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Dr. Emily Johnson

Research Fellow (Trinity Long Room Hub)


Emily is a Research Fellow working on Trinity Long Room Hub strategic projects. Her current role focuses on research data strategy, enabling data preservation and analysis to capture and convey research impact. Emily joined the Trinity Long Room Hub team in 2016. Emily holds a PhD in Digital Humanities from Trinity College Dublin. Her home disciplines are English Literature and the History of Art and Architecture. Her doctoral thesis analysed literary space and the ethics of artistic production in Roberto Bolaño's final novel, 2666, using entity annotation and digital mapping, and was funded under PRTLI cycle 5.

Emily Johnson, Aoife King, Francesca O'Rafferty, Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Institute Annual Report 2017-18, Trinity Long Room Hub Annual Reports, Trinity College Dublin, 2018, p1 - 145, Notes: [This report covers the activities of the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute and its hosted projects with respect to research and public humanities programming drawing on Arts and Humanities expertise to tackle complex societal challenges. This includes but is not limited to reporting on the impact of BREXIT on Research and Education; the SHAPE-ID project (Shaping interdisciplinarity in Europe); the role of charismatic leaders in changing the path of history ("Sometimes it matters who is in power" The Annual Edmund Burke Lecture); Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in our Times (among other Behind the Headlines public discussions); Factions, Fears and Fake News (a symposium in collaboration with Columbia University's Heyman Centre); a global project on the Crises of Democracy supported by the Mellon Foundation.], Report, PUBLISHED
Emily Johnson, "A mirror and an explosion" : Mapping the Spaces of Roberto Bolaño's 2666, Trinity College Dublin, 2016, Thesis, PUBLISHED