th March 2014
Finalist Irish Healthcare Centre Awards Building Project of the Year RKD Architects - Children's Heart Centre 7th March 2014
Tissue velocity imaging quantifies early changes in pre-term myocardium. Irish Paediatric Association 2020 - 1st Prize Oral Presentation December 2020
Ireland- Imaging Modalities Employed in Delineation of Sinus Venous Defects and Outcome Over Last Decade, Best poster award - All Ireland Children Cardiac Network conference November 2019
A Patent Ductus Arteriosus Severity Score Incorporating Markers of Haemodynamic Significant and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Predicts Chronic Lung Disease. Irish Neonatal Research Symposium First Prize: Dublin. November 2013
A Patent Ductus Arteriosus Severity Score Incorporating Markers of Haemodynamic Significant and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Predicts Chronic Lung Disease. Irish Paediatric Association Best Researcher Award . May 2015
Left Ventricular Rotational Mechanics in Infants with Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy and Preterm Infants at 36 Weeks Post Menstrual Age: a Comparison with Healthy Term Controls. Best Presentation Award, Irish Neonatal Research Symposium 2016. November 2016
The Use of Speckle Tracking Echocardiography to Assess Myocardial Performance in Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins with and without Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Paediatric Academic Societies Travel Awards Program for Young Investigator's. $500 put this in
Maturational Patterns of Ventricular Deformation by Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in Preterm Infants over the First Week of Age. Rotunda Hospital Research Day, Award 300 2016
The Impact of a Hyperdynamic Left Ventricle on Right Ventricular Function Measurements in Preterm Infants with a Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Best Researcher Award, Joint Irish Paediatric Association(IPA)/Irish & American Paediatric Society Meeting-Award 1000 euro. 2016
The Effect of a Significant Patent Ductus Arteriosus on Doppler Flow Patterns of Pre-ductal Vessels: An assessment of the Brachiocephalic Artery, Runner up in Presidential poster walk, Joint Irish Paediatric Association(IPA)/Irish & American Paediatric Society Meeting 2016
Neonatal Congenital Heart Disease: Modes of Presentation and Prenatal Detection over a 5 year Period in Ireland. Irish American Paediatric Society Seattle - Oral Presentation- Travel grant Awarded. September 2017
Incidental findings on routine targeted neonatal echocardiography performed in preterm infants less than 29 weeks gestation. 8th Irish Neonatal research symposium 1st prize presentation 2017
Can Sonographic Assessment of Pulmonary Vascular reactivity following Maternal hyperoxygenation therapy predict neonatal outcome in fetuses at risk of pulmonary hypertension-Irish Perinatal Society Kilkenny - Best Oral Presentation November 2017
The Use of Speckle Tracking Echocardiography to Assess Myocardial Performance in Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins with and without Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome -BCCA London November 2017 Runner up Prize Oral Presentation session November 2017
The Impact of Maternal Gestation Hypertension and Antihypertensive Use on Neonatal Myocardial Performance. BCCA meeting London -1st place poster award November 2017
Prenatal Detection and Modes of Presentation of Neonatal Congential Heart Disease: a 5 year progress review. 8th OLCHC Research and Audit Day - Poster Award May 2018
The Impact of Blood Transfusion on the Haemodynamics of Preterm Infants with and Without a Patent Ductus Arteriosus. European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR) Young Investigator START-UP Award. Grant value €7,000 September 2019
Special Merit Award Oral Presentation, The 10th Irish Neonatal Research Symposium: Comparison of Left Ventricular Rotational Mechanics Between Term and Extremely Premature Infants Over the First Week of Age 2019
Best Oral Presentation (Neonatology Session), Irish Paediatric Association (IPA) Annual Meeting: Comparison of Left Ventricular Rotational Mechanics Between Term and Extremely Premature Infants Over the First Week of Age 2019
Health Research board (HRB) Ones to Watch prize Winner 2019