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Dr. Grainne Donohue

Visiting Research Fellow (School of Nursing & Midwifery)


Frain, S, Chambers, L, Higgins, A, Donohue, G., 'Not Left in Limbo': Service User Experiences of Mental Health Nurse Prescribing in Home Care Settings, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 42, (7), 2021, p660 - 666, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Nugent, A, Donohue, G, Higgins, A, 'Walk in my shoes' Nurse experience of working with seriously ill children: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis., Nursing Children and Young People, 2021, Journal Article, ACCEPTED
Douglas, L., Donohue, G., Morrissey, J., Patient Experience of Physical Restraint in the Acute Setting: A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Research Evidence, Issues in Mental Health Nursing , 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Donohue G, Keogh BJ, Do we need to revisit our thinking on Electroconvulsive Therapy?., Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28, (3), 2021, p307 - 308, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McCann, E. & Donohue, G., LGBTQ+ Special Edition Editorial Journal of Nursing Management, Journal of Nursing Management, 29, (1), 2021, p1 - 2, Notes: [Special Edition Editor The Journal of Nursing Management is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed journal covering advances in the discipline of nursing management and leadership. Published by John Wiley & Sons. Impact Factor 2.243], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Kirwan S, Cunningham P, Donohue G, Keogh B, Creedon J., Nursing leadership in response to the COVID-19 crisis in an Irish independent mental health service., British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
McCann, E. Donohue, G. Brown, M., Experiences and Perceptions of Trans and Gender Non-Binary People Regarding Their Psychosocial Support Needs: A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Research Evidence, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 2021, Notes: [Special Edition Editor The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal. Impact Factor 3.36 ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Donohue G., McCann, E, Brown, M, Views and Experiences of LGBTQ+ People in Prison Regarding Their Psychosocial Needs: A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Research Evidence, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,, 18, (17), 2021, p9335-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Sullivan, E., Gogan, E., Doyle, L & Donohue, G. , Decider Life Skills Training as a Methods of Promoting Resilience with Mental Health Student Nurses on Clinical Placement., Nurse Education in Practice, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Farrington A; King, M; McCann E; Donohue G., Mental Health Nurse well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: An exploratory study, RCSI International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Dublin, IRE, March , 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED

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Roberts, A; Donohue, G; Quirke, M; Prizeman, G, Building research capacity of hospital-based nurses: A collaborative research model, NMPDU Newsletter, 2017, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Smallwood, G., Donohue, G., Physical Health Monitoring in Mental Health: Developing a Framework to Promote the Physical Health Needs of People with Serious Mental Illness., NMPDU Newsletter, 2017, Journal Article, PUBLISHED