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Dr. Eilish Burke

Professor In (School of Nursing & Midwifery)

Éilish Burke RGN RNID BNS MSc. PhD. completed her PhD in March 2016, during her studies she achieved a number of awards including Postgraduate of the year 2016 and was appointed as the Ussher Assistant Professor in Ageing and Intellectual Disability, Trinity College Dublin in September 2016. Éilish originally trained as a general nurse and through her volunteer work with the Special Olympics she developed an interest in intellectual disability. She trained as a Registered Nurse Intellectual Disability and worked in clinical practice for over 25 years. Éilish completed her Masters in Trinity and joined the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) team as a research assistant in 2010. Éilish served as Project Manager from 2011-2016, whilst continuing to play an integral role in IDS-TILDA she is now the Associate Professor in Ageing and intellectual disability in the School of Nursing and Midwifery with her research is based with the Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability (TCAID). Her research interests include bone health and osteoporosis, inclusionary methods of healthcare screening and healthcare engagement, accessible health promotion and promoting research involvement of people with intellectual disability. She has been a successful collaborator and PI on a number of grants including HRB, EIT and IRC. She designed an accessible format to engaging people in health assessments in the IDS-TILDA study, further developing this into a MOOC - Improving Health Assessment Among People with Intellectual Disability - which has now attracted more than 7500 learner. She has also developed an accessible online programme for health promotion - Get Wise about your Health - and was the team lead in the development of the planning tool for end of life, - Glancing Back Planning Forward. Her work has attracted much public recognition and is cited as an exemplar in the Missing Billion Strategy, an initiative aimed at developing inclusive health systems worldwide. She was awarded the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award in recognition of her research work. Dr. Burke is leading the physical health theme of TCAID and is guiding the future focus of this theme. Administratively Dr. Burke is the Associate Director of TCAID and module lead on a number of modules on the Masters in Ageing Health and Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability, which is a unique course she designed, developed and launched in 2018. The programme is research led and under pinned by the IDS-TILDA study. Dr Burke is a committed teacher and has been involved in education throughout her career. Her contribution to education and the profession has included co-ordination and development of modules and courses at undergraduate and post graduate level and she is currently the external examiner at Queens University Belfast. She is a member of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, as well as the International Osteoporosis Foundation and the Irish Osteoporosis Society. She sits on the Quality Improvement HSE working group, the HSE Affinity intellectual disability working group, the Trials Steering Committee of the Matilda Project Ulster University and the Camphill Communities of Ireland Ethics committee and is the academic advisor to the Positive Ageing Strategy Committee, Gheel Services. Dr Burke is also a member of the Special Olympics International Global Curriculum Advisory Panel. In response to the COVID19 pandemic Dr Burke lead the design of an online educational programme for carers in intellectual disability services on recognition and assessment of COVID 19 among those with intellectual disability in collaboration with the HSE and OMNSD.
  Ageing   Ageing & Intellectual Disability - Changing Service Needs   Ageing & Intellectual Disability Issues   Ageing, Health and Intellectual Disability   BONE   Down Syndrome, dementia and ageing   Health status and inequalities   Nursing Education   OSTEOPOROSIS   Palliative and end of life care
 Building Circles of Support for people with intellectual disabilities
 Exploring the unmet needs of Irish cancer patients from underserved communities
 Pilot feasibility study on the use of Echolight bone screening device in people with intellectual disabilities
 Intellecutal Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing Wave 5
 Investigation of constipation and its severity among adults with intellectual disability

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Details Date
Head of the Intellectual Disability Discipline Sept 2023
Special Olympics Global Curriculum Advisory Panel 2022
Core team member of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing; Leading the Physical Health Theme 2011
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board and Steering Committee to IDS-TILDA 2011
Academic Advisor for the Positive Ageing Steering Committee, Gheel Services 2021
Member of the Trinty Centre for Ageing and Intellecutal Disability (TCAID) Executive Management Committee, and Operations Committees 2017
Member of the Intellectual Disability Discipline and undergraduate course curriculum committee 2016
Member of the School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Committee 2017
Member of the Scholars Committee School of Nursing and Midwifery 2019
Member of the HSE Quality Improvement Committee 2018
External Examiner to the Intellectual Disability Programme Queens University 2019
Member of the special Interest Research Group Ageing IASSID 2012
Member of the Special Interest Research Group Health IASSID 2013
Member of Healthy Campus Health Trinity Group 2016
Course Coordinator for the Masters in Ageing Health and Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability 2017
Course co-ordinator representative and member of the post graduate course committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD 2016
Course co-ordinator representative and member of the postgraduate management committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD 2017
Chair of the Masters in Ageing and ID Curriculum Development Committee 2016
Academic representative on the e-Learning college working group. 2019
Faculty of Health and Sciences Academic Representative on the Trinity Education and Learning College Review Committee. 2019
Faculty of Health Academic represetative on INDEx - National Digital Experience Survey 2019 2019
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Project oversight group/ Trial Steering Committee of the Matilda Project. Ulster University, Nth. Ireland 23.05.2023 to date
Academic advisor to Positive Ageing Committee, Gheel Autism Services 2022 to date
Ethics Committee Member, Camphill Communities of Ireland, Services for Adults with Intellectual Disability 2019 To date
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board to The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing 2016 To date
Member of the International Osteoporosis Foundation 2014 To date
Member of the Irish Osteoporosis Society 2013 To date
Member if the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2012 To date
Member of the Steering Committee to The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing 2011 To date
Member of the 'Healthy Campus Healthy Trinity Group' 2017 2022
Member of the Irish Gerontological Society 2014 2019
Corrigan, S., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., The Impact of Menopause on the Mental Health of Women With an Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2025, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Fitzpatrick, DJ., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., and Burke, EA., Constipation severity and its progression in older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland: A longitudinal study., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024):, Trinity College Dublin, March 6th - 7th, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED  URL
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. and Burke, EA., To identify and compare objectively measured and self-reported activity levels among older adults with an intellectual disability., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024):, Trinity College Dublin, 5-7th March 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED  URL
Power, A., McCarron M., McCallion, P., and Burke, EA., Bone Health Screening in People with Intellectual Disability, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024):, Trinity College Dublin, 5-7th March, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED  URL
Synnott Faria, I., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, EA and McCausland, D., Building circles of support: a project demonstrating case studies of good practice for people with intellectual disabilities, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, 5-7th March 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED  URL
Corrigan, S., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. and Burke, EA., The impact of menopause on the mental health of women with an intellectual disability: a scoping review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED  URL
Eilish Burke, Empowering Healthcare: A Transformative Odyssey from Research to Practice in Intellectual Disability Health Assessment, Improving Health Assessment for People with Intellectual Disability: MOOC, School of Nursing adn Midwifery, 2024, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED  URL
O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., Ryan, C., Paul, A., Burke, É., Echiverri, S., & McCarron, M., Does Arterial Stiffness Predict Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults With an Intellectual Disability?., Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 39, (6), 2024, pE179 - E189, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Fitzpatrick, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., and Burke, EA., Epidemiology of constipation and its associated factors in an ageing population of people with an intellectual disability in Ireland: A cross-sectional study., Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 49, (3), 2024, p322 - 330, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Odalovic, M., Gorman, A., Paul, A., McCallion, P., Burke, E.A., MacLachlan, M., McCarron, M., Henman C, M., Moran, M., O"Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R., Ryan, C. & O"Dwyer, M., Psychotropic medicines' prevalence, patterns and effects on cognitive and physical function in older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland: longitudinal cohort study, 2009-2020, BJPsych Open, 10, (2), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL

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Dr Eilish Burke, 'Health and intellectual disability', Access All Areas, 92.5 Phoenix Fm, 2024, -, Broadcast, RELEASED
Dr Eilish Burke, Exploring Health Dynamics: Insights from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA)., Launch of the Rosemary Collaboration Project, University of Limerick, Feb 28th 2024, 2024, University of Limerick, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
McCarron, M, Burke, E-A. & Wormald, A., Building a Better Future for People Ageing with an Intellectual Disability - The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing., Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability/Brother's of Charity Services Ireland Synposium., The Clarion Hotel, Steamboat Quay, Dock Rd, Limerick City., 29th September 2023, 2023, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Dr Eilish Burke, Transforming Futures and Enhancing Lives: Harnessing Data from The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing to drive policy and influence change., Launch of GRASP for Positive Ageing Gheel, Marine Hotel Sutton, DEc 5th 2023, 2023, Positive Ageing Committee, Gheel Autism Services, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
McCarron, M., Mc Causland D., Wormald, A., McGlinchey, E., MacGiolla Phadraig, C., Brennan, D., and Burke, EA, Longitudinal Dynamics in the Ageing of People with an Intellectual Disability: Evidence from IDS-TILDA, Data and Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Dec 8th 2023, 2023, IDS-TILDA and Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Dr Eilish Burke, Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, implications for policy and practice: Lessons from The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), Best Practice in Intellectual Disability Nursing Conference 2023, Mercy University Hospital Cork, Nov 21st 2023, 2023, Nursing and Midwifery Planning & Development Unit, Cork & Kerry, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Dr Eilish Burke, Osteoporosis and falls among adults with intellectual disability: What the IDS-TILDA study tells us., Bone Health and Frailty Awareness Week, Stewarts Care Ltd., Oct 23rd 2023, 2023, Stewarts Care Ltd, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Louise Lynch, Uncovering sedentary behaviour: a comprehensive exploration of patterns and health effects among older adults with an intellectual disability, PhD Trinity College Dublin, 2023, Thesis, PUBLISHED
EA Burke, End of Life and Palliative Care for People with Intellectual Disability, Dying Matters, Lets talk about it, School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen's University Belfast, December 2nd 2021, 2021, School of Nursing Queens University, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Burke, EA., Bone Health for Life: Accosting the Silent Thief, Geriatric Care Conference 2021, Online, September 23rd 2021, 2021, CMG Events, Notes: [Keynote Speaker], Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Winner of the Inagural School of Nursing and Midwifery Impact Case Study 2024
Nominated for the Trinity Excellence in Research Supervision 2024
Nominated for the Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award 2023
Winner of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning & Community Engagement Diversity Equity and Inclusion Award November 15th 2021
Nominated and Shortlisted for Trinity Civic Engagement Award 2020/21
Innovation in Teaching Dean's Award Sept. 2018
Dean's Research Award 2017 06.03.2017
Winning juried SIRGAIDD Award for best student poster at the Boston roundtable of the IASSIDD special interest group on ageing with an intellectual disability. September 2013
Winner of the Trinity College Postgraduate of the Year Showcase 2016 March 2016