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Professor Anne Dolan

Professor In (History)
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Professor Anne Dolan

Professor In (History)

Project Title
 Witnessing war, making peace: testimonies of revolution and restraint in inter-war Ireland
December 2023
December 2027
Despite a war of independence (1919-21) and civil war (1922-23), Ireland"s experience of violence was relatively restrained compared to much of inter-war Europe and it returned to stability remarkably quickly. Eric Hobsbawm noted the Irish Free State as one of only five European states, new or old, where `adequately democratic institutions continued to function" between the wars. What we still do not know is why. This project explains why Ireland was so relatively restrained in its use of violence during and after its revolution, and in doing so, it will establish new paradigms for exploring the history of violence and pioneer the history of a much less considered phenomenon " restraint. To do this it draws on the testimony of those who have been largely overlooked: the bystanders who witnessed violence in Ireland, who first put experiences of violence into words, and who fundamentally shaped what we can know about it now. By listening to the ordinary men and women who lived through Ireland"s wars, the project interrogates how they negotiated their ways from conflict to peace as follows: " Using thousands of inquests and court records this project will undertake the first qualitative analysis of violence and restraint in Ireland, placing the 1912-23 period in the context of violence before and after these years. " Court records, pension records, and compensation claims will allow the project to explore the type of post-conflict societies that emerged from violence, looking at how individuals adapted to and interacted with new institutions as they coped with legacies of violence. " Using the experience of one locality, the project will test how gender, class, economics, the politics of local power and grievances might explain how individuals navigated their ways through conflict and beyond. The aim is to understand how Ireland restrained its wars and made its peace.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Advanced Laureate

Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Basic Basic
Irish Medium Medium Basic
Details Date From Date To
Secretary, Irish Historical Society 2008
'The lash of the liberators': Ireland 1912-1982 on independence in, editor(s)Miriam Nyhan Grey , A tract for our times: a retrospective on Joe Lee's Ireland 1912-1985, Dublin, UCD Press, 2024, pp72 - 86, [Anne Dolan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Collins and the British media, Hélène O'Keeffe, John Crowley, Donal O'Drisceoil, John Borgonovo, Mike Murphy, Atlas of the Irish Civil War, Cork, Cork University Press, 2024, pp16 - 16, [Anne Dolan and William Murphy], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, PUBLISHED
Anne Dolan and Catriona Crowe (eds), 'A very hard struggle': lives in the Military Service Pensions Collection, Dublin, Department of Defence, 2023, 1 - 287pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Introduction in, editor(s)Anne Dolan & Catriona Crowe , 'A very hard struggle': lives in the Military Service Pensions Collection, Dublin, Department of Defence, 2023, pp12 - 21, [Anne Dolan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Anne Dolan, 'I have lost a lot by fighting for my country' reckoning with the Irish revolution, Contemporary European History, 2023, p18 , Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Anne Dolan William Murphy, Days in the life: reading the Michael Collins diaries 1918-1922, first, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2022, 1 - 160pp, Book, PUBLISHED
7 October 1922 - The killing of teenagers Eamonn Hughes, Brendan Holohan and Joseph Rogers: trauma and the legacy of violence' in, editor(s)Darragh Gannon & Fearghal McGarry , Ireland 1922: independence, partition, civil war, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2022, pp267 - 272, [Anne Dolan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
'Worrying away at the Irish revolution' in, editor(s)The President of Ireland , Machnamh 100: President of Ireland centenary reflections volume 1, Dublin, Office of the President of Ireland, 2021, pp50 - 54, [Anne Dolan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
'Hardly worth your while': the pursuit of happiness in twentieth-century Ireland? in, editor(s)Mary Hatfield , Happiness in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2021, pp215 - 231, [Anne Dolan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Anne Dolan, 'Death in the archives: witnessing war in Ireland, 1919-1921', Past and Present, 253, (1), 2021, p271 - 300, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Patrick Pearse in, Trinity Monday memorial discourses,, Trinity College Dublin, 2016, pp1 - 25, [Anne Dolan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED