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Professor Michael Monaghan

Professor In (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)
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Professor Michael Monaghan

Professor In (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)

Dr. Michael Monaghan- Professor in Biomedical Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin: His group's primary research areas are in biomaterials (in particular electroconductive biomaterials), advanced processing and rational design of biomaterials, cardiac tissue regeneration, and real-time imaging of extracellular matrix components and metabolism in differentiation and disease. He leads a number of interdiciplinary projects between other academic groups and industry ranging from immunometabolism, evaluation of fibrosis, biomaterial synthesis and induced pluripotent stem cell derivitisation of cardiac organoids.

Dr. Monaghan performed his Postdoctoral research in Germany as a recipient of a prestigious Marie Curie Individual Fellowship at the Department of Cell and Tissue Engineering in the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology and the Department of Women's Health in University Clinic Tubingen. During this period he has published a number of key findings in the field of human valvulogenesis, embryonic stem cell research, cardiomyocyte differentiation, biomaterials and non-invasive optical characterisation (Raman microspectroscopy, fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLIM), multiphoton and second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging). Dr. Monaghan received both his B.Eng (Biomedical) and Ph.D. (Biomedical Engineering) from the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG). During his Ph.D. Dr. Monaghan received a number of research awards such as travel awards from the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the 2015 Julia Polak European Doctorate Award in recognition of the achievements made during his Ph.D.

Dr. Monaghan is actively involved in the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine international society (TERMIS); previously as Chair of the EU Student and Young Investigator Section. He is council member of Matrix Biology Ireland and acts as treasurer of this society. Since 2023 he serves as a board member on the International BioBrillouin Society.
He and his group have received notable prestigious awards including the Robert Browne Early Career Investigator Award issued by the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS-EU Chapter, 2023) and Engineers Ireland Medal (Matteo Solazzo, 2022). Currently at TCD he is coordinating a Horizon2020 MSCA-Doctoral Network (flimagin3D-DN) worth €3.1 million and in 2023 was awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant worth €2.58 million. Lab Website:
  2ND HARMONIC GENERATION   3D Imaging Analysis   Angiogenesis, oncology, cardiovascular biology, inflammation   Bioengineering   Bioengineering and radiologic imaging   Biomaterials   Biomedical Engineering   Biomedical Research, Multidisciplinary   CELL BIOMECHANICS   COLLAGEN   DRUG TARGETING   DRUG-DELIVERY SYSTEM   EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX (ECM)   FIBROSIS   FLIM   GENE SILENCING   GENE-THERAPY   IMMUNE-RESPONSE   In vitro alternatives to animal studies   innate immunity and macrophage cell biology   MECHANOBIOLOGY   MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS   MICROSCOPY   MYOCARDIAL-INFARCTION   organoids   Photovoltaics   Regenerative Medicine   SCAFFOLD   STEM-CELLS   Tissue Engineering   ZEBRAFISH
Project Title
 Engineering animal-free accurate models of the annulus fibrosis in vitro using morphometrical data applied to the 4D deposition of melt electrowritten fibres to achieve true anisotropy and lamellar orientations
Sept 2022
Dec 2023
Disease and debilitation of the intervertebral disc poses enormous burden on patient quality life and a significant cost in terms of clinical and economy costs. Tissue engineering is one promising approach to develop therapies for the intervertebral disc but requires the use of animal models to capture the mechanical environment of the intervertebral disc. This project will engineer, and 3D print an accurate in vitro model of the intervertebral disc and benchmark it with ex vivo ovine models which are standardly used in the field. This 3D printing technology offers a superior approach to achieve this; melt electrowriting will accurately capture the ellipsoidal geometry and alternating lamellar orientation of the annulus fibrosis. We will optimise the design and fabrication of this model using melt electrowriting and verify its suitability using mechanical testing and in vitro compatibility testing using human and sheep cells of the intervertebral disc. This approach will lead to the establishment of accurate in vitro models to optimise therapies of the intervertebral disc, minimise our reliance on animal models and lead to more `human-specific" models.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Project Type
Research Exchange
Person Months
Project Title
 Doctoral Network for a Shared Excellence of Fluorescent Lifetime Imaging Microscopy in Biomedical Applications
January 2023
December 2026
In flIMAGIN3D, which centres on fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy applied to biomedical platforms in 3D; ten talented Doctoral Candidates (DCs) will be recruited, trained and supervised to cohesively establish the most robust, user accessible and powerful FLIM-based platform-never achieved before, and apply it to a wide range of applications in the biological sciences. flIMAGIN3D will generate ten DCs)at the cutting edge of FLIM-based biological imaging who will spearhead, and go onto catalyse clusters of FLIM excellence across Europe; each intertwined within a collaborative network that will extend beyond the time-frame of the program. This doctoral network will train talented doctoral candidates in the essential theories underpinning FLIM , and through the individual projects and extensive secondments in this network; elevate their projects and skills, and that of their secondment hosts to research excellence in FLIM flIMAGIN3D addresses a significant knowledge gap in the field of photonics in biology by involving biomedical scientists in each and every aspect of development and design, and cognisant of the wide variety of current platforms that require adaptability to such modalities. In flIMAGIN3D: bringing together representatives with different applications and backgrounds, we will identify and overcome barriers to FLIM imaging by developing the next generation of scientists who will develop a FLIM platform capable of extracting the greatest amount of information possible in a stream-lined, accurate and user-friendly manner in order to understand biology in disease, differentiation, development and interventions at a high resolution. To achieve this goal, the trained scientists will develop cheaper advanced hardware components, with user friendly software that can build precise libraries for accurate machine learning classifications and plug-and-play platforms and sensors to facilitate a wide range of applications.
Funding Agency
European Commission
Project Type
Doctoral Network
Person Months
Project Title
 Enabling Melt ElectroWriting of Electroconductive, Geometrically Defined 3D Biomaterials to Promote the Maturation of Cardiomyocytes for Cardiac Regeneration
December 2017
January 2020
Funding Agency
Enterprise Ireland
Innovation Partnership Program
Project Type
Industry Collaboration Research
Person Months
Project Title
Piezoceutical biomaterial scaffolds for immunomodulatory-based myocardial repair
Funding Agency
European Commission
European Research Council
Project Type
Consolidator Grant
Person Months
Project Title
 Development of minimally invasive neuromodulatory electroconductive hydrogel in combination with physical stimuli for spinal cord regeneration
September 2021
August 2023
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a debilitating health conditions affecting circa 27.04 million people globally including 6.4 million Europeans with serious impact on the quality of life and socio-economic status of the patients. Existing regenerative and rehabilitation approaches are largely palliative and neuroprotective, targeting the spared neural tissue after injury with limited efficacy in regeneration. While the spinal cord has poor regenerative ability, the degenerative processes further complicate the SCI pathophysiology. Hence, no regenerative and rehabilitation approaches, individually, have resulted in complete and near complete functional recovery to date. To fully restore the injured spinal cord's functionality, a coordinated combinational approach addressing particular degenerative processes is necessary. Herein, the fellow proposes to develop a regenerative rehabilitation combinational approach to maximize the functional regenerative outcome after SCI using minimally invasive injectable electroconductive hydrogels (ECHs) functionalized with neurotrophins (NTs) and anti-inflammatory cytokines in combination with electrical stimulation (ES) and near infrared (NIR) laser stimulation. ES and NIR laser through the ECH will be used to stimulate the neurons and glial cells to enhance regeneration and neuroplasticity as well as for on demand delivery of biologics to target the inhibitory processes. This proposal describes the project's multidisciplinary nature, execution and management of the project by the fellow and the multiple collaborators who will each provide the fellow with cutting-edge research skills. The goals of the fellow's project place specific focus to ensure that the training of the fellow brings him to a level of competitive scientific excellence at international level.
Funding Agency
European Commission
Project Type
MSCA Individual Fellowship
Person Months

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Details Date
Elected Council Member -Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (EU Chapter) 01-Jan-2018
Elected Treasurer- Matrix Biology Ireland 2017 Meeting 30 Nov 2016
International BioBrillouin Society: Board Member 1st June 2023
Reviewer for leading journals in the fields of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (selection only): Biomaterials, RSC Biomaterials Science, Advanced Optical Materials, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Small, Macromolecular Bioscience, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced NanoBiomed Research, Advanced Materials Technologies, Journal of Controlled Release, Molecular Therapy, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Tissue Engineering Part A, Tissue Engineering Part B, Acta Biomaterialia, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Lab on a Chip, Nature Scientific Reports, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, npj 2D Materials and Applications 2015-Present
External Examiner PhD Thesis Progress- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 2017
Grant Reviewer for National and International Granting Bodies Including: European Research Council ADVANCED GRANTS European Research Council Starting Grants Wellcome Trust (2020-Present) MRC-AMED Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research Initiative (2020- Present) Israel Science Foundation (2020-Present) Marie Sklowdowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (2019-Present) Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (2029-Present) Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) through the John R. Evans Leaders Fund (2021) 2018
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
German Medium Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (RAMI)- Bioengineering Section 2017 Present
MBI- Matrix Biology Ireland (elected council member and Society Treasurer) 2016 Present
ESB- European Society for Biomaterials 2010 Present
TERMIS - Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society 2009 Present
DGMB-German Matrix Biology Society 2013 2016
International BioBrillouin Society 2023 Present
Funded Investigator: SFI Funded Centre AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) 2019 Present
Funded Investigator: SFI Funded Centre CÚRAM (Designing The Next Generation of 'Smart' Medical Devices) 2019 Present
Michael Monaghan, Conductive Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering- Application of Conductive Polymers and 2D Nanomaterials, World Biomaterials Congress, Daegu, South Korea, 26-31st May 2024, 2024, World Biomaterials Congress Scientific Advisory Committee, Invited Talk, ACCEPTED
Conor Darroch, Francesco Digeronimo, Giuseppe Asaro, Manon Minsart, Nele Pien, Sandra van Vlierberghe and Michael G Monaghan, Melt electrowriting of poly(-caprolactone)"poly(ethylene glycol) backbone polymer blend scaffolds with improved hydrophilicity and functionality, Biomed. Mater., 19, 2024, p055011-, Notes: [10.1088/1748-605X/ad5b41], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Jitu Mani Das, Jnanendra Upadhyay, Michael G. Monaghan*, Rajiv Borah*, Impact of the Reduction Time-Dependent Electrical Conductivity of Graphene Nanoplatelet-Coated Aligned Bombyx mori Silk Scaffolds on Electrically Stimulated Axonal Growth, ACS Appl. Bio Mater., 2024, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Liam M. Leahy, Ian Woods, Javier Gutierrez-Gonzalez, Jack Maughan, Cian O"Connor, Martyna Stasiewicz, Kulwinder Kaur, Michael G. Monaghan, Adrian Dervan, Fergal J. O"Brien, Electrostimulation via a 3D-printed, biomimetic, neurotrophic, electroconductive scaffold for the promotion of axonal regrowth after spinal cord injury, Materials Today, 2024, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Megan M. Hanlo, Conor M. Smith, Mary Canavan , Nuno G. B. Neto , Qingxuan Song, Myles J. Lewis , Aoife M. O"Rourke, Orla Tynan, Brianne E. Barker, Phil Gallagher, Ronan Mullan, Conor Hurson, Barry Moran , Michael G. Monaghan, Costantino Pitzalis, Jean M. Fletcher, Sunil Nagpal, Douglas J. Veale, and Ursula Fearon, Loss of synovial tissue macrophage homeostasis precedes rheumatoid arthritis clinical onset, Science Advances, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Rajiv Borah, Daniel Diez Clarke, Meenakshi Suku, Michael Monaghan, 3D bioprinting of a versatile neural stem cell laden silk based electroconductive hydrogel scaffold for spinal cord repair, Additive Manufacturing for Health, , CCI Nantes St-Nazaire Les Salons d"Affaires " Centre des Salorges, France, 21-22 March, 2024,, 2024, Oral Presentation, ACCEPTED
Suku. M, Forrester. L, Biggs. M, Monaghan. MG, Engineering innate immunology in a humanized, functional, in vitro model of healthy myocardium, Gordon Research Seminar in Immunoengineering, Lucca, Italy, 10th February 2024, 2024, Oral Presentation, ACCEPTED
Michael Monaghan, Engineering innate immunology in cardiovascular disease models and regenerative medicine, Gordon Research Conference: Immunoengineering, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco, Italy, 11-16th Feb 2024, 2024, Poster, ACCEPTED
Meenakshi Suku, Lesley Forrester, Manus Biggs, Michael Monaghan, Functional cardiac organoids modeling the inflammatory environment of myocardial infarction , Meeting of the European Chapter of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society, Manchester, UK, March 2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Monaghan MG, Non-invasive classification of macrophage polarisation by 2P-FLIM and machine learning, Meeting of the European Chapter of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society, Manchester, UK, March 2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED

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Michael Monaghan, Resident and Infiltrating Human Macrophage Functions in Engineered Heart Tissues and Electric Fields, 7th TERMIS World Congress, United States, 25/06/2024, 2024, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Michael Monaghan, The role of electrical simulation in macrophage function and therapeutics: A tour de force in bioreactors, biomaterials and bioimaging, 2024, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Suku. M, Forrester. L, Biggs. M, Monaghan. MG, Engineering innate immunology in a humanized, functional, in vitro model of healthy myocardium, Gordon Research Conference in Immunoengineering, Lucca, Italy, 11th February 2024, 2024, Poster, ACCEPTED
Meenakshi Suku, Lesley Forrester, Manus Biggs, Michael Monaghan, Tuning macrophage polarization to model myocardial infarction in the generation of functional cardiac organoids, 28th Annual Conference of the section of Bioengineering of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Enfield Ireland, January 2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Sara Corbezzolo, Meenakshi Suku, Locke Davenport Huyer, Milica Radisic Michael G. Monaghan, Melt electrowriting of synclastically curved patches compensating the mechanical anisotropy of the infarcted myocardium, 28th Annual Conference of the section of Bioengineering of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Enfield, Ireland, January 2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Michael Monaghan, Conductive Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering- Application of Conductive Polymers and 2D Nanomaterials, Ghent University Biomedical Seminar Series, Online, 24th October 2023, 2023, Ruslan Dmitriev, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Michael Monaghan, Non-Invasive cell characterisation by 2P-FLIM and machine learning, Core Technologies in the Life Sciences 2023 Congress, Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland, 27-29th June 2023, 2023, CORE TECHNOLOGIES FOR LIFE SCIENCES, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Michael Monaghan, Non-Invasive classification of stem cell differentiation and macrophage polarisation by 2P-FLIM and machine learning, Center for Translational Medicine at the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne"s University Hospital in Brno, Czech Republic Seminar Series, Brno, Czech Republic, 31st May 2023, 2023, Prof Giancarlo Forte, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Michael Monaghan, Non-Invasive classification of stem cell differentiation and macrophage polarisation by 2P-FLIM and machine learning, Dublin City University School of Biotechnology Seminar Series, DCU, Dublin, Ireland, 5th April 2023, 2023, Dr Achilleas Floudas, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Michael Monaghan, Conductive Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering- Application of Conductive Polymers and 2D Nanomaterials, Annual Division C conference at Cambridge University, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 23rd March 2023, 2023, Division C Committee-Department of Engineering, Invited Talk, PRESENTED


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Award Date
European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant [PiezoMac] 2023
Naughton Foundation Faculty Fellowship 2023
The Robert Brown Early Career Investigator Award- Issued by the EU Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) 2023
Senior author on paper awarded 1st prize in the in the Regenerative Medicine track section at the Bioengineering in Ireland Conference, Enfield, Ireland. Awarded to Meenakshi Suku, 2023. 2023
Nominated 'One to Watch' Trinity Innovation Awards 2021
Senior author on paper awarded the 'Engineers Ireland Biomedical Research Medal' from the Society of Engineers Ireland. Awarded to Dr Matteo Solazzo 2022
European Doctoral Award, Issued by the European Society of Biomaterials 2015
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Short Term Travel Award to conduct research in University Hospital Tübingen 2012
EMBO Short Term Travel Award to conduct research in Fraunhofer IGB Stuttgart 2011
Roche Best Poster Award, NCBES Research day 2008
NUI Galway College of Engineering and Informatics Research Fellow 2007
University Scholar (Based on end of term results) NUI Galway 2005
The focus of the Monaghan lab ( is the development of novel biomaterial design-based strategies to regenerate or repair damaged tissues and restore biomechanical function using informed and optimised design approaches. Core Research Areas: . Cardiac tissue engineering and cell derivitisation from multi/pluripotent stem cell sources . Macrophage assessment and inclusion in advanced biomaterial culture platforms. . In silico predictive modelling and optimisation of biomaterial geometries . Electroconductive biomaterial synthesis, fabrication and applications . Advanced non-linear microscopy using multiphoton microscopy for non-invasive imaging of extracellular matrix . Advanced fluoresecent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) in the assessment of cellular metabolism during disease, differentiation and regeneration. . Melt-electrowriting development, optimisation and application Our lab is leading new approaches for biomaterial fabrication and design using advanced biomaterials, tissue engineering, biofabrication and in silico predictive modelling. This workis creating a paradigm shift in which the scientific community, industry partners and clinical investigators approach biomaterial design. Our lab is recognised internationally as world class where we am regularly invited to deliver keynote talks at major international meetings, and our papers have received awards for being most downloaded in our field. Members of the team have also been awarded prizes at national/international level in recognition of the scientific quality of our labs work. I have coordinated and elevated the Med3DP initiative over the past five years ( which develops medical devices for healthcare using 3D printing technology, demonstrating research led teaching and student led learning. Our lab also has collaborative funding with small-medium enterprises such as Spraybase® (Bioprinting; next generation implantable devices) and I am a funded investigator in the SFI funded centres AMBER and CURAM. My work spans across and engages with several disciplines which includes Physics and Chemistry, Computer Science, Biochemistry and Immunology, Pharmacy, Surgery, Oncology and Endocrinology. This is strongly reflective in our illustrious repertoire of publications. Link to Google Scholar: