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Professor Patrick Honohan

Honorary Professor (Economics)
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Professor Patrick Honohan

Honorary Professor (Economics)


  Business Cycles/Crises   Development economics   Econometric and statistical analysis   Economic Competitiveness   Economic history, theory   Economic Stabilization   Economic Studies--Developing Countries   Economics   European Economic Integration   Financial economics, Financial and statistical analysis   Fiscal Theory/Application   Globalisation   Income distribution   International Economics   International economics, finance, trade and development   Irish economy, problems   Macroeconomics   Macroeconomics, open economy, international   Monetary economics   Taxation
Patrick Honohan, Currency, Credit and Crisis: Central Banking in Ireland and Europe, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2019, Book, PUBLISHED
Managing Macrofinancial Crises: The Role of the Central Bank in, editor(s)David G. Mayes, Pierre L. Siklos and Jan-Egbert Sturm , The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Central Banking , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp619 - 652, [Patrick Honohan, Domenico Lombardi and Samantha St. Amand], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The Management and Prevention of Banking Crises: Lessons from Recent Experience in, editor(s)Thorsten Beck and Ross Levine , Handbook of Finance and Development, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2018, pp312 - 337, [Patrick Honohan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Laurence Ball, Joseph Gagnon, Patrick Honohan and Signe Krogstrup, What Else Can Central Banks Do?, London, CEPR Press, 2016, Book, PUBLISHED
Patrick Honohan, Debt and Austerity: Post-crisis Lessons from Ireland, Journal of Financial Stability, 2016, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Cause and Effect of Financial Access in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cross Country Evidence from the Finscope Surveys in, editor(s)Robert Cull, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt and Jonathan Morduch , Banking the World: Empirical Foundations of Financial Inclusion, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2013, pp45-84 , [Patrick Honohan and Michael King], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Patrick Honohan, Recapitalization of Failed Banks: Some Lessons from the Irish Experience, The Manchester School, 81, (S1), 2013, p1 - 15, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Patrick Honohan and Sean Yoder, Financial Transactions Tax: Panacea, Threat, or Damp Squib?, World Bank Research Observer, 26, (1), 2011, p138 - 161, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Can Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulation Be Made Credible? in, editor(s)Robert J. Brent , Handbook on Research in Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2009, [Patrick Honohan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Banking Crises in, editor(s)Allan Berger, Philip Molyneux, John Wilson , The Oxford Handbook of Banking, London, Oxford University Press, 2009, [Gerard Caprio Jr., Patrick Honohan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Bank Failures: The Limitations of Risk Modelling in, Douglas Evanoff and Philipp Hartmann , Credit Market Turmoil of 2007-08: Implications for Public Policy , Hackensack, NJ, World Scientific, 2009, [Patrick Honohan], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED
Finance in Africa: A Diagnosis in, editor(s)Marc Quintyn and Genevieve Verdier , African Finance in the 21st Century, London, Palgrave, 2009, [Patrick Honohan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Finance for Urban China in, editor(s)Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima and Anthony Saich , China Urbanizes: Consequences, Strategies, and Policies, Washington DC, The World Bank, 2008, [Patrick Honohan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Patrick Honohan, Should bank supervisors in developing countries exercise more or less forbearance, LSE Financial Markets Group Special Papers, Cycles, Contagion and Crises, London, 29 June 2007, edited by Ashley Taylor , (183), London School of Economics, 2008, 376-422 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Patrick Honohan, Containment and Resolution in the Financial Crisis: Too Little, Too Late, CESIfo Forum, (4), 2008, 22 - 27, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Honohan, Patrick, Deposit Dollarization and Exchange Rate Changes, 2007, Notes: [World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 4172, also CEPR Discussion Paper 6205.], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Honohan, Patrick, Household Financial Assets in the Process of Development, 2006, Notes: [World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3965; also UNU Wider Research Paper 2006/91], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Starting Over Safely: Rebuilding Banking Systems in, editor(s)Caprio, Gerard, James A. Hanson and Robert E. Litan , Financial Crises: Lessons from the Past, Preparation for the Future, Washington DC, Brookings Institution Press, 2005, 217-255 , [Caprio, Gerard and Patrick Honohan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Honohan, Patrick, Banking Sector Crises and Inequality, 2005, Notes: [World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 3659], Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Honohan, Patrick, Measuring Microfinance Access: Building on Existing Cross-Country Data, 2005, Notes: [World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 3606], Working Paper, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Member of the Royal Irish Academy 2002