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Ms. Lisa Lambert

Administrative Officer (CRANN)
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Ms. Lisa Lambert

Administrative Officer (CRANN)

  BIBLIOGRAPHIES   Cultural Heritage   DATA ANALYSIS   History of Medicine   Interdisciplinary research   LIBRARY   mixed methods   text analytics
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
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English Fluent Fluent Fluent
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Details Date From Date To
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) April 2014 April 2019
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
Library Association of Ireland (LAI)
Member of the Librarians' Association of Ireland's Academic & Special Collections Committee 23/01/19 2022
Lisa Lambert, The Collecting Habits of Benjamin Guinness: The beginning (1965-72), The Farmleigh Library accessions catalogue, University of Aberystwyth, 2019, Thesis, APPROVED
Men of varying means: the first seven signatories to the College of Physicians first meeting under the 1692 Royal Charter in, editor(s)Dr. Danielle Westerhof, honorary visiting fellow at the school of historical studies, University of Leicester. , The Alchemy of Medicine and Print, Dublin, Ireland, Four Courts Press, 2010, [Lisa Lambert], Notes: [This volume arises from a conference held in November 2008 at the Royal Society in London to mark the 275th anniversary of the establishment of the Edward Worth Library in Dr Steevens' Hospital, Dublin.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL

Lisa Lambert, Worthy of Investigation: The Farmleigh Library, 17th Annual Historic Houses Conference, NUI Maynooth, May 13-15, 2019, Invited Talk, ACCEPTED
Lisa Lambert, The Collecting Habits of Benjamin Guinness: The beginning (1965-72), Antiquarian Booksellers' Association Magazine, (406), 2019, p14 - 19, Notes: [A brief synopsis of MLIS dissertation 'The Collecting Habits of Benjamin Guinness: The beginning (1965-72)], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Lisa Lambert, The Origins of the RCPI & the Patrick Dun Connection, The RCPI Annual Saint Luke's Symposium, RCPI, Dublin, October, 2013, Notes: [On September 29th 1692, a warrant was issued from Whitehall, the British seat of power. The order was for: erecting and creating a new college or Corporation of Physicians in Dublin to be called by the name of...the King and Queen's College of physicians in Ireland. What prompted this warrant for the elevation of a local regulating body to a national one? This paper will answer this question by investigating contextual factors and in doing so, illustrate how these factors converged in the person of Patrick Dunn, resulting in the creation of the RCPI. ], Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Dr. Michael Ryan, Leonardo: the Codex Leicester, Scala, 2007, Notes: [Catalogue for 'Leonardo: the Codex Leicester' exhibition (13/06-12/08/07).], Book, PUBLISHED


Award Date
PhD Scholarship "Text, Context, Cultures" 2008