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Professor Louis Brennan

Fellow Emeritus (Trinity Business School)


An award winning international researcher and inspirational teacher, Dr Louis Brennan has made a unique and enduring contribution to the fields of Operations and International Business. He is especially recognised for his exceptional international research leadership in the area of emerging economy multinationals and their outward investment. In recognition of his outstanding record of research publication, he received the Trinity Business School inaugural Research Excellence Award in 2016. Dr Brennan has been awarded over 1.6 million euro in research funding and has led research teams within Trinity College as well as at national, European and Global levels attracting the participation of some of the leading scholars in the world. He has published scores of articles in leading international journals including 40 in ABS ranked journals alone and six books with leading international publishers including the seminal work on the Business of Space which has been featured on prime-time coast-to-coast US TV. Dr Brennan is one of the leading scholars engaged in transdisciplinary research that involves integration across several disciplines beyond the business discipline with a unique record of high impact outputs. In addition to publishing in his core areas of expertise, he has published in the fields of Economics, Engineering, Geography, International Relations, Law and Political Science. He is a leader in curriculum design having developed and taught seven new courses at undergraduate, graduate and executive levels. Dr Brennan has supervised 13 PhD students and 10 Masters Research students to completion. Dr Brennan has delivered exceptional service to the College serving in leadership roles at School, Faculty and College levels including serving for many years as an elected member of University Council, as well as Director of the Institute for International Integration Studies and a number of School level Directorships. Dr Brennan has led a number of high level global initiatives related to the SKA project, Emerging Multinationals and the development of a global accreditation standard for programmes in Purchasing and Supply Management. He has organised and chaired dozens of international conferences and delivered invited keynote addresses at high level events around the world. He serves on the boards of a number of international journals and has acted as PhD extern examiner in Ireland, the UK, Italy and Spain. His passion is around mediating and shaping the future and he is a frequent contributor to the global discourse.
  Asia   FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT   Global Supply Networks   GLOBALIZATION   Hong Kong & Mainland China: economic development strategies   International Business   JAPAN   MANUFACTURING-INDUSTRIES   OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT   Strategic Management/ Strategy   TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT
Details Date
Proposer/Chair of COST Action IS0905, 26 nation research network on "Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe". 2010-2014
Member of IFPSM China/Global Standard Advisory Group. 2011-present
Member of UNCTAD World Investment Network. 2010- present
Member of the Council of Institute of International Trade of Ireland. 2006-2009
Member of the Board of Transparency International Ireland. 2008-2014
Member of the Council of Association for Chinese Studies in Ireland. 2013- present
Member of the Executive Council of Asia Studies Ireland Association. 2008-present
National Co-ordinator International Manufacturing Strategy Survey. 1999-present
Member editorial board of International Journal of Technology Marketing. 2005-present
Book reviewer for several publishers including Oxford University Press, McGraw-Hill, Palgrave Macmillan, Prentice Hall and Routledge and reviewer for international journals. 1999-present
Chair of the Global Steering Committee on the non-Science Impacts of Large Scale Science Infrastructures. 2009-2010
Chair of the Workshop on the non-Science Impacts of Large Scale Science Infrastructures - the case of the Global SKA project. 2010
Member of the Council of the Irish Association of Contemporary European Studies 2014-present
Member of the editorial board of the Irish Journal of Management 2008-2009
Member of the editorial board of World Economy and International Relations 2016-present
Member of the editorial board of Social Sciences 2017- present
Reviewer for numerous leading scholarly journals 1999-present
Member of UK Manufacturing Professors Forum 2008-present
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Medium Medium
Irish Fluent Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
Academy of International Business
European Operations Management Association
Production and Operations Management Society
Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors - registered member
Academy of Management
Decision Sciences Institute
American Institute of Industrial Engineers - Senior Member to 2002.
American Production and Inventory Control Society to 2002
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences to 2002
Multinational companies at the intersection of home and host country foreign direct investment policies: an analysis of Chinese investments in Europe in, editor(s)Philippe Gugler and Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann , Handbook of International Business Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2024, pp262 - 276, [Filip De Beule and Louis Brennan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Evolving Dynamics of the Spanish Space Sector: Institutional Influence in the Spanish New Space Economy in, editor(s)Arto Ojala and William W. Baber , Space Business: Emerging Theory and Practice, UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp141 - 167, [Louis Brennan and Natalia Utrero-Gonzalez], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Breinbauer, Andreas, Brennan, Louis, Jager Johannes, Nachbagauer, Andreas, G. M. and Andreas Nolke, Multinationale Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern und Europa Herausforderungen und Strategien, First, Springer, 2023, 1 - 305pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Three out-of-this-world lessons for remote working: The NASA way in, editor(s)Adrian Zicari and Tom Gamble , The Employee and the Post-Pandemic Workplace: Towards a New, Enlightened Working Environment, London, Routledge, 2023, pp33 - 37, [T. Jain and L. Brennan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Kadek Sawitri and Louis Brennan, The investment development path literature: a review and research agenda, Management Review Quarterly, 73, (4), 2023, p1825 - 1872, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Brennan, L. and A. Vecchi, Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Evolution of the Irish Space Sector from an Institutional Perspective, Space Policy, 64, (May), 2023, p15 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Managing Globalisation to National Advantage: The Case of Ireland in, editor(s)Amitendu Palit , Globalisation Impacts: Countries, Institutions and COVID19, Springer Nature, 2022, pp127 - 144, [Louis Brennan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Kadek Sawitri and Louis Brennan , Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Home Country Economic Growth in the case of Indonesia, 48th AIB-UKI Annual Conference, Reading, April, 2022, edited by Davide Castellin and Rajneesh Nartula , 2022, pp41 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Kadek Sawitri and Louis Brennan , The Investment Development Path Theory: Evidence from Indonesia, Academy of international Business Annual Meeting, Miami, July, 2022, edited by Andrew Delios , 2022, pp41 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Xianwu Zhang, Na Fu and Louis Brennan, Professional Service Firms from Emerging Markets: Managing the National and International Paradox, Academy of international Business Annual Meeting, Miami, July, 2022, edited by Andrew Delios , 2022, pp31 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED

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Industrial policy, B. Joyce, Encyclopaedia of Ireland, Gill and Macmillan, 2003, pp517 - 517, [Frances Ruane], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, PUBLISHED
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan and D. Coghlan, Researchers Transcending Boundaries: Developing Researcher Networks through Action Learning, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Denver, 2-Aug, 2002, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan et al, Collaboration and Improvement in the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise, Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, San Francisco, 2-Apr, 2002, Notes: [Abstract published], Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Louis Brennan and G. MacKechnie, A Contingency Theory of Global Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Orlando, March/April 2001, 2001, Notes: [Abstract published], Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Louis Brennan, Artificial Intelligence-Based Scheduling for Dual-Resource Constrained Assembly Systems, EUOR/INFORMS Barcelona Conference, Barcelona, Jul-97, 1997, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Grimson, J. et al., Quality manual, EU Telematics Applications for Health programme, HC1046, 1996, Report, PUBLISHED
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Research and Development in the Area of Disassembly Scheduling, TIMS XXXII Conference, Alaska, Jun-94, 1994, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Louis Brennan, Impact of Producer/Customer Integration on the Performance of Multi-Stage Production Systems, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting , Boston, April 1994, 1994, Notes: [Abstract Published], Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Production System Performance in an Interactive Customer Environment, Production and Operations Management Society Conference, Boston, October 1993, 1993, Notes: [Abstract Published], Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Louis Brennan, Information Technology and the Materials Management Process, 1992 EURO XII/TIMS XXXI Conference, Helsinki, June/July 1992, 1992, Notes: [Abstract Published], Conference Paper, PRESENTED


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Award Date
MAjo University of Dublin 2010
Trinity Business School Research Excellemce Award 2016
Trinity College Award for Excellence in Supervision of Research Students June 2022