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Professor Brendan Tangney

Professor (Computer Science)
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Professor Brendan Tangney

Professor (Computer Science)

Dr. Brendan Tangney is a Professor in Computer Science & Statistics and a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. He holds an M.Sc. from the University of Dublin (Trinity College Dublin) and a Ph.D. from the University of Bolton. His research focuses on the areas of technology & learning, educational reform, teacher professional development and equality of access. He works closely with Trinity Access and was principal investigator on the Bridge21 project - which is now part of Trinity Access. He has held visiting positions in the Universities of Sydney and Kyoto. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Computers & Education and the Journal for STEM Education Research. He chaired the Ministerial Advisory Board on the Implementation of the Digital Strategy in Schools (2017-2020) and was co-chair of the 2020 Constructonism Conference. At college level he is a tutor and has served as Registrar, Warden of Trinity Hall and Junior Dean.
  Computer Education/Literacy   Computer-Aided Instruction   Computers & Education   Creative music education   Educational/Instructional Technology   E-Learning   Information technology in education   Innovation in learning   Technology & Learning
Project Title
Bridge21 is a design based research programme which is exploring a new model of technology mediated learning, that can be adapted for use in Irish secondary schools.
Funding Agency
Google, Microsoft, NCCA, Ireland Funds, The Iris O'Brien Foundation, ICS Skills and philanthropy
Project Type
Applied Research
Project Title
 Trinity Access 21
On going
Trinity Access 21 is a manifestation of Trinity College's commitment to innovative educational outreach, expressed in the 'Engagement with Society' theme of the current Strategic Plan. It is a partnership of Bridge 21, the Trinity Access Programmes and the School of Education to develop and disseminate engaging, innovative, insipirational educational models, grounded in research and advocacy.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Applied Research
Project Title
 Teaching for Tomorrow
Developing the Bridge21 model of teaching & learning for a european wide context.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Applied Research

Details Date
Member of the Department of Education and Skills, Senior Cycle Redevelopment Programme Delivery Board 2022-
Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Board on the Implementation of the Digital Strategy in Schools 2017-2020
Member of the Editorial Board, Computers & Education 2008-
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal for STEM Education Research 2018-
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 2004-2018
Member of the executive, and Treasurer, of the International Association of Mobile Learning 2010-2014
External Examiner BSc. (Computational Problem Solving and Software Development) DCU 2016
External Examiner B.Sc. & M.Sc. (Computer Science/Multimedia) Anglia Ruskin University 2003
Course Validation B.A. Learning and Development, National College of Ireland (2015) M.Sc. Systemic Psychotherapy, UCD (2013) B.Sc. Problem-Solving and Software Development DCU (2012) M.Sc. Systemic Psychotherapy Clanwilliam Institute Dublin/Univ of Swansea (2011) M.A. Education and Development (Distance Learning), University of East London (2006) 2006
Charity Board Memberships: The Good Summit (2022-); Earth Ecology Trust (2019-); John Scottus Educational Trust (2010-2019) (Chair). 2010
Details Date From Date To
Executive Member and Treasurer, International Association of Mobile Learning 2010 2014
Member of the Department of Education and Skills, Senior Cycle Redevelopment Programme Delivery Board 2022 onging
Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Board on the Implementation of the Digital Strategy in Schools 2017 2020
Tangney B., Sullivan K. , Lawlor J., Online Collaborative PBL - The Bridge21 Approach, Computers and Education Open, 2024, Journal Article, ACCEPTED
Brendan Tangney, Carina Girvan, Eilís Ní Chorcora & Aibhín Bray, Overcoming barriers to teaching 21C skills: the Bridge21 approach, Irish Educational Studies, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Aibhín Bray, Cliona Hannon, Brendan Tangney, Large-scale, design-based research facilitating iterative change in Irish schools - the Trinity Access Approach, Irish Educational Studies, 2022, p1 - 21, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Tangney, B,, Byrne, J.R., Girvan, C.,(ed.), Constructionism 2020, Dublin, May, 2022, 620pp p, Proceedings of a Conference, PUBLISHED  DOI
Bray, A., Byrne, J. R., Tangney, B., & Oldham, E. , The Bridge21 framework: Impact on teachers and implications for equitable, inclusive classrooms, ATEE Spring Conference 2020-2021, Florence, Italy [online], 28-29 October 2021, edited by Maria Ranieri, Laura Menichetti, Stefano Cuomo, Davide Parmigiani, and Marta Pellegrini , Firenze University Press, 2021, pp151 - 153, Notes: [Book of extended abstracts], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Sullivan K., Bray A., & Tangney B., Developing twenty-first-century skills in out-of-school education: The Bridge21 Transition Year programme, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 30, (4), 2021, p525 - 541, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kearny S., Tangney B., Exploring a pedagogical model to support teaching new literacy skills in English education - an Irish study,, Irish Educational Studies, 2021, Notes: [0.1080/03323315.2021.1910974], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Nina Bresnihan, Aibhín Bray, Lorraine Fisher, Glenn Strong, Richard Millwood, Brendan Tangney, Parental Involvement in Computer Science Education and Computing Attitudes and Behaviours in the Home: Model and Scale Development, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 21, (3), 2021, p1 - 24, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
STEM CPD For 21st Century Teaching & Learning - The Bridge21 Approach in, editor(s)Leite, L., Oldham, E., Afonso, A.S., Viseu, F., Dourado, L. & Martinho, M.H. , Science and mathematics education for 21st century citizens: challenges and ways forwards, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2020, pp3 - 23, [Bray A., Byrne J.R., & Tangney B.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Kearney S., Gallagher S., & Tangney B., ETAS: An instrument for measuring attitudes toward learning English with technology, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 29, (4), 2020, p445 - 461, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

Page 1 of 14
Tangney, Brendan, Bray, Aibhín, Devitt, Ann, Girvan, Carina, Ní Chorcora, Eilís, Maguire Donohoe, Jen, Banks, Joanne, Sullivan, Keane, Lisa, Byrne, Philip, Smith, Rónán and Hannon, Cliona, Trinity Access - Project Overview, Trinity Access, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2021, Report, PUBLISHED
Brendan Tangney, Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez, Liam Benson, Clare Brophy, Bryn Holmes, Marion O'Neill, Reflections on the Kilkenny Schools IT 2000 Projects. Oct 2001. 26 pages. A Report Commissioned by the Kilkenny Information Age Schools Steering Committee, 2001, Notes: [], Report, PUBLISHED
B. Holmes, T. Savage, B. Tangney, Comparative International Research on Best Practice and Innovation in Learning, The Lifelong Learning Group, The Information Society Commission, 2000, Notes: [], Report, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Provost's Teaching Award 2003
FTCD 2006
My research spans Education and Computer Science and recently much of it is applied within TAP schools and outreach activities. It follows the paradigms of action, and design based, research with a view to transforming practice on the ground. A key distinguishing feature of the work is its longitudinal nature. The initial overarching research question was "how best to make use of the affordances of technology to support learning?". This lead to the exploration of different pedagogical approaches and the development, and evaluation, of tools (for areas ranging from music to mathematics) to align with them. It emerged that tools designed to support social constructivist, and constructionist, pedagogies were effective. The then emerging area of mobile learning was a particular focus and a framework to shape that area was developed. Embedding the use of innovative tools in the classroom is challenging. Research findings, and my own experiences in teacher professional development, revealed that teachers needed a pragmatic pedagogical model with which to structure teaching, so that learners could leverage the affordances of technology to help students both master curriculum content and develop key skills. The Bridge21 pedagogical model, and the corresponding approach to teacher professional development, emerged from this research and practice. Of late my research has overlapped with involvement in the TAP. Here the guiding research question is "How can innovative pedagogy be used to help improve the educational aspirations and attainment levels of students in areas of socio-economic disadvantage?". A body of evidence has been produced to demonstrate that Bridge21 helps to attain these goals in both informal settings and in schools. This is very significant result as it address obstacles identified by the OECD in the embedding of key skills in school systems. More immediately the Bridge21 work with TAP, and other, schools is having a direct impact on the lives of tens of thousands of students. The key specific contributions of my research can be summarised as follows. 1. Helping develop and promote a constructivist/constructionist approach to technology enhanced learning. In particular helping to shape the then emerging field of mobile learning. 2. The development of the Bridge21 model for fostering key skills and promoting student ownership of their own learning and the widespread use of that model in the work of TAP and in schools around the country. Current research focuses on longitudinal evaluation, especially of the CodePlus outreach programme to attract female students into computer science (with UL and NUIG) and Access Maths, a new (Three Ireland funded)action research project in the area of teaching mathematics in DEIS schools. The later is motivated by the lack of progression into STEM by students from TAP linked schools.