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Dr. Jeremy (Jay) Piggott

Associate Professor (Zoology)

Associate Professor in Aquatic Biology in the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and Honorary Lecturer at the University of Otago (New Zealand). Recipient of the Irish Research Council"s Laureate Award (2017) & Early Career Researcher of the Year Award (2019) and past fellowships at the National University of Singapore (Singapore), Kyoto University (Japan), Imperial College London (UK) and Peking University (China).
 ExStream: Freshwater Ecosystems under Global Change
 IMPACT: Innovative monitoring to prioritise contaminants of emerging concern for Ireland
 SSNET: Managing the small stream network for improved water quality, and biodiversity and ecosystem services protection
 Land2Sea: integrated modelling of consequences of terrestrial activities and climate change for freshwater and coastal marine biodiversity and ecosystem services.
 HydroMussel: Hydrological requirements of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera

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Details Date
WaterJPI WATER4SDGs Knowledge Hub National Representative for Ireland (appointed by EPA) 2019
Executive Vice-President International Society of Limnology(SIL)(1250 members in 70 countries) 2018
Management Committee, EU COST Action DNAquaNET (Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems; 2017
Executive Committee, New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society 2009
Book Editor, EU AQUACOSM project (H2020-INFRAIA); 2018
Associate Editor, Ecological Research (ESJ) 2018
Associate Editor in-training, Journal of Applied Ecology (BES) 2016
Associate Editor, Limnology (JSL) 2014
Lead Author, Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) 2015
International Advisor, EU MARS project (Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress; 2015
Grant Reviewer, South African National Research Foundation (NRF) 2016
Details Date From Date To
Founding Member, Irish Freshwater Sciences Association (IFSA) 2019 Present
Vice President, International Society of Limnology (SIL). 2018 Present
Associate Editor Member, Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ). 2018 Present
Associate Editor Member, British Ecological Society (BES). 2017 2019
Associate Editor Member, Japanese Society of Limnology (JSL). 2014 Present
Executive Committee, New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society (NZFSS). 2009 2016
Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
Member, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).
Member, Society for Freshwater Science (SFS).
Leoni Mack, Dominik Buchner, Marie V. Brasseur, Willem Kaijser, Florian Leese, Jeremy J. Piggott, Scott D. Tiegs, Daniel Hering, Fine sediment and the insecticide chlorantraniliprole inhibit organic"matter decomposition in streams through different pathways, Freshwater Biology, 69, (3), 2024, p365-375 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Juvigny-Khenafou, Noël P.D., Burgazzi, Gemma, Steiner, Nikita, Harvey, Eric, Terui, Akira, Piggott, Jeremy, Manfrin, Alessandro, Feckler, Alexander, Leese, Florian, Schäfer, Ralf B., Effects of flow reduction and artificial light at night (ALAN) on litter decomposition and invertebrate communities in streams: A flume experiment, Science of the Total Environment, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Penk, M.R. and Bruen, M. and Feld, C.K. and Piggott, J.J. and Christie, M. and Bullock, C. and Kelly-Quinn, M., Using weighted expert judgement and nonlinear data analysis to improve Bayesian belief network models for riverine ecosystem services, Science of the Total Environment, 851, (158065), 2022, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lynch, K.E. and Penk, M.R. and Perrin, P.M. and Piggott, J.J., Cattle Grazing of a Celtic Sea Saltmarsh Affects Invertebrate Community Composition and Biomass, but not Diversity, Wetlands, 42, (8), 2022, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Mack, L. and de la Hoz, C.F. and Penk, M. and Piggott, J. and Crowe, T. and Hering, D. and Kaijser, W. and Aroviita, J. and Baer, J. and Borja, A. and Clark, D.E. and Fernández-Torquemada, Y. and Kotta, J. and Matthaei, C.D. and O'Beirn, F. and Paerl, H.W. and Sokolowski, A. and Vilmi, A. and Birk, S., Perceived multiple stressor effects depend on sample size and stressor gradient length, Water Research, 226, (119260), 2022, Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
JA Orr, P Luijckx, JF Arnoldi, AL Jackson, JJ Piggott, Rapid evolution generates synergism between multiple stressors: linking theory and an evolution experiment, Global Change Biology, 2022, p1 - 13, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kuemmerlen, M. and Moorkens, E.A. and Piggott, J.J., Assessing remote sensing as a tool to monitor hydrological stress in Irish catchments with Freshwater Pearl Mussel populations, Science of the Total Environment, 806, (150807), 2022, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Morris, O.F. and Loewen, C.J.G. and Woodward, G. and SchÀfer, R.B. and Piggott, J.J. and Vinebrooke, R.D. and Jackson, M.C., Local stressors mask the effects of warming in freshwater ecosystems, Ecology Letters, 25, (11), 2022, p2540-2551 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Noël PD Juvigny‐Khenafou, Jeremy J Piggott, David Atkinson, Yixin Zhang, Naicheng Wu, Christoph D Matthaei, Fine sediment and flow velocity impact bacterial community and functional profile more than nutrient enrichment, Ecological Applications, 31, (1), 2021, pe02212 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Bryan M Spears, Daniel S Chapman, Laurence Carvalho, Christian K Feld, Mark O Gessner, Jeremy J Piggott, Lindsay F Banin, Cayetano Gutiérrez-Cánovas, Anne Lyche Solheim, Jessica A Richardson, Rafaela Schinegger, Pedro Segurado, Stephen J Thackeray, Sebastian Birk, Making Waves. Bridging theory and practice towards multiple stressor management in freshwater ecosystems, Water Research, 2021, p116981 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Kelly-Quinn M., Bruen M., Carlsson J., Gurnell A., Jarvie H. & Piggott J.J., Managing the small stream network for improved water quality, biodiversity and ecosystem services protection (SSNet), Research Ideas and Outcomes, 5, 2019, pe33400 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Piggott J.J., Project Report: IPBES Regional Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific. Towards the Zero Order Draft (ZOD)., ournal of Integrated Creative Studies, No.2016-009-e, 2016, pDOI: 10.14989/214433 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Leese F., Altermatt F., Bouchez A., Ekrem T., Hering D., Meissner K., Mergen P., Pawlowski J., Piggott J., Rimet F., Steinke D., Taberlet P., Weigand A., Abarenkov K., Beja P., Bervoets L., Björnsdóttir S., Boets P., Boggero A., Bones A., Borja Á., Bruce K., Bursić V., Carlsson J., Čiampor F., Čiamporová-Zatovičová Z., Coissac E., Costa F., Costache M., Creer S., Csabai Z., Deiner K., DelValls Á., Drakare S., Duarte S., Eler ek T., Fazi S., Fi er C., Flot J.-F., Fonseca V., Fontaneto D., Grabowski M., Graf W., Guðbrandsson J., Hellström M., Hershkovitz Y., Hollingsworth P., Japoshvili B., Jones J., Kahlert M., Kalamujic Stroil B., Kasapidis P., Kelly M., Kelly-Quinn M., Keskin E., Kõljalg U., Ljube ić Z., Maček I., Mächler E., Mahon A., Marečková M., Mejdandzic M., Mircheva G., Montagna M., Moritz C., Mulk V., Naumoski A., Navodaru I., Padisák J., Pálsson S., Panksep K., Penev L., Petrusek A., Pfannkuchen M., Primmer C., Rinkevich B., Rotter A., Schmidt-Kloiber A., Segurado P., Speksnijder A., Stoev P., Strand M., ulčius S., Sundberg P., Traugott M., Tsigenopoulos C., Turon X., Valentini A., van der Hoorn B., Várbíró G., Vasquez Hadjilyra M., Viguri J., Vitonytė I., Vogler A., Vrålstad T., Wägele W., Wenne R., Winding A., Woodward G., Zegura B. & Zimmermann J., DNAqua-Net: Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in Europe., Research Ideas and Outcomes, 2, (e11321), 2016, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Irish Research Council Early Career Researcher of the Year. 2019
Irish Research Council Laureate Award. 2018
Provost's PhD Project Award, Trinity College Dublin. 2018
New Zealand River Story Award, 1st place, Cawthron Foundation. 2017
Early Career 'Best Paper' Prize, International Society of Limnology (SIL). 2016
Best Student Paper Award. New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society. 2015
Fairlea Prize, Best Student Paper, University of Otago. 2014
Golder Prize, Best Applied Poster, New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society. 2008
Linking Science into International Policy Travel Award, NZ Govt. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment 2015-17
Wetzel Travel Award, SIL Congress Torino, Italy. 2016
NZFSS/SIL Trust Travel Award to Imperial College London. 2015
RSNZ PhD Travel Award, Royal Society of New Zealand. 2010
New Zealand Centre at Peking University Visiting Fellowship, China. 2017
JSPS Invitation Fellowship (long-term) to Kyoto University, Japan. 2016
Royal Society of New Zealand NZ-China Scientist Exchange. 2015
Trimble Agricultural Research Fellowship to Imperial College London. 2015
Kyoto University Visiting Fellowship (x2), Japan. 2014 & 2015
University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship, NZ. 2009
University of Otago Postgraduate Award, NZ. 2008
My research focuses on several topical themes in fundamental and applied ecology, including the determinants of biodiversity structure and function from genes to ecosystems, the combined influence of multiple anthropogenic stressors on communities and ecosystems, and the management and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the face of global change. I perform my research predominantly in streams and rivers, combining `natural" field experiments with manipulative experiments at a range of scales, from whole streams to mesocosms. By advancing knowledge and connecting science to policy, my research seeks to improve the management, conservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems in the face of global change. Dr Piggott was named the 2019 Irish Research Council Early Career Researcher of the Year and is a recipient of the inaugural Irish Research Council Laureate Award (see He has authored >40 publications (2088 citations, h-index 21, i10-index 23) and independently obtained >€2m in research grants (>€15m in collaborative funding). He currently supervises five PhD students, four Post Docs and a Research Assistant working across 13 collaborative projects funded by: H2020, Belmont Forum/BiodivERsA, Water JPI, Irish Research Council, German Research Council, NERC UK, EPA Ireland, Marine Institute Ireland and Enterprise Ireland. The latter includes being the sole Irish funded PI on AQUACOSM+, a €10m H2020 INFRAIA project for the Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond.