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Dr. Philippa Byrne

Assistant Professor (History)
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Dr. Philippa Byrne

Assistant Professor (History)


  Church history   History of education   history of ideas   Legal History   Medieval Europe   Medieval Italy   Medieval Mediterranean   Theology
Philippa Byrne, A local translation in a global world: Odoric of Pordenone, William of Solagna, and a giant tortoise in fourteenth-century Padua, Journal of Medieval History, 2024, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Philippa Byrne, Maritime Exchange and the Making of Norman Worlds, Turnhout, Belgium, Brepols, 2023, Book, PUBLISHED
Underneath the Arches: Peter of Eboli and the Orderly Architecture of Norman Sicily in, editor(s)Hannah M. Bailey , Karl Kinsella and Daniel Thomas , Architectural Representation in Medieval Textual and Material Culture, ARC Humanities, 2023, pp151 - 170, [Philippa Byrne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Philippa Byrne, Portable Scholasticism? The Intellectual Horizons of Gervase of Tilbury, Journal of the History of Ideas, 84, (3), 2023, p441 - 464, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Philippa Byrne, Cassinese Horizons: Peter the Deacon, Cowdrey's "Golden Age", and Benedictine Tradition, Viator, 54, (1), 2023, p113 - 139, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Philippa Byrne, Bathing, Medicine, and Classical Learning in Early Thirteenth Century Southern Italy, Reading Medieval Studies, (49), 2023, p58 - 78, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Philippa Byrne, Translating German Emperors: A Staufen-Sicilian Synthesis under Henry VI?, The German Quarterly, 96, (2), 2023, p163 - 179, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
What was Open in/about Early Scholastic Thought? in, editor(s)Manuele Gragnolati and Almut Suerbaum , Openness in Medieval Europe, Berlin, ICI Berlin Press, 2022, pp45 - 64, [Philippa Byrne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
Lascivious crimes and legitimate proofs: women and the juridical transformation of Norman and Staufen Sicily in, editor(s)L. Zanetti Domingues, L. Caravaggi and G. M. Paoletti , Women and Violence in the Late Medieval Mediterranean, 2022, [Philippa Byrne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
'Testify Against Me': The Use of Biblical Exegesis in Holding the Bishop to Account in Thirteenth-Century England in, editor(s)María Ángeles Martín Romera and Hannes Ziegler , The Officer and the People: Accountability and Authority in Pre-Modern Europe, 2021, [Philippa Byrne], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Philippa Byrne, Justice and Injustice Between Law and Theology in Norman Sicily, Perceptions of Justice in the Christian and Islamic Mediterranean, Madrid, 14 - 15 March 2024, 2024, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Philippa Byrne, The Loyalty of Scholars: Promises, Formation, and Coercion in the Thirteenth-Century University, Loyalty in the Medieval World, Lincoln, 5 - 7 April 2024, 2024, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Philippa Byrne, The absolution (or not) of Solomon: theology, law, and politics in a twelfth-century debate on an exceptional case, The Power to Pardon in Medieval and Early Modern Christianity, Munster, 2 - 3 November 2024, 2024, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED