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Dr. Shane Wallace

Assistant Professor (Classics)
Profile Photo

Dr. Shane Wallace

Assistant Professor (Classics)


Born in Limerick, I studied for my BA in Classics in Galway and my MA in Dublin (UCD). In 2006 I moved to Edinburgh to pursue a Ph.D. (awarded 2011), during which time I held a Marie Curie research fellowship at the école normale supérieure, Paris, and an Erasmus studentship at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. I returned to Dublin to take up the post of Walsh Family Lecturer at Trinity College Dublin in 2011. I work on the history and epigraphy of the Hellenisitic world, in particular mainland Greece, the Aegean, and western Asia Minor.
Details Date
Editor of the international journal 'Classics Ireland' 2014-Present
TCD Representative on the Central Council of the Classical Association of Ireland 2011-2017
Publication Committee for the journal 'Classics Ireland'. 2011-Present
Convenor of the panel 'Rulers and Subjects in Diodorus Siculus' Bibliotheke', Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Exeter, 2012. April 2012
Co-organiser of international conference 'The Hellenistic Court', University of Edinburgh, 2011 February 2011
Anonymous reviewer for the publisher 'University of Chicago Press'. 2019
Anonymous reviewer for the international journal 'The Classical Journal'. 2019
Anonymous reviewer for the international journal 'Ricerche Ellenistiche'. 2019
Anonymous reviewer for the international journal 'The Journal of Hellenic Studies'. 2018-Present
Anonymous reviewer for the international journal 'The Ancient History Bulletin'. 2016-Present
Anonymous reviewer for the publisher 'Brill'. 2013-Present
Anonymous reviewer for the international journal 'Greece & Rome'. 2013-Present
Anonymous reviewer for publisher 'Routledge'. 2012-Present
Anonymous reviewer for the international journal 'Polis' 2020
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Basic Medium
German Medium Basic Basic
Greek Medium Basic Medium
Italian Medium Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
British Epigraphy Society 2006 Present
Classical Association of Ireland 2003 Present
British School at Athens 2009 Present
Shane Wallace, The Antigonid Empire in Greece, Hermathena 208-209 (2024), Dublin, 2024, 280+pp, Notes: [Editor of special double-volume collection of essays], Book, IN_PRESS
Contesting Greatness: The Epithet Megas in the Hellenistic Courts in, editor(s)Christoph Michels with Hans Beck and Achim Lichtenberger , The Same, but Different? Monarchical Representation in the Hellenistic World between Assimilation and Differentiation, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2024, pp35+ , [Shane WAllace], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS
Shane Wallace, Hellenic Leagues and Panhellenic Games: Macedonian Power in Greece from the Argeads to Cassander and the Antigonids, Hermathena, 208-209, 2024, p50+ , Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Shane Wallace, Book Review, Review of Alexander the Great and Propaganda, by John Walsh and Elizabeth Baynham , Classical Review, 73.1, 2023, p1 - 201, p199-200 , Review, PUBLISHED
Shane Wallace, Book Review, Review of Gesellschaftliche Spaltungen im Zeitalter des Hellenismus (4."1. Jahrhundert v. Chr.), by Stefan Pfeiffer and Gregor Weber , Sehepunkte, 23.5, 2023, p1 - 201, Notes: [], Review, PUBLISHED
Shane Wallace, Book Review, Review of Contested Pasts: A Determinist History of Alexander the Great in the Roman Empire, by Jennifer Finn , Histos, 17, 2023, p1 - 201, p90-96 , Review, PUBLISHED
Shane Wallace and Thomas Rose, The Athenian Revolt from Demetrios Poliorketes: New Evidence from Rhamnous (I.Rhamnous 404), 36.3-4, 2022, p166 - 178, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Classics Ireland, 28, (2021), 1 - 101p, Shane Wallace, [Editor], Journal, PUBLISHED
Shane Wallace, East and West: Lines of Communication Between Alexander and the Greeks, Hermathena, 200, 2021, p15 - 72, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Communication and Legitimation: Knowledge of Alexander's Asian Conquests in the Greek World in, editor(s)Kai Trampedach and Alexander Meeus , Alexander the Great: The Legitimation of Conquest, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020, pp123 - 144, [Shane Wallace], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Shane Wallace, Book Review, Review of The Courts of Philip II and Alexander the Great. Monarchy and Power in Ancient Macedonia., by Frances Pownall, Sulochana R. Asirvatham, and Sabine Müller , H-Soz-Kult, 13-11-2023, 2023, p1 - 201, Review, PUBLISHED
Shane Wallace, Book Review, Review of Lexicon of Argead Macedon', by Waldemar Heckel, et al. , Klio, 104, 2022, p1 - 201, p1-5 , Review, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Athenry Prize, National Univeristy of Ireland, Galway 2003
Marie Curie Research Fellowship - École normale supérieure, Paris 2007-2008
Arts and Humanities Research Council Studentship - University of Edinburgh 2007-2009
Baldwin Brown Travelling Scholarship - University of Edinburgh 2007-2009
School Scholarship - University of Edinburgh 2008-2009
Erasmus Exchange Studentship - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 2009-2010
Hector and Elizabeth Catling Bursary - British School at Athens 2010
Visiting Scholarship, Fondation Hardt, Geneva 2018