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Ms. Carmel Downes

Research Assistant (School of Nursing & Midwifery)
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Ms. Carmel Downes

Research Assistant (School of Nursing & Midwifery)


Project Title
 Developing and testing a tool to evaluate a sexual capacity building programme
Funding Agency
HSE and Crisis Pregnancy Programme
Project Title
 The SENsE study: An Evaluation of the role of the Epilspsy Specialist Nurse and the impact on patient quality of life
Funding Agency
Project Title
 LGBTIreland: National study of the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIreland people in Ireland
Funding Agency
GLEN and BeLonGTo
Project Title
 The EOLAS Project: Evaluation of a co-produced and co-delivered information programme on recovery and mental health difficulties for users of services and family members
Funding Agency
Project Title
 The SMARTER study: Exploring practices, policies and processes around risk and safety management within mental health nursing services
Funding Agency

Higgins, A., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., de Vries, J., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corocan, P., The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland: Key Findings Report, Key Findings, Trinity Collee Dublin, April, 2024, p1 - 22, Notes: [This report presents findings of the Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland study. The largest study of its kind to date. It is a follow-up of the LGBTIreland study (2016). This research has been funded by the HSE and its findings are eagerly awaited by the Irish Government in order to develop relevant policy.], Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Higgins A., Downes C., Daly L., Begley T., Sharek D. and De Vries J., Capacity building in sexual health promotion: a longitudinal evaluation of a training-the-trainer programme in Ireland, Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 36, (1), 2021, p46 - 67, Notes: [DOI: 10.1080/14681994.2019.1566604], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Jurcek A, Downes C, Keogh B, Urek M, Sheaf G, Hafford-Letchfield, Buitenkamp C, van der Vaart N, Higgins A, Educating health and social care practitioners on the experiences and needs of older LGBT+ adults: findings from a systematic review, Journal of Nursing Management , 29, (1), 2021, p43 - 57, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Higgins, A. Downes, C., Murphy, R., Begley, T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Smyth, S., DeVries, J. & Doyle, L., LGBT+ young people's perceptions of barriers to accessing mental health services in Ireland., Journal of Nursing Management, 29, (1), 2021, p59 - 67, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O'Sullivan K, Brady AM, Downes C, Higgins A, Doyle L, McCann T & Keogh B, The role and activities of the Traveller mental health liaison nurse: Findings from a multi-stakeholder evaluation, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Keogh, B., Brady, AM, Downes, C., Doyle, L., Higgins, A., McCann, T. & O'Sullivan, K., Mental Health Liaison Nursing and Minority Groups: The Role and Activities of a Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', School of Nursing and Midwifery, 10th March, 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED  URL
Doyle, L., Keogh, B., Morrissey, J., Higgins, A. & Downes, C, Accessing Help for Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviour in the Emergency Department: The Experiences of Service Users., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', School of Nursing and Midwifery, 10th March, 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED  URL
de Vries JMA, Downes C, Sharek D, Doyle L, Murphy, R, Begley, T, McCann E, Sheerin F, Smyth S & Higgins A , An exploration of happiness within the Irish LGBTI community,, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 24, (1), 2020, p40 - 76, Notes: [ DOI: 10.1080/19359705.2019.1646689], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL  URL
Keogh B, Brady AM, Downes C, Doyle L, Higgins A, & McCann T, Evaluation of a Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse: Service User Perspectives, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 41, (9), 2020, p799 - 806, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Higgins A, Downes C, Sheaf G, Bus E, Connell S, Hafford-Letchfield T, Jurček A, Pezzella A, Rabelink I, Robotham G, Urek M, van der Vaart N & Keogh B, Pedagogical principles and methods underpinning education of health and social care practitioners on experiences and needs of older LGBT+ people: findings from a systematic review, Nurse Education in Practice , 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

Page 1 of 2
de Vries, J., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corcoran, P., & Higgins, A., Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland: The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland, Research Club Presentation, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Dublin, Ireland, 04/07/2024, 2024, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, 1 - 21pp, Notes: [presentation has been published on Government Department Website], Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Keogh B, Brady AM, Downes C, Doyle L, Higgins A, McCann T, An Evaluation of the Role of the Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse in Carlow and Kilkenny, Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, October, 2018, Report, PUBLISHED
Keogh B, Brady AM, Downes C, Doyle L, Higgins A, McCann T, An Evaluation of the Role of the Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse in Carlow and Kilkenny [Summary Report], Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, October, 2018, Report, PUBLISHED
Higgins, A., Downes, C., Murphy, R., Sharek, D., de Vries, J., Begley, T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., and Smyth, S , LGBTIreland Report: The National Study of the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex People in Ireland, Dublin, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) and BeLonG To Youth Services, 2016, Report, PUBLISHED
Higgins A., Downes C., Daly L., Begley T., DeVries J. and Sharek D., The Development and Piloting of the Sexual Health Promotion Education Evaluation Tool (SH-PET) , Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2016, Report, PUBLISHED
Higgins, A., Doyle, L. Downes, C., Nash, M., Morrissey, J., Brennan, M & Costello, P, Risk Assessment and Safety Planning in Mental Health Nursing Services. An Exploration of Practices, Policies and Processes, Dublin, Health Service Executive, 2015, Report, PUBLISHED


Mental health; Evaluation Research