Kennedy F, Ní Cheallaigh C, Romero-Ortuno R, Doyle SL, Broderick J, Outcomes of the LEAP feasibility trial - a low-threshold, exercise programme with protein supplementation to target frailty and poor physical functioning in people experiencing homelessness and addiction issues, PLOS ONE, 2024,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Dawes, J, Rogans-Watson, R, Broderick, J., `You can change your life through sports' physical activity interventions to improve the health and well-being of adults experiencing homelessness: a mixed-methods systematic review, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 0, 2024, p1 - 16,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
F Kennedy, C Ní Cheallaigh, R Romero-Ortuno, D Murray, J Broderick, Acceptability and utility of a broad test battery to evaluate physical functioning and frailty in community-based settings for people experiencing homelessness and addiction-Findings from the LEAP trials, Physiotherapy, 2024,
Journal Article,
Hanrahan C, Broderick J, O' Connor T, McVeigh J, Behaviour change interventions for physical activity in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; A systematic review and meta-analysis, Respiratory Medicine and Research, 85, (101068), 2024,
Journal Article,
O' Grady M, Connolly D, Kennedy M, Mockler D, Broderick J, Barrett E., The Role of Intermediaries in Connecting Community-Dwelling Adults to Local Physical Activity and Exercise: A Scoping Review, Journal of Integrated Care, 2, (24(2)), 2024,
Journal Article,
Kennedy F, Ní Cheallaigh C, Romero-Ortuno R, Doyle S, Broderick J., A study to explore the role of a low threshold, fitness focussed physical rehabilitation intervention with protein supplementation to target physical function and frailty in people with problematic substance use and homelessness: protocol for a single-arm pre-post intervention study., HRB Open Research, 6, (26), 2024,
Journal Article,
Julie Broderick , Applying an inclusion health approach to engaging people experiencing homelessness and active substance abuse in physical activity programmes, Irish Physical Activity Research Collaboration (I-PARC), Dublin, 19.01.23, 2023,
Invited Talk,
Kennedy F, Ward A, Mockler D, Villani J, Broderick J, Scoping review on Physical Health Conditions in Irish Travellers (Mincéiri, BMJ Open , 28, (13), 2023,
Journal Article,
Kennedy F, Ní Cheallaigh C, Romero-Ortuno R, Doyle S, Broderick J, A study to explore the role of a low threshold, fitness focused physical rehabilitation intervention with protein supplementation to target physical function and frailty in people with problematic substance use and homelessness: protocol for a single-arm feasibility cohort study., HRB Ope Research, 6, (26), 2023,
Journal Article,
Tadrous R, O'Rourke D, Murphy N, Quinn G, Quinn C, Slattery L, Broderick J., Exploring exercise, physical wellbeing and the role of physiotherapy: perspectives from people with narcolepsy, Journal of Sleep Research, 24, (e14007), 2023, p1 - 9,
Journal Article,