Xie, S. Istrate, O.M. May, P. Barwich, S. Bell, A.P. Khan, U. Coleman, J.N., Boron nitride nanosheets as barrier enhancing fillers in melt processed composites, Nanoscale, 7, (10), 2015, p4443 - 4450,
Journal Article,
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Boland, C.S. Khan, U. Backes, C. O'Neill, A. McCauley, J. Duane, S. Shanker, R. Liu, Y. Jurewicz, I. Dalton, A.B. Coleman, J.N., Sensitive, high-strain, high-rate bodily motion sensors based on graphene-rubber composites, ACS Nano, 8, (9), 2014, p8819 - 8830,
Journal Article,
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Jan, R, May, P, Bell, AP, Habib, A, Khan, U, Coleman, JN, Enhancing the mechanical properties of BN nanosheet-polymer composites by uniaxial drawing, NANOSCALE, 6, (9), 2014, p4889-4895 ,
Journal Article,
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Istrate, O.M., Paton, K.R., Khan, U., (...), Bell, A.P., Coleman, J.N., Reinforcement in melt-processed polymer-graphene composites at extremely low graphene loading level, Carbon, 78, 2014, p243-249 ,
Journal Article,
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Paton, K.R. Varrla, E. Backes, C. Smith, R.J. Khan, U. O'Neill, A. Boland, C. Lotya, M. Istrate, O.M. King, P. Higgins, T. Barwich, S. May, P. Puczkarski, P. Ahmed, I. Moebius, M. Pettersson, H. Long, E. Coelho, J. O'Brien, S.E. McGuire, E.K. Sanchez, B.M. Duesberg, G.S. McEvoy, N. Pennycook, T.J. Downing, C. Crossley, A. Nicolosi, V. Coleman, J.N., Scalable production of large quantities of defect-free few-layer graphene by shear exfoliation in liquids, Nature materials, 13, (6), 2014, p624-30 ,
Journal Article,
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Khan, U., May, P., Porwal, H., Nawaz, K., Coleman, J.N., Improved adhesive strength and toughness of polyvinyl acetate glue on addition of small quantities of graphene, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 5, (4), 2013, p1423-1428 ,
Notes: [We acknowledge financial support from Science Foundation Ireland through the Principle Investigator scheme (grant number 07/IN.7/I1772],
Journal Article,
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Chadwick, R.C., Khan, U., Coleman, J.N., Adronov, A., Polymer grafting to single-walled carbon nanotubes: Effect of chain length on solubility, graft density and mechanical properties of macroscopic structures, Small, 9, (4), 2013, p552-560 ,
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Cano, M., Khan, U., Sainsbury, T., O'Neill, A., Wang, Z., McGovern, I.T., Maser, W.K., (...), Coleman, J.N., Improving the mechanical properties of graphene oxide based materials by covalent attachment of polymer chains, Carbon, 52, 2013, p363-371 ,
Journal Article,
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Khan, U., May, P., O'Neill, A., Bell, A.P., Boussac, E., Martin, A., Semple, J., Coleman, J.N., Polymer reinforcement using liquid-exfoliated boron nitride nanosheets, Nanoscale, 5, (2), 2013, p581-587 ,
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Journal Article,
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Moriarty, G.P., De, S., King, P.J., Khan, U., Via, M., King, J.A., Coleman, J.N., Grunlan, J.C., Thermoelectric behavior of organic thin film nanocomposites, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 51, (2), 2013, p119-123 ,
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Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text