Webster, K., Tedd, K., Coxon, C. & Donohue, I., Environmental flow assessment for Irish rivers, Irish Groundwater Newsletter, 54, 2016, p39 - 41,
Journal Article,
Wilson, J., Rocha, C. & Coxon, C., Using GIS and natural tracers to evaluate groundwater discharge to lakes, Integrated Hydrogeology: Contemporary Principles, Policy and Practice (Proceedings of 35th Annual Groundwater Conference, IAH Irish Group), Tullamore, Offaly, 21-22 April 2015, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), 2015, ppV.3 - V.10,
Conference Paper,
Coxon, C., Water quality in Irish karst aquifers, Water Resource Management: The Role of Hydrogeology (Proceedings of 34th Annual Groundwater Conference, IAH Irish Group), Tullamore, Offaly, 15-16 April 2014, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), 2014, ppII.9 - II.18,
Conference Paper,
Kimberley, S. & Coxon, C., Environmental supporting conditions for groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 50, 2012, p38 - 40,
Journal Article,
Tedd, K., Misstear, B., Coxon, C., Daly, D., Hunter Williams, T., Craig, M. & Mannix, A., A review of groundwater levels in the south-east of Ireland, Wexford, Environmental Protection Agency, 2011, 106pp,
Cunha Pereira, H., Coxon, C. & Allott, N., Turlough water quality and implications for groundwater management, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Groundwater Conference, International Association of Hydrogeologists Irish Group, Tullamore, Offaly, 21-22 April 2009, edited by Bartley, P. , IAH (Irish Group), 2009, pp107 - 110,
Conference Paper,
McManus, S., Richards, K.G. & Coxon, C.E., Pesticide occurrence in Irish groundwaters, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 47, 2009, p12 - 14,
Journal Article,
Richards, K., Khalil, M., Fenton, O., Barrett, M., Jahangir, M., Johnston, P., Coxon, C. & O'Flaherty, V., Investigating subsoil and groundwater denitrification in Ireland, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 47, 2009, p15 - 16,
Journal Article,
Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Daly, D., Hunter-Williams, T. & Jennings, S., Managing groundwater bodies in the Shannon pilot river basin for the Water Framework Directive, Proceedings of the Pilot River Basin Workshop - Groundwater & Water Framework Directive Management Plan, Rome, Italy, 3-4 May 2004, Tevere River Basin Authority, 2004,
Conference Paper,
Water pollution: the need to protect water resources in karst areas in, editor(s)Daly, D., Drew, D., Deakin, J., Ball, D., Parkes, M. & Wright, G. , The Karst of Ireland, Dublin, Karst Working Group / Geological Survey of Ireland, 2000, pp26 - 28, [Coxon, C.E. & Daly, D.],
Book Chapter,