Bergin SD, Weaire D and Hutzler S, The Drop heard round the World, Physics World, May 2014, 2014, p26 - 29,
Journal Article,
The farmers and the cowboys should be friends in, editor(s)L. Wedlin, K. Sahlin and M. Grafstroem , Exploring the Worlds of Mercury and Minerva - Essays for Lars Engwall- Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum 51, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2009, pp113 - 122, [D. Weaire and P. Richmond],
Book Chapter,
Mughal A and Weaire D, Curvature in conformal mappings of 2D lattices and foam structures, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 465, (2101), 2009, pp219 - 238,
Conference Paper,
L Engwall and D Weaire (editors), Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 84: The University in the Market, Portland Press, 2008, 1 - 153pp,
Weaire D, Hutzler S and Langlois VJ, Foam rheology in two dimensions, The XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterrey, USA, American Institute of Physics, 2008, pp833 - 835,
Conference Paper,
Vignes-Adler M and Weaire D, New foams: Fresh challenges and opportunities, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 13, (3), 2008, pp141 - 149,
Conference Paper,
Vignes-Adler M and Weaire D, New foams: Fresh challenges and opportunities, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 13, (3), 2008, pp141 - 149,
Conference Paper,
Banhart J, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Langevin D, Liggieri L, Miller R, Saint-Jalmes A and Weaire D, Foams and emulsions in space, Europhysics News, 39, 2008, p26 - 28,
Journal Article,
Saadatfar M, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Foams, Trinity College Dublin: interconnect, Scientific Computing and Visualisation Newsletter, (2), 2008, p8 - 9,
Journal Article,
Andersson M, Banhart J, Caps H, Durian D, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Kronberg B, Langevin D, Pitois O, Saadatfar M, Saint-Jalmes A, Vandewalle N, Vignes-Adler M, Weaire D, Foam Research in Microgravity, Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application, 25, 2008, p241 - 244,
Journal Article,