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Professor Wolfgang Schmitt

Professor (Chemistry)
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Professor Wolfgang Schmitt

Professor (Chemistry)

Wolfgang Schmitt is a Professor in the School of Chemistry and Head of Inorganic and Materials Chemistry Division at Trinity College Dublin. He studied Chemistry at the Technical University Darmstadt (TU), Germany and graduated as Dipl. Ing. (Chemistry) in 1999. From 2002-2003 he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Royal Institution of Great Britain and in 2003 he was selected to join the International Centre for Young Scientists at the National Institute for Materials Sciences in Japan as an independent research fellow. During his time at TCD, he received research funding in excess of 6 million Euro as sole PI from the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator and Proof-of-Concept grants), Science Foundation Ireland (Principal Investigator, TIDA, RFP and Challenge grants), the Environmental Protection Agency, the Irish Research Council and Enterprise Ireland. He published in internationally recognized, journals. Key articles have appeared in Nat. Commun., Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Sci. He presented his work at many international conferences and seminars and as keynote speaker. Wolfgang's research focuses on synthetic coordination chemistry and supramolecular chemistry of hybrid organic-inorganic materials aiming to exploit these materials for sustainable energy applications (H2-based energy systems, water splitting) catalysis, gas storage, multifunctional and molecular magnetic systems. In addition, his research activities are directed towards soft, biocompatible materials for drug delivery, regenerative medicine & sensing.
  Bio-Inorganic Chemistry   Carbon nanostructures   Cluster Compounds   Coordination polymers   Crystal engineering   Gas Storage Materials   Hetrogeneous catalysis   Hydro- and Solvothermal Synthesis   Inorganic Chemistry   Magneto chemistry   Materials Technology   Metallo Supramolecular chemistry   Nanochemistry   Nanostructures   Nanotechnology   New materials, supramolecular structures   Organic Chemistry   Supramolecular chemistry   Supramolecular coordination chemistry   Surface chemistry
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Basic Basic Basic
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
German Chemical Society (GDCh)
Pinilla, S. and Ryan, S. and McKeon, L. and Lian, M. and Vaesen, S. and Roy, A. and Schmitt, W. and Coleman, J.N. and Nicolosi, V., Additive Manufacturing of Li-Ion Batteries: A Comparative Study between Electrode Fabrication Processes, Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Soriano-López, J. and Steuber, F.W. and MulahmetoviÄ , M. and Besora, M. and Clemente-Juan, J.M. and O'Doherty, M. and Zhu, N.-Y. and Hill, C.L. and Coronado, E. and Poblet, J.M. and Schmitt, W., Accelerating water oxidation - a mixed Co/Fe polyoxometalate with improved turnover characteristics, Chemical Science, 14, (47), 2023, p13722-13733 , Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ryan S, Browne M.P, Zhussupbekova A, Spurling D, McKeown L, Douglas-Henry D, Prendeville L, Vaesen S, Schmitt W, Shvets I, Nicolosi V, Single walled carbon nanotube functionalisation in printed supercapacitor devices and shielding effect of Tin(II) Oxide, Electrochimica Acta, 448, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Hennessey, S. and Burke, C.S. and González-Gómez, R. and Sensharma, D. and Tong, W. and Amal and Kathalikkattil, C. and Cucinotta, F. and Schmitt, W. and Keyes, T.E. and Farràs, P., A Photostable 1D Rutheniumâ^'Zinc Coordination Polymer as a Multimetallic Building Block for Light Harvesting Systems, ChemPhotoChem, 2022, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Li K., Zhao J., Zhussupbekova A., Shuck C.E., Hughes L., Dong Y., Barwich S., Vaesen S., Shvets I.V., Mobius M., Schmitt W., Gogotsi Y., Nicolosi V., 4D printing of MXene hydrogels for high-efficiency pseudocapacitive energy storage, Nature Communications, 13, (1), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Whelan, à . and Steuber, F.W. and Gunnlaugsson, T. and Schmitt, W., Tuning photoactive metalâ€"organic frameworks for luminescence and photocatalytic applications, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 437, (213757), 2021, Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Elliott, R. and Ryan, A.A. and Aggarwal, A. and Zhu, N. and Steuber, F.W. and Senge, M.O. and Schmitt, W., 2D porphyrinic metal-organic frameworks featuring rod-shaped secondary building units, Molecules, 26, (10), 2021, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Tandon, S. and Steuber, F.W. and Kathalikkattil, A.C. and Venkatesan, M. and Watson, G.W. and Schmitt, W., Modulating Structural and Electronic Properties of Rare Archimedean and Johnson-Type Mn Cages, Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Soriano-López, J. and Elliott, R. and Kathalikkattil, A.C. and Ako, A.M. and Schmitt, W., Tuning the catalytic water oxidation activity through structural modifications of high-nuclearity mn-oxo clusters [mn18m] (M = sr2+, mn2+), Water (Switzerland), 13, (15), 2021, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Gorai, T. and Schmitt, W. and Gunnlaugsson, T., Highlights of the development and application of luminescent lanthanide based coordination polymers, MOFs and functional nanomaterials, Dalton Transactions, 50, (3), 2021, p770-784 , Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Hawes C.S, Lynes A.D, Byrne K, Schmitt W, Ryan G, Mobius M.E, Gunnlaugsson T, A resilient and luminescent stimuli-responsive hydrogel from a heterotopic 1,8-naphthalimide-derived ligand, Chemical Communications, 53, (44), 2017, p5989 - 5992, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
W. Schmitt, Organic-inorganic hybrid materials have a bright future, Melting Pot International Edition, 3, 2005, p7 - 8, Notes: [Melting Pot, Japanese Edition, 2005, 3, 7-8. ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
W. Schmitt, J. P. Hill, Ligand-stabilized aluminium polycations, Synchrotron User Report 2004, KEK, High Energy Facility, Japan, 2005, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
W. Schmitt, J. P. Hill, Structural studies on hybrid organic-inorganic coordination assemblies, Synchrotron User Report 2004, KEK, High Energy Facility, Japan, 2005, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Wolfgang Schmitt, Hydrolyse von Eisen(III)- und Aluminium(III)salzen in Aminocarbonsäure-stabilisierten, protischen Reaktionssystemen - Strukturen und Eigenschaften mehrkerniger molekularer Komplexe und vernetzter, supramolekularer Aggregate., 1st Ed., Goettingen, Cuvillier, 2002, 316 pp, Notes: [Doctoral Thesis], Book, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Award of the "Fonds der Chemischen Industrie" 1991
Dr.-Anton-Keller-Prize of the University of Darmstadt (TU) 2000
ICYS Fellowship, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan 2004
Wolfgang Schmitt's research focuses on synthetic coordination chemistry and supramolecular chemistry of hybrid organic-inorganic materials aiming to exploit these materials for sustainable energy applications (H2-based energy systems, water splitting) catalysis, gas storage, multifunctional and molecular magnetic systems. In addition, his research activities are directed towards soft, biocompatible materials for drug delivery, regenerative medicine & sensing. His research team is developing methodologies for hybrid organic-inorganic coordination compounds. The concept of hybrid organic-inorganic materials presents a means for customizing physical and chemical properties by reducing the dimensionality and by influencing the devolution pattern of classical inorganic materials within organic matrices. This approach allows a combination of the superior properties of inorganic and organic materials. The investigations include the synthesis, self-assembly and physicochemical characterization of coordination polymers, cluster compounds, biominerals and bioinorganic enzyme models. Key research areas under this purview include energy storage and conversion systems (e.g. for hydrogen), catalysis, separation science and magnetic materials.