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Dr. Charles Patterson

Associate Professor (Physics)

1982 B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry, University of Bristol. 1982-85 PhD in Chemistry, University of Cambridge. PhD topic: Reactions at single crystal surfaces. 1986-90 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. Research topics: Electron energy loss spectroscopy and X ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Ab initio computational studies of surfaces and clusters. 1987 Visiting researcher A.T. and T. Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. Research topic: Low energy ion scattering from NiAl(110). 1990 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physics, TCD. Ab initio computational studies of optical properties of semiconductor surfaces. 1991-04 Lecturer in Science of Materials, Department of Physics,TCD. Research Interests: Computational materials science. 1997-11 Director of Computational Physics Degree Course, TCD. 2004-current Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, Department of Physics, TCD.
  Atomic and molecular physics   Computational Physics   Condensed matter, electronic, magnetic and superconductive properties   Condensed matter, optical and dielectric properties   Magnetism and spin electronics   Quantum chemistry   Quantum mechanics   Theory and computational physics
 Exciton Computer Code
 Surface and Interface Optics Calculations
 Charge and Orbital Order in Magnetite

Details Date
Board or Steering Group Member, Psi-k Network European Network funded by successive European Commission Human Capital and Mobility and two 5 year European Science Foundation grants. 1994 to 2016
Board Member, European Physical Society Computational Physics Group. I served a five year term on the EPS-CPG. This entailed attending board meetings in Prague, organising a biennial Summer School on Computing Techniques in Physics and organisation of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics(IUPAP) Conference on Computational Physics in Granada, Spain in 2000. I chaired the EPS-CPG Summer School in the Czech Republic in 2000. 1997 to 2002
I have acted as a PhD External Examiner for the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Tyndall National Laboratory/University College Cork, Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, India, Department of Physics, IIT Jodhpur, India. Oral examinations were conducted for the first two and thesis reports given for the latter two.
Since January 2023 I have reviewed at least one manuscript for the following journals: Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF 14.4), NPJ Computational materials (IF 9.7), Nanoscale (IF 8.3), Physical Review Letters (IF 8.1), Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (IF 4.3), Heliyon (IF 3.4), Physical Review B (IF 3.2), Physical Review Materials (IF 3.1), Journal of Applied Physics (IF 2.3) 2023-2024
I have served two three year terms as an Institute of Physics in Ireland (IOPI) committee member. The first of these terms was in the 1990"s which included a 2 year term as IOPI Treasurer. The second term was from 2017 to 2020 and I was the rep on the Committee from TCD. Roles included attending IOPI committee meetings in Belfast and Dublin, publicising IOP membership to students in TCD and coordinating applications for degree accreditation by the IOP accreditation committee at IOP headquarters in London. The latter is described in more detail in Service to College. 2017 to 2020
Details Date From Date To
American Physical Society
Institute of Physics 1991 present
Charles H. Patterson, Molecular Ionization Energies from GW and Hartree-Fock Theory: Polarizability, Screening, and Self-Energy Vertex Corrections, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computing, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Arthur-Baidoo, E. and Danielson, J.R. and Surko, C.M. and Cassidy, J.P. and Gregg, S.K. and Hofierka, J. and Cunningham, B. and Patterson, C.H. and Green, D.G., Positron annihilation and binding in aromatic and other ring molecules, Physical Review A, 109, (6), 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Cassidy, J.P. and Hofierka, J. and Cunningham, B. and Rawlins, C.M. and Patterson, C.H. and Green, D.G., Many-body theory calculations of positron binding to halogenated hydrocarbons, Physical Review A, 109, (4), 2024, Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Rawlins, C.M., Hofierka, J., Cunningham, B., Patterson, C.H., Green, D.G., Many-Body Theory Calculations of Positron Scattering and Annihilation in H2, N2 and CH4, Physical Review Letters, 130, (26), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Sahoo, Smruti Ranjan, Patterson, Charles H., Spectroscopic Identification of the Charge Transfer State in Thiophene/Fullerene Heterojunctions: Electroabsorption Spectroscopy from GW/BSE Calculations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, (32), 2023, p15928-15942 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Rawlins, C.M. and Hofierka, J. and Cunningham, B. and Patterson, C.H. and Green, D.G., Many-Body Theory Calculations of Positron Scattering and Annihilation in H2, N2, and CH4, Physical Review Letters, 130, (26), 2023, Notes: [cited By 9], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Chaudhuri, D. and Patterson, C.H., Reliable prediction of the singlet-triplet gap in TADF molecules with GW/BSE approach, 2022 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Turin, Italy, 12th September 2022, 2022, pp85-86 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Chaudhuri, D. and Patterson, C.H., TDDFT versus GW/BSE Methods for Prediction of Light Absorption and Emission in a TADF Emitter, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126, (51), 2022, p9627-9643 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Sahoo, S.R. and Patterson, C.H., Charge transfer excitons in pi -stacked thiophene oligomers and P3[Alkyl]T crystals: CIS calculations and electroabsorption spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 157, (7), 2022, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Hofierka, J. and Cunningham, B. and Rawlins, C.M. and Patterson, C.H. and Green, D.G., Many-body theory of positron binding to polyatomic molecules, Nature, 606, (7915), 2022, p688-693 , Notes: [cited By 7], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Charles H. Patterson, Debapriya Chaudhuri and Smruti Sahoo, Charge transfer states in molecular and crystalline organics with PV and TADF applications, 2024 Sanibel Symposium, St. Augustine, FL, USA, 25th February to 1st, 2024, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Charles H. Patterson, Debapriya Chaudhuri and Smruti Ranjan Sahoo, Charge transfer states and electroabsorption spectroscopy: challenges to theory, 16th International Conference on Organic Electronics, Madrid, Spain, 3rd to 7th July 2023, 2023, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Smruti Ranjan sahoo and Charles H. Patterson, Charge Transfer Excitons in pi-stacked Thiophene, New Horizone in Photochemical Water Splitting and heterogeneous Catalysis, Dublin, Ireland, 29th-31st May 2022, 2022, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
B. Cunningham, J. Hofierka, C.M. Rawlins, A.R. Swann, J.P. Cassidy, S.K. Gregg, C.H. Patterson, and D.G. Green, Many-body theory of low-energy positron interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter, 2022, Poster, PRESENTED
Charles H. Patterson and Dermot G. Green, Exciton: a code for many-body calculations in molecules and materials, Psi-k Conference 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland, 22-25 August 2022, 2022, Poster, PRESENTED
Emilio Artacho (University of Cambridge) Volker Blum (Duke University) Donal Mackernan (University College Dublin) Charles Patterson, David O'Regan Stefano Sanvito (Trinity College Dublin), CECAM Extended Software Development Workshop: Scaling Electronic Structure Applications, 7-18 January 2019, 2019, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
Charles H. Patterson, Density fitting approach to many-body calculations, 24th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations, Jena, Germany, 16 - 20 September 20, edited by Claudia Roedl , 2019, Notes: [No workshop proceedings published], Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
P. Kumar and C. H. Patterson, Dielectric Anisotropy of the GaP/Si(001) Interface, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 11-16 March 2018, 2018, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
John McGilp, Cormac McGuinness, Charles Patterson, 12th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces, 25-30 June 2017, 2017, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
C. H. Patterson, 'EXCITON code', TCD, 2017, -, Notes: [Code allows excitation spectra of molecules, 2-D slabs and 3-D bulk crystals to be computed using a combination of self-consistent Hartree-Fock, GW approximation and Bethe-Salpeter Equation calculations. The code is written in a gaussian orbital basis. Exciton consists of about 50,000 lines of C++ and message passing interface (MPI) code. The code has not yet been published but may be released under an Open Source license in future. It has been in development since 2004.], Software, PRODUCED


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Award Date
Fellow of TCD 2000
Trinity Global Engagement Award 2018
Prediction of excited state properties is essential for tailoring environmentally friendly organic materials for new solar cell and light emitting devices. Treatment of organic molecular systems with large unit cells using conventional plane-wave based codes is prohibitively expensive in computer time. I developed a local, Gaussian basis computer code called Exciton aimed at pursuing many-body calculations in molecules and condensed matter. My research is now focused on modelling excited states of organic molecules and polymers with photovoltaic and light emitting applications and especially charge transfer excited states which lead to formations of charge carriers when a charge transfer excited state decays into charged polarons. This has led to 10 peer reviewed publications since 2020 in leading journals and IRC and SFI grants. Journals include Nature, Physical Review Letters (2), Journal of Chemical Theory and Computing, Journal of Physical Chemistry A and C(2), Physical Review A(2) and Journal of Chemical Physics(2). This has been achieved as a result of about 15 years of intensive code development work on the Exciton code begun during a sabbatical year at the Quantum Theory Project at the University of Florida in 2005/6. Acquiring funding for a major code scientific development project in Ireland is extremely difficult and I have done this work without funding support until recently. It remains difficult to find postdoctoral fellows with the necessary many-body theory and code development experience. Exciton now consists of two parts with 30,000 (molecules) and 37,000 (periodic materials) lines of code written and maintained by me. I have collaborated with Dermot Green"s group in Queen"s University Belfast since 2020. He works on anti-matter matter interactions especially positrons electron interactions. He adapted Exciton to include electron-positron interactions and this led to the joint Nature paper in 2022 which was highlighted in the Irish Times in an unsolicited article.