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Professor Frances Duane

Clinical Associate Professor (Radiation Therapy)


Professor Duane is a Consultant Radiation Oncologist at St. Luke's Radiation Oncology Network (SLRON), St. Luke's Hospital and St James's Hospital and a Clinical Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. She completed the Radiation Oncology National Training Programme in Ireland in 2014 and a 4-year Medical Research Council Clinical Oncology Research Fellowship in the UK. She holds a DPhil degree in breast cancer radiotherapy from the University of Oxford and her clinical research focuses on improving the quality of care received by patients with breast cancer. She is currently Co-Chair of the Breast Radiotherapy Group at the St. Luke's Radiation Oncology Network, Co-Chair of the Cancer Trials Ireland Breast Disease Specific Site Group, a member of the Cancer Trials Ireland Safety Monitoring Committee, a member of the National Cancer Control Programme Breast Radiotherapy Guidelines Group and Proton Therapy Group. She is also member of the Michael Moriarty Research Laboratory Scientific Committee at St. Luke's Hospital. She has a keen interest in medical education and enjoys supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is currently Academic Teaching Lead for Radiation Oncology on the St. James's Hospital campus, the Radiation Oncology National Training Programme Co-Ordinator, RCSI and directs the St. Luke's Hospital Multidisciplinary Transition Year Programme at St. Luke's Hospital, Rathgar.
Walls GM, O'Connor J, Harbinson M, Duane F, McCann C, McKavanagh P, Johnston DI, Giacometti V, McAleese J, Hounsell AR, Cole AJ, Butterworth KT, McGarry CK, Hanna GG, Jain S., The Association of Incidental Radiation Dose to the Heart Base with Overall Survival and Cardiac Events after Curative-intent Radiotherapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Results from the NI-HEART Study, Clinical Oncology (R Coll Radiol), 36, (2), 2024, p119 - 127, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
B.K. Linderholm, A. Valachis, V. Gordon Flote, P. Poortmans, O. Kaidar Person, E. Niligal-Yam, S. O'Reilly, F. Duane, T. Marinko, M. Ekholm, A. Andersson, J. Bergqvist, T. Foukakis, M. Kadum, K. Kulbacka-Ortiz, A. Nilsson-Ek, L. Visani, D. Lundstedt, I. Meattini, Treatment of oligometastatic breast cancer (OMBC): A randomised phase III trial comparing stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) and systemic treatment with systemic treatment alone as first-line treatment - TAORMINA, ESMO Open, ESMO, 2023, pp1;8(1). , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Guhan Rangaswamy, Jill Nicholson, Orla Monaghan, Neil Wallace, Daniel Foley, Christina Skourou, Fran Duane, Brian O'Neill, Pierre Thirion, Moya Cunningham, Sinead Brennan, Orla McArdle, Contouring Workshops - The Beneficial Impact on Radiation Oncology Specialist Training in Ireland, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 116, (3), 2023, ppe8-e9 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Taylor, C., Dodwell, D., McGale, P., Hills, R., Berry, R., Bradley, R., Braybrooke, J., Clarke, M., Gray, R., Holt, F., Liu, Z., Pan, H., Peto, R., Straiton, E., Bergh, J., Coles, C., Duane, F., Hennequin, C., Jones, G., Kuhn, T,, Oliveros, S., Overgaard, J., Pritchard, K., Suk, C., Swain, S., Whelan, T., Poortmans P., Radiotherapy to regional lymph nodes in early breast cacner: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 14324 women in 16 trials., Lancet, 402, 2023, p1991 - 2003, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
K. Nugent, E. Quinlan, S. Cleary, H. O'Driscoll, C. Rohan, J. Trousdell, J. Williams, M. Dunne, O Mc Ardle*, F.K. Duane*, Implementation of 26 Gy in five fractions over 1 week adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer: Prospective report of acute skin toxicity and consideration of resource implications, The Breast , 67, 2023, p55-61-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Holt F, Probert J, Darby S, Haviland JS, Coles CE, Kirby AM, Liu Z, Dodwell D, Ntentas G, Duane F, Taylor C., Proton Beam Therapy for Early Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Clinical Outcomes., International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics., 117, (4), 2023, p869 - 882, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O Houlihan*, G Ntentas*, DJ Cutter, P Daly, C Gillham, O McArdle*, FK Duane*, Predicted cardiac and second cancer risks for patients undergoing VMAT for mediastinal Hodgkin lymphoma, Clinical and Translational Oncology, 2023, p1368 - 1377, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Wheeler, G., Grassberger, C., Samers, J., Dwyer, M Zacharin, M., Wiltshire, K., Daly, P., Alvarez, B., Campbell, B.A., Kerr, A.J., Kron, T., Duane, F.K, Zacharin M, Downey P, Kyriakou E, Ronkers CM, Constine L, Heniker S. , Central Endocrine Complications Among Childhood Cancer Survivors Treated With Radiation Therapy: A PENTEC Comprehensive Review, International Journal Radiation Oncology Biology Physics , 2023, pS0360-3016(23)00416-9 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Gerard M Walls, John O'Connor, Mark Harbinson, Eamon P McCarron, Frances Duane, Conor McCann, Peter McKavanagh, David I Johnston, Jayaraj Erekkath, Valentina Giacometti, Anna T Gavin, Jonathan McAleese, Alan R Hounsell, Aidan J Cole, Karl T Butterworth, Conor K McGarry, Gerard G Hanna, Suneil Jain, Association between statin therapy dose intensity and radiation cardiotoxicity in non-small cell lung cancer: results from the NI-HEART study, Radiotherapy and Oncology , 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
NCCP Breast Cancer Guideline Development Group (Radiation Oncology Subgroup), National Clinical Guideline Treatment of Patients with Breast Cancer: Radiation Oncology, National Cancer Control Programme, May, 2023, Report, PUBLISHED

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Holt F, Ivanova A, Wang Z, Darby S, Duane F, Ntentas G, Oliveros S, Lavery B, Shah K, Eichholz A, Dodwell D, Taylor C., Estimated Doses to the heart, lungs and oesophagus and risks from typical UK radiotherapy for early breast cancre during 2015-2023., Clinical Oncology (RCR), Sep;36(9):e322-e332, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
F Duane, A Flavin, C Faul, C Small, R Ryan, L Murphy, E O' Toole, NCCP advice for Medical Professionals on the management of patients undergoing Breast Cancer Radiotherapy in response to the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, HSE Reports - Cancer Services, April, 2020, Report, PUBLISHED
F Duane, 'A Cardiac Contouring Atlas for Radiotherapy',, 2019, -, Software, PRODUCED
Frances Duane, Breast Cancer Radiotherapy: Exposure of the Heart and Lungs, University of Oxford, 2019, Notes: [], Thesis, PUBLISHED
holt, Journal Article, PUBLISHED