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Dr. Jennifer O'Meara

Associate Professor (Film Studies)
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Dr. Jennifer O'Meara

Associate Professor (Film Studies)

I am the Academic Advisor for the Columbia University-TCD Dual Degree in Film and the Director of the MPhil in Screen Studies. I have previously served as the Director of Undergraduate Teaching & Learning for the School of Creative Arts (2020-2022), among other school and college roles. I'm currently the PI on the Irish Research Council Laureate Award project (2022-2026) 'From Cinematic Realism to Extended Reality: Reformulating Screen Studies at the Precipice of Hyper-reality.' I was elected to Fellowship in Trinity College Dublin in 2023. Prior to joining Trinity in 2018, I lectured at the University of St. Andrews, Maynooth University and the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUIG. My teaching and research are primarily concerned with the intersections between film and digital media, as well as between critical theory and creative practice: these include audiovisual essays and the use of digital tools for experiments with screen aesthetics. My other main research and teaching interests relate to film dialogue, voices, sound and music; performance and stardom; gender; and American independent cinema. My research on sound and dialogue includes the monographs Women's Voices in Digital Media: The Sonic Screen from Film to Memes (University of Texas Press, 2022), winner of the Honourable Mention prize at the British Association for Film, Television and Screen Studies in 2023, and Engaging Dialogue: Cinematic Verbalism in American Independent Cinema (Edinburgh University Press 2018). In 2020 I co-edited a dossier on 'Revoicing the Screen' for Cinema Journal/JCMS, while in 2017 I guest edited a special issue of The Soundtrack on emerging audio-visual media. With regard to digital media, I have also published on augmented reality, political memes, digital fan art, podcasts, and ASMR videos. My work on performance and stardom has focused on issues of gender, reflexivity and subculture, leading to individual studies of Christina Ricci, Tilda Swinton, Parker Posey, and Cate Blanchett. I am currently a postdoctoral mentor on HUMAN+, an international and interdisciplinary fellowship programme supporting interdisciplinary research between Computer Science and Arts & Humanities, supported by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Co-Fund Action. I am a regular contributor to media and arts shows on radio (RTÉ Lyric FM, RTÉ 2fm, Newstalk), as well as contributing arts criticism to newspapers like The Irish Times and Irish Independent and online platforms such as VOX and RTÉ Brainstorm. I teach a wide range of Film modules across the department's undergraduate and MPhil programmes. More broadly at Trinity, I've supervised research on the M.Sc. in Interactive Digital Media (School of Computer Science) and contribute to the School of Creative Arts elective 'The Art of the Megacity', and the Faculty-wide Columbia Dual Degree course 'Ideas and Perceptions of Europe'. I am also part of the Postgraduate Renewal Programme, serving on the Postgraduate Research Renewal sub-committee (2022-present).
  Digital Media   film sound, dialogue, music   gender and feminist media   independent cinema   performance and stardom   voices in media
Project Title
 Women's Voices in Digital Media: The Sonic Screen from Film to Memes
This book, to be published by University of Texas Press in early 2022, examines the representation, reception and remediation of female voices in contemporary screen media, including how digital technologies, formats and platforms (like YouTube, Virtual Reality, GIFs, podcasts and voice-activated assistants) are impacting women's voices in more traditional screen formats like cinema. Pioneering a transmedial approach for analysing women's screen voices in the digital era, the book examines how concepts like 'expanded cinema' and 'proliferating screens' can alter the presentation of voices as much as images--in part by allowing for verbal/vocal echoes to travel from one screen medium to another. With a dual focus on female characters and performers in English-language media, I argue that the contemporary media landscape provides new ways to amplify women's voices (including historical ones), but also new ways to fetishise, police and silence them. The book revises earlier conceptions of the female screen voice in analogue film, as presented in Kaja Silverman's The Acoustic Mirror (1988), Amy Lawrence's Echo and Narcissus (1991) and Britta H. Sjogren's Into the Vortex: Female Voice and Paradox in Film (2006). Using the premise of the vocal echo, and extending Silverman's focus on 'the acoustic mirror' as it relates to voice-over and sound-image relations, I propose a new symbolic functioning for the female screen voice in the 21st century; wherein this mirror has shattered, dispersing vocal shards across a much broader range of screens.
Funding Agency
Carnegie Trust, Scotland (partial)
Project Type
Project Title
 The Abstracted Self and the Digital Avant-Garde
This project will analyse formal and thematic connections between digital screen cultures and experimental film and art practices of the 20th century. The research aims to historicise trends in Augmented Reality (AR), glitch art, and experimental digital video streams in relation to the artistic traditions of Surrealism, Futurism and Cubism. This will be achieved through a theoretical focus on overlapping aesthetics and processes, as well as the practitioners' creative deployment of the technologies of their time. In particular, the project seeks to examine how both experimental cultures offer new ways of experiencing the human body, with an emphasis on mediated presentations of the abstracted self. Envisioned as a monograph with complementary gallery installation components, the first publication from the project is as follows: O'Meara, 'Touchscreens, tactility, and material traces: From avant-garde artists to Instagram ASMRtists,' NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies (Autumn 2019).
Project Title
 Therapeutic Uses of Digital Media
July 2020
This project aims to establish a cross-disciplinary approach to studying the therapeutic uses of digital media by developing a network of psychology, neuroscience and media studies researchers who can, together, examine how digital media formats and practice can help alleviate particular mental health issues. By examining a range of relaxation focused videos, podcasts and apps in terms of their psychological impact (on mood and emotion) and their physiological impact on the brain and other parts of the body, the project aims to offer a pioneering understanding of digital forms of relaxation and therapy, and to make recommendations about how such media might be used as part of a personalised treatment plan for those who experience conditions like anxiety and depression.
Funding Agency
Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund, in partnership with Science Foundation Ireland

Details Date From Date To
Board Member, Irish Screen Studies network 2021 present
Advisory Board for Film Matters (US-based journal). May 2020 present
Advisory Board member for the Centre for Screen Cultures, University of St Andrews. 2021 present
The melodramatic mode in mother-daughter focused VR experiences (forthcoming) in, editor(s)Maud Ceuterick and Kata Szita , From Cinema to Virtual Reality and Back: Aesthetics, Technologies, and Spectatorship, Amsterdam University Press, 2025, [Jennifer O'Meara], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED
Reengineering Rear Projection? A Genealogy of Virtual Production Spaces and their Aesthetic and Logistical Potential (forthcoming) in, editor(s)Sian Mitchell, Colin Perry, Sean Redmond, and Lienors Torre , The Screens of Virtual Production: What's Real?, Routledge, 2025, [Jennifer O'Meara], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED
Visualizing the Voice from Mouth to Microphone to Spectrogram (contracted) in, editor(s)Freya Jarman, Naomi André and Amy Skjerseth , Routledge Companion to Voice and Identity, 2025, [Jennifer O'Meara], Book Chapter, SUBMITTED
Stefania Marghitu and Jennifer O'Meara, Seamful Sutures: Gender Exploration and Identity Expression using Augmented Reality Facial Filters, Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images, Michigan Publishing, special issue on Gender and Social Media, 4, (1), 2024, p45 - 85, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Mental Images and Emotive Voices in True Crime Podcasts focused on Female Victims in, editor(s)Karen Boyle and Susan Berridge , Routledge Companion to Gender, Media & Violence, UK, Routledge, 2023, pp10pp. , [Jennifer O'Meara], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Jennifer O'Meara and Cáit Murphy, Aberrant AI creations: co-creating surrealist body horror using the DALL-E Mini text-to-image generator, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 29, (4), 2023, p1070 - 1096, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Jennifer O'Meara and Kata Szita, AR cinema: Visual storytelling and embodied experiences with augmented reality filters and backgrounds, PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality, MIT Press, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Jennifer O'Meara, Women's Voices in Digital Media: The Sonic Screen from Film to Memes, Austin, Texas, University of Texas Press, 2022, 320pp, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Tilda Swinton: From Avant-Garde Androgyne to The Avengers in, editor(s)Steven Rybin , Stellar Transformations: Movie Stars of the 2010s, Rutgers University Press, 2022, pp108-124 , [Jennifer O'Meara], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Manipulating (Public) Images in the Contemporary Music Documentary in, editor(s)Antonio Cascelli and Denis Condon , Threshold, Intermediality and Synchresis in Music and Visual Culture, Routledge, 2021, pp79 - 90, [Jennifer O'Meara], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Joe Humphreys (author) and Jennifer O'Meara (interviewee), 'If you could meet your dead parent again through virtual reality would you?', The Irish Times, Print and online, Ireland, The Irish Times, 2024, -, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Newstalk, Moncrieff with Seán Moncrieff, 'Would you meet a dead relative in Virtual Reality? Radio and podcast segment', Moncrieff with Seán Moncrieff, Newstalk radio station, Newstalk, 2024, -, Broadcast, RELEASED
Jennifer O'Meara, `Gaussian girls' enter Hyperreality? Historicizing Augmented Reality Beauty Filters via Analog Filtration Effects, Society of Cinema and Media Studies, 2024, Boston, United Stated, March 14-17th, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Jennifer O'Meara, Mirroring, Touching and Tears: The Melodramatic Mode in Virtual Reality, Screen Studies in the Age of Extended Reality and Synthetic Media, Trinity College Dublin, June 4th-5th, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Jennifer O'Meara, Mads Damsbo and Emanuel Karlsten, Creative Perspectives on AI, Focus seminar: Another Intelligence, Göteborg Film Festival, Sweden, January 29, 2024, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Jennifer O'Meara, XR Practices through the Lens of Screen Studies, d-real Seminar: XR for Creative Practice, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College Dublin, February 21, 2024, SFI Centre for Research Training in Digitally-Enhanced Reality (d-real), Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Mairéad McClean and Jennifer O'Meara, Acts of Memory, by artist Mairéad Mc Clean in conversation with Jennifer O'Meara, Trinity College Dublin, September 25th, 2024, Trinity Arts & Humanities Research Festival, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Anna Joyce (author) and Jennifer O'Meara (interviewee), "Can True Crime Help Victims of Crime?", 2024, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Jennifer O'Meara, Thinking with an Accent: Toward a New Object, Method, and Practice Edited by Pooja Rangan, Akshya Saxena, Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan, and Pavitra Sundar. Published by University of California Press, 2023, Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, 63, (4), 2024, p193 - 196, Review Article, IN_PRESS
Jennifer O'Meara (panellist), 'Authentic Creativity and Artificial Intelligence: The Generative Generation'', Beta Festival x Culture File, The Digital Hub; RTE Lyric FM, 2023, -, Broadcast, PRESENTED


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Award Date
Elected to Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2023
'Honorable Mention' for the Best Monograph prize at the British Association of Film, Television & Screen Studies 2023
Irish Research Council, Starting Laureate Award 2022-2026
Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant 2018
Ussher Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2011-2014
Foundation Scholarship, TCD 2007-2013
Gender, Diversity and Inclusivity funding award, University of St Andrews 2018
Teaching Enhancement Fund, University of St Andrews 2017
Abd El-Modtaal Prize, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, TCD 2008
P.J. Drudy Prize in Economics, Trinity College Dublin 2008
Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund, in partnership with Science Foundation Ireland 2020-2021
Provost's Project Award, Trinity College Dublin. "Experiments in Digital Screen Culture: from Avant-Garde Film to Augmented Reality." 2021-2025
Arts Council of Ireland 'Festivals and Event' funding award (with film festival). 2019
Irish Research Council Starting Laureate Award, "From Cinematic Realism to Extended Reality: Reformulating Screen Studies at the Precipice of Hyper-reality." September 2022-August 2026