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Dr. Peter Stone

Associate Professor (Political Science)
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Dr. Peter Stone

Associate Professor (Political Science)

Peter Stone received his B.A. in Political Science from Pennsylvania State University in 1993. While at Penn State, he completed a Senior Honors Thesis entitled "Towards the Empowerment of Labor: The Allende Experience." He then entered postgraduate study in Political Science at the University of Rochester, receiving an M.A. in 1996 and a Ph.D. in 2000. His Dissertation was entitled "The Luck of the Draw: Revisiting the Lot as a Democratic Institution." From 2003 to 2010 he was Assistant Professor of Political Science at Stanford University. He then spent a year as Faculty Fellow at Tulane University's Center for Ethics and Public Affairs before becoming Ussher Assistant Professor of Political Science (Political Theory) at Trinity College Dublin in fall 2011. Stone specializes in political theory, especially such areas as democratic theory, theories of justice, rational choice theory, and the philosophy of social science. He is particularly concerned with questions involving the scope and limits of human reason. He is the author of The Luck of the Draw: The Role of Lotteries in Decision Making (Oxford University Press, 2011) and the editor of Lotteries in Public Life: A Reader (Imprint Academic, 2011). He has published articles in such peer-reviewed journals as the Journal of Political Philosophy, the Journal of Theoretical Politics, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, Rationality and Society, Social Science Information, Social Theory and Practice, and Theory and Research in Education. He belongs to many professional societies including the American Political Science Association, the Association for Political Theory, the Bertrand Russell Society, the Political Studies Association, and the Political Studies Association of Ireland. When not working on political science, he enjoys swing dancing, the music of Leonard Cohen, and the occasional game of poker.
  BEHAVIORAL/SOCIAL SCIENCES   bertrand russell   citizen juries   Comparative political institutions   Condorcet Jury Theorem   Decision Making   DEMOCRACY   Democratic Equality   Formal Theory (Political Science)   Game Theory   Global Justice   INSTITUTIONS   JUSTICE   Lotteries   Political Methodology   Political Philosophy   Political Science   Political Theory   Rational Choice Theory   RATIONALITY   Theories of Global Justice
Details Date
External Examiner, Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination. Department of Politics, University of Exeter 2017
Extern, Political Theory Search, School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe), University College Dublin 2013
President, Political Studies Association of Ireland 2019-2023
Vice President, Political Studies Association of Ireland 2023-Present
Secretary, Political Studies Association of Ireland 2016-2019
Member, Executive Committee, Political Studies Association of Ireland 2015-Present
Co-Convenor, Political Theory Specialist Group, Political Studies Association of Ireland 2015-Present
Vice President, Bertrand Russell Society 2015-2017
Board Member, Bertrand Russell Society 1997-Present
Vice Chair, Bertrand Russell Society 2010-2015
Political Theory Category Chair, Annual Meeting--European Political Science Association 2014
Review Editor, Foundations of Political Theory, Encyclopedia of Political Thought Project 2011-2013
Secretary of Society and Board, Bertrand Russell Society 1998-2001
Coordinator, Conference for the Study of Political Thought (Upstate New York Chapter) 2001-2003
Details Date From Date To
American Political Science Association
American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy
Association for Political Theory
Bertrand Russell Society
Britain and Ireland Association for Political Thought
Conference for the Study of Political Thought
Midwest Political Science Association
Political Studies Association
Political Studies Association of Ireland
ASAP (Academics Stand against Poverty) Ireland 2016
From Deliberative Systems to Democracy in, editor(s)Min Reuchamps and Yanina Welp , Deliberative Constitution-Making: Opportunities and Challenges, Oxon, Routledge, 2024, pp47 - 59, [Peter Stone], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
John Garry, James Pow, Clifford Stevenson, and Peter Stone, Imaginative Policy Surveys in Divided Societies: Feasibility, Effect and Perceived Legitimacy, International Political Science Review, 45, (2), 2024, p243 - 260, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Peter Stone, Popular Rule without Popular Sovereigny, Democratic Theory, 2024, Journal Article, ACCEPTED  DOI
Peter Stone and Audrey M. Plan, Trends in Theorizing Sortition, International Political Science Abstracts, 74, (2), 2024, p205 - 216, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Peter Stone, Review of Splitsville USA: A Democratic Argument for Breaking Up the United States, by Christopher F. Zurn , Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2024, Review, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Democracy and Equality of Opportunity in, editor(s)Mitja Sardoč, Michael A. Peters, and Les Jacobs , Handbook of Equality of Opportunity, Heidelberg, Springer, 2022, [Peter Stone], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Stone, Peter and Malkopoulou, Anthoula, Allotted Chambers as Defenders of Democracy, Constellations, 29, (3), 2022, p296 - 309, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Peter Stone, Open Democracy versus Popular Rule, Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 18, (1), 2022, p5 - 5, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Peter Stone, In the Shadow of Rawls: Egalitarianism Today, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 25, (1), 2022, p157 - 168, Review Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Peter StoneTim Madigan, Bertrand Russell, Public Intellectual, 2, Rochester, NY, Tiger Bark Press, 2021, 1 - 337pp, Book, PUBLISHED  URL

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Journal of Sortition Editorial Board, Sortition: Past and Present, Journal of Sortition, 1, (1), 2025, p8 - 23, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone, Philip Pettit & The Birth of Ethics, Review of The Birth of Ethics: Reconstructing the Role and Nature of Morality, by Philip Pettit , Philosophy Now, (160), 2024, p18-19 , Review, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone, Review of The Tyranny of Opinion: Conformity and the Future of Liberalism, by Russell Blackford , Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 25, (2), 2022, p389-391 , Review, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone, Review of Hope for Democracy: How Citizens Can Bring Reason Back into Politics, by John Gastil and Katherine R. Knobloch , Perspectives on Politics, 20, (3), 2022, p1090-1091 , Review, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone, A Humanist from the Humanities, Review of Walter Kaufmann: Philosopher, Humanist, Heretic, by Stanley Corngold , Free Inquiry, 42, (4), 2022, p62-63 , Review, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone, Review of Why Does Inequality Matter?, by T.M. Scanlon , Philosophy Now, (150), 2022, p49-50 , Review, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone, Review of The Enigma of Reason: A New Theory of Human Understanding, by Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber , Philosophy Now, (152), 2022, p50-52 , Review, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone on Randomness as a Political Tool in, Dispute Resolution: The Kleros Handbook of Centralized Justice, 2019, [Peter Stone], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone, Review of Planning, Time, and Self-Governance: Essays in Practical Rationality by Michael Bratman, Review of Planning, Time, and Self-Governance: Essays in Practical Rationality, by Michael Bratman , Metapsychology Online Reviews, 24, (1), 2019, Review, PUBLISHED
Peter Stone, Bertrand Russell, Truth Seeker, 2018, - 4-8, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Outstanding Supervisor (Established Supervisor Award Category), School of Social Sciences & Philosophy 2024
Lee Eisler Service Award, Bertrand Russell Society 2022
Bertrand Russell Society Book Award 2017
M.A. (jure officii), University of Dublin. 2015
Best C&M Working Paper Award, Committee on Concepts and Methods, International Political Science Association 2014
I am a political theorist, with a research focus on the politics of random selection (selection via lottery). Lotteries are used both to allocate social benefits and burdens (e.g., admission to oversubscribed courses in Irish universities) and to assign public responsibilities (e.g., service in Ireland's Convention on the Constitution and subsequent Citizens' Assemblies). I have developed a systematic theory of random selection focused upon the ability of lotteries to exclude undesirable reasons from decision making, which I call the sanitizing effect. I have articulated this theory--what I call the lottery principle--in a series of peer-reviewed publications in top political science journals, including the Journal of Political Philosophy, Political Theory, and the Journal of Theoretical Politics. I then presented the full theory in a single-authored peer-reviewed monograph published by Oxford University Press. Since then, I have focused my research on random selection and democracy, comparing randomly-selected citizens' assemblies with elections and referenda as democratic decision-making procedures. This work regularly generates invitations to contribute to peer-reviewed collections issued by leading publishers, including The Politics of Presidential Term Limits (Oxford University Press), Militant Democracy and Its Critics: Populism, Parties, Extremism (Edinburgh University Press), the Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies, the Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics, and the Handbook of Equality of Opportunity (Springer). I have also produced high-quality work in other areas, notably the philosophy of Bertrand Russell. In 2016, I co-edited the peer-reviewed anthology Bertrand Russell: Public Intellectual (Tiger Bark Press), which won the 2017 Bertrand Russell Society Book Award. Overall, I have developed a proven track record as an international researcher, with 67 peer-reviewed publications to date. This work has received sustained scholarly attention, with a citation count of 903 on Google Scholar (h-index 13), 304 on Scopus (h-index 8), and 511 on ResearchGate (h-index 10).