Sign Language Interpreting in Ireland in, editor(s)Stacey Webb, Jemina Napier, and Robert Adam , Sign language translation and interpreting education two decades on, Washington DC, Gallaudet University Press, 2025, pp265 - 298, [Sarah Sheridan, Teresa Lynch, and Lorraine Leeson],
Book Chapter,
TARA - Full Text
Sheridan, Sarah, Irish Sign Language Interpreter Workplace Wellness during COVID-19: Looking back and moving forward, Journal of Interpretation, 31, (1), 2023, p1 - 25,
Journal Article,
European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters, Rights. Right?, 2023, Greece, 15th - 17th September, A member of the Scientific Committee,
Meetings /Conferences Organised,
Linguistic Profile of Migrants in, editor(s)Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca , GUIDE FOR THE LINGUISTIC INCLUSION OF MIGRANTS, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2022, pp36 - 59, [Carson, Lorna; Sheridan, Sarah; O'Brien, Caitríona; El-Hossary, Yomna Mohamed Hassan],
Notes: [DOI:],
Book Chapter,
TARA - Full Text
Translation as a pedagogical tool in, editor(s)Stone, C., Adam, R., Müller de Quadros, R. & Rathmann, C. , Routledge Handbook of Sign Language Translation and Interpreting, Oxfordshire, UK, Routledge, 2022, pp , [Sheridan, S. and Lynch, T. ],
Notes: [],
Book Chapter,
Sign Language Interpreting in Ireland in, editor(s)Napier, J., Adam, R., and Webb, S. , International perspectives on sign language interpreter education (2nd Edition), Gallaudet University Press, 2022, [Sheridan, S., Lynch, L. and Leeson, L.],
Book Chapter,
Coppinger, Lucy; Sheridan, Sarah, Accent Anxiety: An Exploration of Non-Native Accent as a Source of Speaking Anxiety among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Students, JOURNAL FOR THE PSYCHOLOGY OF LANGUAGE LEARNING, 4, (2), 2022, p1 - 20,
Notes: [ ],
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters, EFSLI2022: #Awkward, September 3rd - 4th, 2022, Manchester, UK, A member of the Scientific Committee,
Meetings /Conferences Organised,
Sheridan, Sarah, Revisioning the deaf community: the journey to developing a mixed-modality multilingual identity, International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2020),, Groningen, The Netherlands, August, 2021, 2021,
Conference Paper,
Sheridan, Sarah, Revisioning the deaf community: the journey to developing a mixed-modality multilingual identity , The Language Learning Journal, 2021,
Notes: [Doi: 10.1080/09571736.2021.1923782],
Journal Article,