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Dr. William Kingston

Adjunct Assistant Professor (Trinity Business School)


William Kingston, How Capitalism Destroyed Itself, Hardback, Cheltenhan UIk, Northampton MA, US, Edward Elgar, 2017, 1 - 174pp, Book, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, Restoring the Primacy of Technological Innovation, Prometheus critical studies in innovatiion, 33, (1), 2015, p21 - 41, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
A Running Repair for the World Trade Organization in, editor(s)Louis Brennan , Enacting Globalization, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp89 - 98, [William Kingston], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, Schumpeter and the End of Western Capitalism , Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24, (3), 2014, p449 - 478, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
William Kingston, Schumpeter and the End of Western Capitalism, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24, (3), 2014, p447 - 477, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
William Kingston, The Electoral System Is Still Crucial, Studies, An Irish Quarterly Review, 103, (409), 2014, p54 - 59, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, What Gladstone Could Teach the EU, History Ireland, 21, (6), 2013, p44 - 47, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, Information Protection: Filling Some Gaps Left by Patents, Intellectual Property Quarterly, 15, (4), 2012, p227 - 241, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
William Kingston, Transforming the Conditions for Indigenous Innovation, Economic and Social Review, 43, (4), 2012, p631 - 652, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, Intellectual Property, the Banking Crisis and the Public Interest, European Intellectual Property Review, 33, (6), 2011, p338 - 341, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text

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William Kingston, Electoral reform: a democratic covenant?, Business and Finance, 2011, p66 - 66, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, Information Protection for Indigenous Firms, Business and Finance, 11, (2), 2011, p63 - 64, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, The Dogs that Didn't Bark: Auditors and the Banking Fiasco, Business and Finance, 46, (10), 2010, p50 - 50, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, Upside of Voting 'No', Business and Finance, (July 4), 2008, p54 - 54, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, Upside of Voting 'No', Business and Finance, (July 4), 2008, p54 - 54, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, The Sane Way to Feed the Incinerator, Inland Waterways News, 2008, p20 - 20, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Kingston, William, The economics of the European patent system: IP policy for innovation and competition, Review of The economics of the European patent system: IP policy for innovation and competition, by van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, Bruno and Guellec, Dominique , World Patent Information, 29, (3), 2007, p268-269 , Review, PUBLISHED
Kingston, William, Innovation: the Creative Impulse in Human Progress (new and enlarged edition), Washington, D.C., The Leonard F. Sugerman Press, 2003, Book, PUBLISHED
Unlocking the Potential of Intellectual Property in, editor(s)Ove Granstrand , Economics, Law and Intellectual Property, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 2003, pp311 - 329, [Kingston, William], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
William Kingston, Enforcing Small Firms' Patent Rights, Luxembourg, EU Directorate-General for Enterprise, 2001, Notes: [EUR 17032], Book, PUBLISHED


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