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Profile Photo

Professor Richard Reilly

Research Chair of Neural Engineering (School Office - Engineering)
Director - Centre for Bioengineering (Electronic & Elect. Engineering)
Director - Centre for Bioengineering (Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN))
Director - Centre for Bioengineering (Trinity Centre for Bioengineering)
Director - Centre for Bioengineering (School Office - Medicine)
Profile Photo

Professor Richard Reilly

Research Chair of Neural Engineering (School Office - Engineering)


Director - Centre for Bioengineering (Electronic & Elect. Engineering)
Director - Centre for Bioengineering (Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN))
Director - Centre for Bioengineering (Trinity Centre for Bioengineering)
Director - Centre for Bioengineering (School Office - Medicine)

Professor of Neural Engineering at Trinity College, a joint position between the School of Medicine and School of Engineering. A Principal Investigator at the Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering and at the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience. He was Program Director of Education in Biomedical Engineering at Trinity College (2012-16). His research focuses on the processing of signals that diagnose the human physiological and cognitive state: non-invasive electrophysical biomarkers for cognitive function, patient-oriented neurodiagnostics methods, neural prosthetics, and therapeutic neuromodulation devices. He is a member of the Royal Irish Academy and a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He is a Board member of the Health Products Regulatory Authority and Chair of the HPRA's Advisory Committee on Medical Device. He is Editor in Chief of the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. In 2004, he was awarded a US Fulbright Award for research collaboration into multisensory integration with the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, New York. He is a former Silvanus P. Thompson International Lecturer for the Institution of Engineering and Technology. He has established two companies based on his research activities. He has authored and co-authored over 550 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conference papers.
  Aging/Gerontology   Assistive Technology (Handicapped)   Asthma   Bioelectric Phenomena   Bioengineering   Biomedical Engineering   Biomedical Research, Multidisciplinary   Brain   Clinical Engineering   Communicative Disorders, Hearing   Communicative Disorders, Speech   Dementia   Dystonia   Elderly Health   Emotional/Mental Health--Geriatric   Instruments/Instrumentation/Devices (Health/M   Medical Devices   Medical Instrumentation   Medical/Diagnostic Imaging   Neurodegenerative Diseases/Disorders   Neuroimaging   Neurological Disorders   Neurophysiology   Neuropsychology   Parkinson's Disease   Physiological Controls and Systems   Prosthetic Device, Hearing   Prosthetic Device, Neural   Prosthetic Device, Speech   Prosthetic Device, Vision   Speech Pathology
Project Title
 Investigating Multimodal Neuroimaging for probing brain networks in Cervical Dystonia
Investigating Multimodal Neuroimaging for probing brain networks in Cervical Dystonia
Funding Agency
Dystonia Medical Research Foundation DMRF
Person Months
Project Title
 The Electrophysiology of Natural Speech Processing
The Electrophysiology of Natural Speech Processing
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Temporal Discrimination Threshold as a mediational endophenotype in adult onset primary torsion dystonia
We are planning to discover the causes of a movement disorder called adult onset primary torsion dystonia. Dystonia is characterized by an excess of unneeded involuntary movement, which occurs at rest and when attempting to make a normal movement. The excessive unwanted movements cause clumsiness, pain, distress, disability and social embarassment. Writer's cramp causes great difficulty writing. Cervical dystonia causes twisting tremulous movements of the head to one side. Brain scans are normal and the condition is not progressive. The abnormal movements start usually after the age of 30 years and remain for the rest of life. Botulinum toxin injections partly help. Most patients have no other affected relative; rare families have multiple individuals with dystonia. There is increasing evidence that the cause of this form of dystonia is genetic. A simple test of the ability to perceive two stimuli, a flashing light, as separated in time is abnormal in the majority of people with this dystonia and in half of their unaffected siblings and offspring. We call this the temporal discrimination threshold (TDT). With new powerful genetic methods, called exome sequenceing and the TDT we hope to discover genes that cause this disorder. By finding new genes we will be able to understand the mechanisms of this form of dystonia and thus eventually new treatments. Only a few individuals with the abnormal gene develop the disorder and some effect of the environment must play a part; we will investigate this also. We also are doing MRI scans and specialized brain wave tests in people with dystonia to discover which part of the brain is affected. This work is supported by patients and relatives through Dystonia Ireland, a self help group, and will be carried out by doctors, neuroscientists and neurogeneticists in Dublin, London and New York.
Funding Agency
Health Research Board
Project Type
Fundamental Research
Person Months
Project Title
 Spectral and Temporal Processing in Cochlear Implant Users
Aims . Develop new and improved neural engineering and signal processing methods for the study of cortical response to complex stimuli which probe a Cochlear Implant user's spectral and temporal processing capabilities. . Evaluate these novel methods with clinical populations and age-matched controls in collaboration with clinical colleagues Ms Laura Viani and Mr Peter Walshe. . Validate these methods in a longitudinal study of objective measures of speech perception.
Funding Agency
Cochlear Ltd
Project Type
Fundamental Research
Person Months
Project Title
 Development of a system to objectively and longitudinally assess adherence to respiratory medications
Focus on developing adherence monitoring technology for new and emerging inhalers devices from a range of manufacturers leading to a completely new suite of sensor recording devices for use with the most commercially relevant inhaler devices. It is envisaged that inhalers enabled with such technology would then be used to in clinical and pharmacological studies to reduce medication doses and account for errors from unrecognised poor adherence by clinical trial participants. In addition, such systems could be employed in clinical practice to enable clinical teams rationalise healthcare decision and reduce the cost of treating patients with chronic respiratory disease.
Funding Agency
Enterprise Ireland
Project Type
Translational Research
Person Months

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Details Date
Editor in Chief, IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM) 2021
Associate Editor and Editorial board member of IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM) 2014
Editorial Board member of the IET Healthcare Technology Letters 2019-2024
Editorial Board of Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, a specialty of Frontiers in Neuroscience 2013
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, since 1992
Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 1996
Reviewer for Journal Signal Processing
Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2005
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Spanish Fluent Medium Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA) 2012 to date
American Academy of Neurology 2015 to date
European Academy of Neurology 2016 to date
Fellow of the European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science 2015 to date
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine 2018 to date
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (RAMI) 2010 to date
President of the European Society of Engineering and Medicine 2010 2014
Senior Member: Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2008 to date
Fellow: Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 2020 to date
Member: Institution of Engineers of Ireland (EngineersIreland) 1988 to date
Board member of European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM) 2008 2018
Member of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2010
Member of International Neuromodulation Society and Neuromodulation Society of the United Kingdom and Ireland
Member of the Society of Neuroscience (SFN)
Member of the Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience (IICN) 2010
Gorman, Barry T and Gill, Conor and Etzelmueller, Mark and O'Keeffe, Clodagh and Reilly, Richard B and Fleming, Neil, The Influence of Body Position on the Resting Motor Threshold of Posterior Root-Muscle Reflexes Evoked via Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation, Journal of clinical medicine, 13, (17), 2024, p5008 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Laura Morrison, Adam H Dyer, Helena Dolphin, Isabelle Killane, Nollaig M Bourke, Matthew Widdowson, Conor P Woods, James Gibney, Richard B Reilly, Sean P Kennelly, Discrete Relationships between Spatiotemporal Gait Characteristics and Domain-Specific Neuropsychological Performance in Midlife, Sensors, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lundy, Leo and Reilly, Richard B, Demographics, culture and participatory nature of multi-marathoning-An observational study highlighting issues with recommendations, PloS one, 19, (5), 2024, pe0302602 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Yin Yang, Tomas Ondrejcak, Neng-Wei Hu, Sadia Islam, Eugene O'Rourke, Richard Reilly, Colm Cunningham, Michael Rowan, Igor Klyubin, Gamma-patterned sensory stimulation reverses synaptic plasticity deficits in rat models of early Alzheimer's disease, European Journal of Neuroscience, 58, (6), 2023, p3402 - 3411, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Giovanni M. Di Liberto, Adam Attaheri, Giorgia Cantisani, Richard B. Reilly, Áine Ní Choisdealbha, Sinead Rocha, Perrine Brusini & Usha Goswami, Emergence of the cortical encoding of phonetic features in the first year of life, Nature Communications, (14), 2023, Notes: [Article number: 7789], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Loughrey, David G and Jordan, Catherine and Ibanez, Agustin and Parra, Mario A and Lawlor, Brian A and Reilly, Richard B, Age-related hearing loss associated with differences in the neural correlates of feature binding in visual working memory, Neurobiology of aging, 132, 2023, p233â€"245 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O'Keeffe, Clodagh and Gill, Conor and Etzelmueller, Mark and Taylor, Clare and Hablani, Surbhi and Reilly, Richard B and Fleming, Neil, Multimodal analysis of the biomechanical impact of knee angle on the Sit-to-Stand transition, Gait & posture, 105, 2023, p125â€"131 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Hale, E. M., Greene, G., Mulvey, C., Mokoka, M. C., van Boven, J. F. M., Cushen, B., Sulaiman, I., Brennan, V., Lombard, L., Walsh, J., Plunkett, S., McCartan, T. A., Kerr, P. J., Reilly, R. B., Hughes, C., Kent, B. D., Jackson, D. J., Butler, M., Counihan, I., Hayes, J., ", Use of digital measurement of medication adherence and lung function to guide the management of uncontrolled asthma (INCA Sun): a multicentre, single-blinded, randomised clinical trial., The Lancet. Respiratory medicine,, 11, (7), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Fleming, N., Taylor, C., Etzelmueller, M., Gill, C., O'Keeffe, C., Mahony, N., Reilly, R., Contralateral selectivity of upper limb motor pools via targeted stimulation of the cervical spinal cord., Biomedicines, 11, (2), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Carta S, Mangiacotti AMA, Valdes AL, Reilly RB, Franco F, Di Liberto GM., The impact of temporal synchronisation imprecision on TRF analyses., Journal of neuroscience methods, 385, 2023, p109765 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

Page 1 of 53
Whelan R, Bradley D, Walsh R, Reilly RB, Hutchinson SMolloy F, Hutchinson M , Temporal discrimination thresholds in AOPTD - voxel-based morphometry in unaffected relatives validates a new endophenotype, Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery Psychiatry , ABN joint annual meeting 2009 with the Spanish Society of Neurology, Arena and Convention Centre, Liverpool, 2009, 22-26 June, 80, (11), BMJ, 2009, ppe1 , Notes: [ ], Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland 2022
IBM Faculty award 2016
Samuel Haughton Silver Medal, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland 2013
Intel Award for Innovation 2007
University College Dublin President's Research Fellowship 2004
Excellence in Neural Engineering Award from the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, US National Science Foundation and US Office of Naval Research 2005
Fulbright Award 2004
S.P. Thompson International Lecturer for the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE) 1998-2000
Best Paper and Speaker Award, Bioengineering in Ireland Conference. 1995
Hewlett Packard Award for Design, Dublin 1987
Neural engineering: Advanced, original neural signal processing methods to create novel and leading-edge, patient-oriented neurodiagnostics methods along with neural prosthetics and therapeutic neuromodulation devices. Coupling unique and advanced neural engineering to patient needs from neurological disorders, brain trauma and insult through to understanding pathophysiology cognitive, sensory and motor functions.