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Professor Paul Dockree

Professor In (Psychology)

Professor In (Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN))

Paul Dockree is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology and Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience. Paul is a cognitive neuroscientist interested in mechanisms of attention, memory and awareness through investigation with neuropsychological and electrophysiological methods. His work has a clinical emphasis to understand changes in functioning caused by brain injury and aging but also a strong interest in developing rehabilitation techniques to improve patient recovery from cognitive disabilities.
  ADHD   Ageing, memory and other cognitive processes   Alzheimer's disease   Clinical neurology   Cognitive science   Developmental and mental disorders   Emotional, behavioural and cognitive disorders   Human Learning and Memory   Neurobiology   Neurodegeneration   Neuropsychology   Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation   Neuroscience and Cognition   Physiology   Rehabilitation   Rehabilitation/Therapy
 Investigating Cortical and Subcortical Interactions during Sustained Attention
 INDIREA - Individualised Diagnostics and Rehabilitation for Attentional Disorders
 Cognitive impairments in Traumatic Brain Injury: Novel biomarkers for new treatments

Details Date From Date To
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2004 2008
Andrews R, Melnychuk M, Moran S, Walsh T, Boylan S, Dockree P., Paced Breathing Associated With Pupil Diameter Oscillations at the Same Rate and Reduced Lapses in Attention., Psychophysiology, 62, (2), 2025, pe70003 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Dockree SP, Ffrench CW, O'Hara JAL, Carroll PA, Dockree PM, McGuire BE., Dissociating the impact of alexithymia and impaired self-awareness on emotional distress and aggression after traumatic brain injury., Neuropsychology, 38, (2), 2024, p134-145 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Plini, E.R.G. and Melnychuk, M.C. and Andrews, R. and Boyle, R. and Whelan, R. and Spence, J.S. and Chapman, S.B. and Robertson, I.H. and Dockree, P.M., Greater physical fitness (VO2max) in healthy older adults associated with increased integrity of the locus coeruleusâ€"noradrenergic system, Acta Physiologica, 240, (8), 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Plini ERG, Robertson IH, Brosnan MB, Dockree PM., Locus Coeruleus Is Associated with Higher Openness to Experience and IQ: Implications for the Noradrenergic System for Novelty Seeking in Daily Life. , Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2024, p1-24 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ralph Andrews and Michael Melnychuk and Sarah Moran and Teigan Walsh and Paul Dockree, P.2 - Respiratory rate modulation of pupil oscillations and attentional stability, Biological Psychology, 193, 2024, p108933 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Michael Melnychuk and Wendy Hasenkamp and Emanuele Plini and Ian Robertson and Paul Dockree, P.1 - Respiratory-locked network-level differences in resting-state BOLD signals of meditators and controls, Biological Psychology, 193, 2024, p108932 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Plini ERG, Melnychuk MC, Harkin A, Dahl MJ, McAuslan M, Kühn S, Boyle RT, Whelan R, Andrews R, Düzel S, Drewelies J, Wagner GG, Lindenberger U, Norman K, Robertson IH, Dockree PM., Dietary Tyrosine Intake (FFQ) Is Associated with Locus Coeruleus, Attention and Grey Matter Maintenance: An MRI Structural Study on 398 Healthy Individuals of the Berlin Aging Study-II., J Nutr Health Aging, 27, (12), 2023, p1174 - 1187, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Brosnan MB, Dockree PM, Harty S, Pearce DJ, Levenstein JM, Gillebert CR, Bellgrove MA, O'Connell RG, Robertson IH, Demeyere N., Lost in Time: Temporal Monitoring Elicits Clinical Decrements in Sustained Attention Post-Stroke., Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 2022, p249-257 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Fitzgerald LM, Arvaneh M, Carton S, O'Keeffe F, Delargy M, Dockree PM., Impaired metacognition and reduced neural signals of decision confidence in adults with traumatic brain injury., Neuropsychology, 36, (8), 2022, p776-790 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Pinggal E, Dockree PM, O'Connell RG, Bellgrove MA, Andrillon T., Pharmacological Manipulations of Physiological Arousal and Sleep-Like Slow Waves Modulate Sustained Attention., The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 42, (43), 2022, p8113-8124 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Joanne PM Kenney, Christina Ward, Dervla Gallen, Richard AP Roche, Paul Dockree, Nicola Hohensee, Clare Cassidy, Michael A Keane, Michael J Hogan, Self‐initiated learning reveals memory performance and electrophysiological differences between younger, older and older adults with relative memory impairment, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2019, p1-18 , Notes: [DOI: 10.1111//ejn.14530], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Dockree, P. M., Kelly, S. P., Roche, R. A. P., Hogan, M. J., Reilly, R. B., & Robertson, I. H., Impairments of Sustained Attention and Alpha Desynchronization after Traumatic Brain Injury, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 18-20, 2004, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
O'Keeffe, F. M., Dockree, P. M., & Robertson, I. H., Awareness Deficits in Traumatic Brain Injury mediated by Impaired Error Processing?, Evidence from Electrodermal Activity. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 18-20, 2004, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
O'Connell, R. G., Bellgrove, M. A., Dockree, P. M., & Robertson, I. H., Effects of Periodic Alerts on Sustained Attention Performance and Electrodermal Activity (EDA) in Attention-Defcit/Hyperactvity Disorder, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 18-20, 2004, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Dockree, P. M., Kelly, S. P., Roche, R. A. P., Hogan, M. J., Reilly, R. B., & Robertson, I. H., Impairments of Sustained Attention and Alpha Desynchronization after Traumatic Brain Injury, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 18-20, 2004, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Dockree, P. M., Kelly, S. P., Roche, R. A. P., Hogan, M. J., Reilly, R. B., & Robertson, I. H., Impairments of sustained attention and alpha desychronization after traumatic brain injury, National Neuroscience Network Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, 25th-26th September, 2003, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Kelly, S. P., Dockree, P. M., Reilly, R. B., & Robertson, I. H., EEG alpha power and coherence time courses of a sustained attention task, IEEE Conference, Capri, Italy, 2003, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Dockree, P. M., Freeman, J. E., & Ellis, J. A., The role of executive and motoric processes mediating the intention superiority effect in younger and older adults, Poster presentation for the Third International Conference on Memory, Valencia, July, 2001, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Dockree, P. M., & Ellis, J. A., Cancelling and maintaining intentions in younger and older adults, Spoken presentation at the BPS Cognitive Section Conference, Essex, September, 2000, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Dockree, P. M., & Ellis, J. A., Cancelling delayed intentions: Implications for everyday planned actions, Poster presentation at the First International Conference on Prospective Memory, Hatfield, July, 2000, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
HRB post-doctoral fellowship 10/2007 -10/2010
Irish Research Council Laureate Award (Consolidator) 2018