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Dr. Ciaran O'Neill

Associate Professor 19th Century History (History)

  Elites and Education   Irish and British History 1800-1920   Irish Social History   Public History
Details Date
External Examiner (History and Politics), Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool 2019
Member: The Docklands Oversight and Consultative Forum. (DOCF) is a statutory body appointed by the Minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government. 2020
Chair of a Learned Society: President of the Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland 2014
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Finnish Basic Basic Basic
French Medium Basic Basic
Irish Fluent Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
President: Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland 2014 2018
Founder member: Transnational Ireland Research Network 2012
American Conference for Irish Studies 2013
Irish Historical Studies 2011 2015
International Federation for Public History 2012
The Literary Americanisation of Ireland 1841-1925 in, editor(s)Fionnuala Walsh , America in Ireland: Culture and Society 1841-1925, Cambridge University Press, 2025, pp12 - 143, [Ciaran O'Neill], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ciaran O'Neill, Power and Powerlessness in Union Ireland: Life in a Palliative State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2024, 1 - 272pp, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Ciaran O'Neill and S.Karly Kehoe, "A Colony to Themselves": Scottish Highland Settler Colonialism in British North America, 1770"1804, Journal of British Studies, 2024, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Ciaran O'Neill and Finola O'Kane, Ireland, Slavery and the Caribbean; Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2023, 1 - 352pp, Book, PUBLISHED
In Search of Excess: Lambert Blair and his appetites in, editor(s)Ciaran O'Neill and Finola O'Kane , Ireland, Slavery and the Caribbean; Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2023, pp193 - 214, [Ciaran O'Neill], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Introduction in, Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean Interdisciplinary perspectives, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2023, pp1 - 18, [Ciaran O'Neill and Finola O'Kane], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
S Karly Kehoe and Ciaran O'Neill, A Catholic Atlantic?, Journal of Victorian Culture, 28, (4), 2023, p582 - 589, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Ciaran O'Neill, Harvard Scientist seeks Typical Irishman': Measuring the Irish Race 1888-1936, Radical History Review, (143), 2022, p89 - 108, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Education and Elites in, editor(s)Tanya Fitzgerald , Internatonal Handbook of Historical Studies in Education: Debates, Tensions and Directions, Singapore, Springer, 2020, pp1 - 11, [Ciaran O'Neill and Petter Sandgren], Notes: [], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
'How should historians approach elites?, in, editor(s)Mikael Palme, Bertand Reau and Francois Denord , Researching Elites and Power. Theory, Method, Analyses, Singapore, Springer, 2020, pp159 - 168, [Ciaran O'Neill], Notes: [], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text

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Mobeen Hussain, Ciaran O'Neill and Patrick Walsh,, Draft Trinity Colonial Legacies Working Paper on TCD and Slavery, 2023, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Mobeen Hussain, Ciaran O'Neill and Patrick Walsh, , Working Paper on George Berkeley"s Legacies at Trinity, 2023, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
The Irish Artist in the World: Culture, Markets, and Modernity,' i in, editor(s)Marty Fahey , Who do We Say We Are? Irish art 1922 | 2022, South Bend, Indiana, Snite Museum of Art, 2022, pp42 - 53, [Ciaran O'Neill], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ciaran O'Neill and Billy Shortall, 'Seeing ireland ',, 2022, -, Digital research resource production, PUBLISHED
Ciaran O'Neill, The Public History of Slavery in Dublin , 24th Annual Gilbert Lecture, Dublin City Library and Archive, 2022, 1 - 32pp, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Patrick Walsh, Ciaran O'Neill, Mobeen Hussain, Working Paper on Human Remains from Inishbofin held in the Haddon-Dixon collection at TCD, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2022, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Ciaran O'Neill, 'Dublin's Lost Wetlands and the Technosphere,', SYSTEMS, Science Gallery Dublin, 2021, -, Exhibition, PUBLISHED
Debruyne, Christophe, Anne Kearns, Ciaran O'Neill, Mary Colclough, Laura Grehan, and Declan O'Sullivan(ed.), 13th ACM Web Science Conference 2021, DALIDA: Data Literacy Discussion Workshops for Adults." , 2021, 23-25 p, Proceedings of a Conference, PUBLISHED
Ciaran O'Neill, Review of Catholicism, Identity, and Politics in the Age of Enlightenment: The Life and Career of Sir Thomas Gascoigne 1745-1810., by Alexander Lock , Church History, 86, (3), 2017, p911-12 , Review, PUBLISHED
Ciaran O'Neill, 'Exhibition Catalogue Essay', The Foggy Dew, Dublin, RHA, 2016, 10 - 13, Exhibition, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Patrick B O'Donnell Visiting Professor, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA (Spring 2019) 5 months 2019
Burns Library Scholar, Boston College, USA (Fall/Winter, 2018) 5 months 2018
James S. Donnelly Sr. Prize for Best Book in History and the Social Sciences, ACIS 2015
Provost's Teaching Award, Trinity College Dublin 2015
Provost's PhD Project Award, Trinity College Dublin (2019) 2019
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, University of São Paulo, Brazil - SPECTRESS Project - 3 months 2014
NUI Travelling Studentship 2007
BAIS Postgraduate Bursary 2007
TLRH - Research Incentive Grant 2014
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2019
Visiting CRC Fellow, St Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (Summer, 2018) 2018
IRC New Foundations Award (2016) 2016
EU-DARIAH Public Humanities Award (2016) 2016
Insight Development Grant, Canadian SSHRC (2019) 2019