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Professor Robert Whelan

Professor in Psychology (Psychology)

Professor in Psychology (Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN))

 Predicting who will respond to stimulant medication in ADHD: A precision medicine approach using neurally informed computational models
 Understanding the mechanism of action of methylphenidate in ADHD: A computational psychiatry approach
 Application of computational modelling to identify substance-use trajectories in adolescents
 Developing a Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Program for the Global Brain Health Institute: At home and beyond
 SFI Rapid Response Supplemental Grant for Displaced Researchers - Ukraine 20/FFP-P/8615 (S1)

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Details Date
I am currently an Associate Editor for Science Advances (since 2020), the American Association for the Advancement of Science's (AAAS) open access multidisciplinary journal (impact factor >14). As an editor, I triage manuscripts and oversee the review process. I handle manuscripts that cover a broad range of neuroscience research, and editors have acknowledged breadth in recognizing and promoting interdisciplinary collaborations. As part of this role I periodically contribute to the `This week in Science' section in Science Magazine. 2020
I am on the International Advisory Board of the Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat) , which aims to empower innovative brain health research leaders across Latin America, in collaboration with leading centers worldwide. BrainLat seeks to transcend disciplinary boundaries, forge groundbreaking investigation, and reduce the regional impact of dementia. 2022-now
External PhD examiner for the University of Wurzburg in 2018 ('Developmental aspects of fear learning and fear generalization') 2018
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2016 now
Neuroscience Ireland 2018 now
Cao, Zhipeng and Cupertino, Renata B and Ottino-Gonzalez, Jonatan and Murphy, Alistair and Pancholi, Devarshi and Juliano, Anthony and Chaarani, Bader and Albaugh, Matthew and Yuan, Dekang and Schwab, Nathan and others, Cortical profiles of numerous psychiatric disorders and normal development share a common pattern, Molecular Psychiatry, 2022, p1--12 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Pagano, Roberto and Salamian, Ahmad and Zielinski, Janusz and Beroun, Anna and Nalberczak-Sk{\'o, Arc controls alcohol cue relapse by a central amygdala mechanism, Molecular Psychiatry, 2022, p1--13 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Maitra, Raka and Horne, Charlotte M and O†Daly, Owen and Papanastasiou, Evangelos and Gaser, Christian and Banaschewski, Tobias and Barker, Gareth J and Bokde, Arun LW and Desrivi{\`e, Psychotic Like Experiences in Healthy Adolescents are Underpinned by Lower Fronto-Temporal Cortical Gyrification: a Study from the IMAGEN Consortium, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Nees, Frauke and Banaschewski, Tobias and Bokde, Arun LW and Desrivi{\`e, Global and Regional Structural Differences and Prediction of Autistic Traits during Adolescence, Brain sciences, 12, (9), 2022, p1187 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Radwanska, Kasia and Pagano, Roberto and Salamian, Ahmad and Zielinski, Janusz and Beroun, Anna and Nalberczak-Sk{\'o, Arc controls alcohol cue relapse by a central amygdala mechanism, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Moguilner, Sebastian and Birba, Agustina and Fittipaldi, Sol and Gonzalez-Campo, Cecilia and Tagliazucchi, Enzo and Reyes, Pablo and Matallana, Diana and Parra, Mario A and Slachevsky, Andrea and Far{\'\i, Multi-feature computational framework for combined signatures of dementia in underrepresented settings, Journal of Neural Engineering, 19, (4), 2022, p046048 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Ottino-Gonz{\'a, Brain structural covariance network differences in adults with alcohol dependence and heavy-drinking adolescents, Addiction, 117, (5), 2022, p1312--1325 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Robert Whelan, Florentine M. Barbey, Marcia R. Cominetti, Claire M. Gillan, Anna M. Rosická, Developments in scalable strategies for detecting early markers of cognitive decline, Translational Psychiatry, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Barbey, F. M., Farina, F. R., Buick, A. R., Danyeli, L., Dyer, J. F., Islam, M. N., ... & Whelan, R. , Neuroscience from the comfort of your home: repeated, self-administered wireless dry EEG measures brain function with high fidelity, Frontiers in Digital Health, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Connaughton, M., Whelan, R., O'Hanlon, E., & McGrath, J. (2022). , White matter microstructure in children and adolescents with ADHD, NeuroImage: Clinical, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Rubén Herzog, Fernando E Rosas, Robert Whelan, Sol Fittipaldi, Hernando Santamaria-Garcia, Josephine Cruzat, Agustina Birba, Sebastian Moguilner, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Pavel Prado, Agustin Ibanez, Genuine high order interactions in brain networks and neurodegeneration, Neurobiology of Disease, 175, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Robert Whelan, Commentary on Afzali et al . (2019): Two data sets are better than one, Addiction, 114, (4), 2019, p672--673 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Whelan, R., In response: Psychology is a behavioral science, not a biological science, by Gary Greenberg and Charles Lambdin-correct conclusion, unsound arguments, Psychological Record, 58, (2), 2008, p315-318 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Elected as a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2020
Outstanding PhD thesis in Social Sciences 2004