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Professor David Robinson

Clinical Associate Professor (Medical Gerontology)


Dr David Robinson MA, MSc, MD, FRCPI is a Consultant Geriatrician at Saint James's Hospital and a Senior Clinical Lecturer at Trinity College Dublin. He graduated from Trinity College, Dublin in 1996 at St James' Hospital. He completed his basic and specialist training in Dublin and Queensland, Australia, and was admitted to the Specialist Register of General (Internal) Medicine and Geriatric Medicine in 2010. He was awarded a Master's in Health Care Ethics and Law from the RCSI in 2010. He achieved a Doctorate in Medicine from Trinity College, Dublin in 2011. In 2013 he was elected to Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in recognition of his work in dementia and social prescribing, and in developing and delivering an ethics module. He is the Director of the Memory Clinic at Saint James's Hospital, and is co-Chair of the Social Prescribing Network of Ireland. His subspecialty interests include: Acute Geriatric Medicine, Cognitive Disorders, and Healthcare Ethics and Law. He is a member of the National Safeguarding Committee, Chair of the steering committee of the TCD/HSE Specialist Training program in General Practice and has served as Regional Specialty Advisor to the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland where he also designed and delivered an ethics module. He has been invited as an Expert Speaker to the Irish Museum of Modern Art, the Law Society and the Bealtaine Festival. He sits on the Board of the Royal Hospital Donnybrook. His proudest achievement is his appointment as a consultant physician to St James's Hospital in 2011 where he has served in several capacities.
 Local Asset Mapping Project

Details Date
Expert Advisor, National Social Prescribing Steering Committee, Health Services Executive 2020
Co-Chair of the Social Prescribing Network of Ireland 01/09/2017
Chair of the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre 2019
Member of Sage Expert Advisory Committee 01/01/2015
Member of RCPI Traffice Medicine Working Group 2014
Expert member of National Safeguarding Committee 2016
Reviewer - European Journal of Emergency Medicine 2014
Member Advisory Board F2 Dublin 8 Social Prescribing Project 01/09/2017
Details Date From Date To
Irish Gerontological Society 30/09/2005 date
Irish Society of Physicians in Geriatric Medicine 2011 2019
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland 2014 2019
Griffin A, O'Gorman A, Robinson D, Gibb D, Stapleton T., The impact of an occupational therapy group cognitive rehabilitation program for people with dementia, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 69, (3), 2022, p331 - 340, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Bailey L, Ward M, DiCosimo A, Baunta S, Cunningham C, Romero-Ortuno R, Kenny RA, Purcell R, Lannon R, McCarroll K, Nee R, Robinson D, Lavan A, Briggs R , Physical and Mental Health of Older People while Cocooning during the COVID-19 Pandemic, QJM, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Coleman, S, Cunningham C, Murphy N, Feaheny N, Robinson D, Lannon R, McCarroll K, Casey M, Harbison J, Horgan NF, Progressive resistance training in a post-acute, older, inpatient setting: A randomised controlled feasibility study, Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls, 6, (1), 2021, p14 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
O'Brien MMC, Hannigan O, Power C, Lawlor B, Robinson D., Family members' attitudes towards telling the patient with Alzheimer's disease their diagnosis: a 20-year repeat study., European geriatric medicine, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Glynn K, O'Callaghan M, Hannigan O, Bruce I, Gibb M, Coen R, Green E, A Lawlor B, Robinson D., Clinical utility of mild cognitive impairment subtypes and number of impaired cognitive domains at predicting progression to dementia: A 20-year retrospective study., International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2020, Journal Article, IN_PRESS  DOI
Frederiksen KS, Nielsen TR, Appollonio I, Andersen BB, Riverol M, Boada M, Ceccaldi M, Dubois B, Engelborghs S, Frölich L, Hausner L, Gabelle A, Gabryelewicz T, Grimmer T, Hanseeuw B, Hort J, Hugon J, Jelic V, Koivisto A, Kramberger MG, Lebouvier T, Lleó A, de Mendonça A, Nobili F, Ousset PJ, Robert Perneczky, Marcel Olde Rikkert, Robinson D, Rouaud O, Sánchez E, Santana I, Scarmeas N, Sheardova K, Sloan S, Spiru L, Stefanova E, Traykov L, Yener G, Waldemar G., Biomarker counselling, disclosure of diagnosis and follow-up in patients with mild cognitive impairment: A European Alzheimer"s Disease Consortium survey., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Claffey, Paul and McNicholas, Triona and Briggs, Robert and Murphy, Carol and Harbison, Joseph and Casey, Miriam and Robinson, David and McCarroll, Kevin and Lannon, Rosaleen and Kenny, Rose, 23The Impact of Acute Specialised Geriatric Take in a Large Teaching Hospital over Three Years, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Coen, Robert and Hannigan, Oisín and Glynn, Kevin and Duggan, Eoin and Bruce, Irene and Gibbs, Matthew and McCarthy, Marie and Robinson, David and Lawlor, Brian, 173Free and Cued Selective Reminding (FCSRT) and Delayed Word Recall (DWR) Concordance for Hippocampal Signature Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Age and Ageing, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, pv13-v60 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Hannigan, Oisín and McNicholas, Triona and McCarroll, Kevin and Cunningham, Conal and Robinson, David, 208Life Expectancy and Place of Death of Patients Discharged from Hospital to Long Term Care, Age and Ageing, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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David Robinson, Orla Walsh, Social Prescribing - the perspective from Ireland, International Social Prescribing Conference, Manchester, 5th March , 2021, University of Westminster, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
David Robinson, Social Prescribing in Ireland - North and South, International Social Prescribing Conference, University of Westminster, 11/07/2019, 2019, University of Westminster, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Fitzgerald, Conall and Mohamed, Magdi and Robinson, Victoria and Azam, Jawaid and Mahon, James and Robinson, David and Casey, Miriam and Kenny, Rose Anne and Coakley, Davis and Walsh, J Bernard, Audit of the Use of Low Molecular Weight Heparin Amongst Newly Admitted Inpatients At a Tertiary Referral Centre, IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, EMBEC & NBC 2017, 181, SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND, 2018, ppS253-S253 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Law Society, Capacity and the older person, Law Society Study Day, Law Society, Blackhall, November, 2018, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Bealtaine, Art and Ageing from a Clinical Perspective, Bealtaine Festival, Mercer's Institute for Successful Ageing, 11/05/2018, 2018, Bealtaine, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Social Prescribing Mild Cognitive Impairment Virtual Reality Quality of Life in Residential Settings The ethics of resource allocation in the Nursing Homes Support Scheme Act