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Professor Ciaran Francis Brady

Fellow Emeritus (History)
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Professor Ciaran Francis Brady

Fellow Emeritus (History)


Details Date
I have contributed a number of reviews to History Ireland, The Irish Literary Supplement, The Irish Times
I have given several papers on the development of the new Leaving Certificate History Syllabus to conferences held under the auspices of the Royal Irish Academy, the Royal Historical Society and the History Teachers Association of Ireland.
Programme notes for The Treaty of Mellifont , a concert featuring Stephen Rea Michael Holohan, Micheál Ó Brian, Ciaran Brady, National Gallery, 27 November, 2003
In October 2004 as part of the Shelbourne Hotel's 180th anniversary celebrations, I devised a series of historical readings which I performed with the actor Barry McGovern
Sir John Gilbert: historian of the Irish bourgeoisie in, editor(s)Salvador Ryan and Clodagh Tait , Religion and politics in urban Ireland, c. 1500 - c. 1750, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2016, pp249 - 274, [Ciaran Brady], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Emboldening the weak: the early fiction of James Anthony Froude in, editor(s)Daragh Downws and Trish Ferguson , Victorian Fiction Beyond the Canon, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp45 - 70, [Ciaran Brady], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The Myth of 'Silken Thomas' in, editor(s)Peter Crooks and Sean Duffy , The Geraldines and Medieval Ireland: the making of a myth, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2016, pp379 - 398, [Ciaran Brady], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ciaran Brady, Shane O'Neill (revised and expanded edition), 2nd edition, Dublin, UCD Press, 2015, i - 111pp, Book, PUBLISHED
An Old Kind of History: the Anglo-Irish writing of Iirish History, 1840 - 1910 in, editor(s)Carine Berberi and Martine Pelletier , Ireland: Authority and Crisis, Bern, Peter Lang, 2015, pp247 - 286, [Ciaran Brady], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ciaran Brady, James Anthony Froude: and intellectual biography of a Victorian prophet, 2nd edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, xvi +500pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Coming into the weigh-house: Elizabeth I and the government of Ireland in, editor(s)Brendan Kane and Valerie McGowan-Doyle , Elizabeth I and Ireland, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp113 - 141, [Ciaran Brady], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ciaran Brady, James Anthony Froude: an intellectual biography of a Victorian prophet, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, xvi + 500pp, Book, PUBLISHED
'Robin Dudley Edwards and the uses of Catholic nationalism' in, editor(s)Neil Evans and Huw Pryce. , Writing a Small Nation's Past: Wales in Comparative Perspective, 1850-1950, Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, pp283 - 299, [Ciaran Brady], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
'Ireland : In the shadow of the fond abuser' in, editor(s)Peter Furtado , Histories of Nations: how their identities were forged, London, Thames and Hudson, 2012, pp70 - 82, [Ciaran Brady], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Brady C., Hugh O'Neill, 2005, -, Notes: [ ], Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Brady C., A New History of Ireland: the Tudor period', Irish Historical Society, January, 2005, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Brady C., Looking Backwards: the formation of the Irish historical profession, 1938 - 1874, Iveagh Lecture on Modern Irish History, Alexandra College, 2004, Notes: [ ], Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Ciaran Brady, Declan Downey and Oscar Recio Morales, Irish troops in the service of Hapsburg Spain, 1580 - 1800: a database compiled from sources in archives in Spain, Italy and Belgium, 2004, -, Notes: [ ], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Local History in Ireland in, Local Ireland Handbook, O'Brien Press, 2003, pp5 - 14, [Brady C.], Notes: [( ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Brady C., Law, land and lineage in sixteenth century Ireland, War and Cultural Conflict in the Renaissance, Centre d'Études Supérieur de la Renaissance, Université Francois Rabelais, Tours, July, 2003, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Brady C., Hugh O'Neill, the Mac Donalds and the outbreak of the Nine Years War' in Ireland and Scotland in the early modern period, University of Strathclyde, October, 2002, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Carlos Fernández-Andrade Marín, Hugo O'Donnell, Declan Downey, Ciaran Brady & José Antonio Crespo-Francés y Valero, La Batalla de Kinsale, 2002, -, Notes: [ ], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Brady C., John Mitchel and Trinity College, Thomas Davis Lecture, RTE Broadcast, June, 1993, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


Sixteenth and seventeenth century Irish history (esp. political and intellectual); colonial North America; Irish historigraphy. CURRENT RESEARCH: A study of the work of James Anthony Froude.